lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 208 faker, you are despicable

Chapter 208 faker, you are despicable

There are a lot of enemy soldiers under the tower, Meixia set up sand soldiers to eat.

On the opposite side, Ryze stood in the defense tower, and a set of eq skills cleared out the minions in the tower.

After playing the skills, with the third layer of passive, he moved to the intersection on the left, as if he was worried about being gank by the factory manager if the line was pressed too deep.

At this time, Meixia actually had the idea of ​​using a big move to push Ryze into the tower, but considering that there are many red minions in the tower, and Ryze's position is relatively safe, she chose to "spare" Fei The uncle died, but walked to the periphery of the defense tower, and stood at the intersection to block the way of Ryze's return line.

Ryze clung to the wall of the river, yet dared to move forward!

She had no choice but to walk out of the army pile, and then move forward to expend sand soldiers.

After a second of deceleration, the bald Ryze passed through the sand soldiers on the edge of the intersection, and went down the tower to q the second overload and turn on the power, instantly accumulating five layers of passive arcane specialization, and the skills quickly entered the cd, and gained in time The 80 movement speed bonus effect of the power of despair!
Meixia immediately realized that she was being squatted.

Don't think about why skt still catches it.

She controls the Desert Emperor to turn backwards.

And just walking back to the defense tower, the golden flash is on the right side!
The two commentators didn't dare to close their eyes for a moment, "Mika used both sand soldiers and Q in order to consume Ryze, and she gave the jungler a chance...the spider flashed!"

"Flash cocoons! Blank made a move—"

Accompanied by a burst of violent shouts at the scene, the spider landed in a flash, and raised its hand to form a ball of spider silk, but it did not throw it towards the front of the tower where the Tsar stood, but aimed at the tower.

Blank is precisely because Mika suffered a big loss in the first two rounds, and he has a very full understanding of her operation level, knowing that 100% of ordinary e-cocoons will be dodged by Mika, so he can only use more risky predictions Flash e to have a chance to complete the gank!

But he still didn't realize where the operation that Meixia relied on came from—it wasn't experience or prediction, she just simply had a higher reaction speed than professional players.

So Meixia opened her eyes wide and looked at the cocoon that was [-] miles away from the skill direction, and stood still without moving.

I wondered in my heart, "This is not the mouth where I took the initiative to kill, it was the skt jungler spider who made the first move..."

In the field, the white spider silk ball comically draws in the direction opposite to her position.

There was booing from outside.

"What?" Doll didn't understand Blank's game of thousands of layers, "Wow? The spider flashed and cocooned and made a huge mistake!"

Miller was also taken aback at first, but soon he understood, "The blank spider made a mistake in predicting, and Mika just moved in place to show off the spider!"

"Hey, the czar got a set of damage from Ryze's imprisonment, but skt lacks the control skills of spiders, so he shouldn't be able to kill the czar under the tower later. Mika counterattacks with the wall of the forbidden army!"

The Tsar regained her ability to move, but her blood volume was reduced by half under the attack of the minions and Ryze. She immediately flashed to escape the range of Ryze's skills, and then faced the spider r out of the wall of the Forbidden Army and pushed it into the defensive tower.

Blank was pushed to the wall on the right by the sand soldiers. Blank immediately used the e skill to coil the wire, and the hanging wire retreated to the f4 position before the flash.

He was both depressed and fortunate, the prediction e that was supposed to be his success turned out to be a joke. Fortunately, he kept f4's wild monsters before, and the result of the gank failure was still flash for flash.

However, before he took two steps with the attack of the Raptor, a man with a shotgun appeared at the corner!

The audience who watched mika in the middle lane being caught three times in a row laughed.

"The factory manager finally came to rescue Mika. I almost thought that the red side in this round was EDG."

"It's okay for Blank to grab the middle lane, but he dared to pass the factory manager's f4. Isn't the lesson from the last game not enough!"

"Indeed, maybe f4 is more important than mika in the director's mind..."

clap clap clap!
The male gun attacked with a shotgun.

The spider had already carried the tower twice, took the tsar's ultimate move, and had f4 chasing after his tail to bite. Relying on the little spider's resistance to the male gun and Ping a, he managed to escape to the bank of the river.

And Summer Summer Tsar's skills finally improved.

Weq three times in a row, racing all the way from the intersection to the spider, and got the head under the deliberate humility of the factory manager.

【first drop of blood! 】

"West..." Blank looked at the black and white screen, his mentality was on the verge of explosion.

At this time, the mid laner Faker's euphemistic reminder is tantamount to worsening the situation, "blank, there seems to be something wrong with your gank thinking in this round, and you are a little too obsessed with catching the middle."

Blank actually didn't understand what the problem was, he just wanted to catch Mika to death for the team, was there something wrong...

If the predicted e hits just now, everything will be done.

But since the captain said so, he had no choice but to nod, "I see, then I'll develop first, and I won't grab the middle lane."

The skt jungler learned his lesson and decided not to catch people in the middle lane, but he didn't know that the multiple threats to Mika's life had already provoked the anger of EDG!
"Mika, you said that skt would not target the middle lane, but if I hadn't caught the spider in this wave, I would have almost let him run away!" The factory manager said earnestly.

"Mika, you didn't flash the purification. I'm afraid the spider will catch you later. I'll go back to the city right away and then squat in the middle lane..." Meiko in the bottom lane is also ready to protect.

Although Mei Xia was still convinced that SKT's three ganks were a waste of effort, the opponent's repeated harassment made her no longer so sure of her own judgment.

On the surface, he chose Ryze to develop and confuse himself, but in fact he wanted to cooperate with the spider to kill through the middle lane. This faker is so despicable!

She finally nodded and agreed, "Okay then, try to help me catch the middle later!"

Two minutes later in the game, the bot lane duo cooperated with the factory manager to get the dragon while the spider died, and then they both returned to the city.

And this time, not only meiko went straight from the spring to the middle, but also adc Sivir was on the way.

In fact, faker vaguely realized that his flash was half a minute short of CD, if edg support and jungler came over, it might kill him.

It’s just that I taught Blank just now, pointing out that there is a problem with his gank thinking. Does it seem inconsistent to call the jungler to come to the middle at this time...

After struggling for five seconds, the firm-minded Faker was convinced that the jungler and support had to be counter-squatted!

"blank, come to the middle to counter-squat."

"Ah, Brother Xianghe? Didn't you say..." Blank didn't understand, but he still unconditionally moved to the middle.

For a while, the heroes of both sides gathered in the middle again.

Seeing Ryze carefully shrinking behind the tower and waiting for the flash to turn into a CD, on the edg side, meiko led deft into the skt wild area to check that no one squatted back, and at the same time waited for mika to push the line into the tower.

And his q meteor fell and swept into the grass on the right wall to explore the field of vision, but suddenly slowed down to the hero.

The field of vision lit up, and it was the spider queen Elise who was hit by the skill.

"Hey!" Mei Xia was finally convinced of her previous misjudgment, "Faker is really going to be caught by the jungler again. This time, thanks to the support of the factory manager and senior Meiko, we can see through the conspiracy!"

Is this the true operational strength of SKT? It is far stronger than she estimated before the game!
 Calvin, sorry.Try to update it at night.

  Forget it, I can't make it out tonight...

(End of this chapter)

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