Chapter 214
In the warm cheering sound, the game reads and enters Summoner's Canyon.

Summoner Summoner skill of Summer Summer card with flash teleportation, equipment bought Dolan Ring Yihong, went out to the river to insert eyes, then walked to the line and waited quietly for the line of troops to arrive, opposite was the little murloc holding a fork.

She manipulated the cards to do a funny horse-riding dance. The faker on the other side was a little shy, or maybe he had the burden of an idol, so he just manipulated the little murloc to shake from side to side to show his hand speed.

The two faced each other calmly, but there was an invisible confrontation at the corner of the map.

The other four of skt invaded the wild area and inserted fake eyes between the second tower and the high and low to explore the branch of EDG.

The deft mouse is likely to be at a disadvantage against Sivir of the lane bang, so they must be wary of edg's commonly used up and down lane change tactics.

edg has no intention of changing lanes, and deft holds the mouse in his hand, and is confident that he will play [-]/[-] against Sivir.

The duo swayed in their own jungle to apply pressure, and then walked back to the bottom lane at [-] seconds.

Just waiting for one minute and five seconds when the pawn lines contacted, the skt duo appeared majestically on the road!
"Wow! edg's wave is overshadowing skt! I guessed that skt would bet on them to switch lanes, and then do the opposite. The duo continues to go down the road! As expected of the factory director!" The commentator couldn't help it immediately Shout.

"The end of the line change means that the mouse can safely eat pawns in the bottom lane, and the development of mouse's Poppy is limited. As long as it is not dead, it will be effective in the late stage." Miller applauded the wonderful game, "I remember the last time edg was in lpl There was such a line change in the playoffs, and I didn’t expect it to happen again against SKT in the semifinals!”

Because the two commentators wanted edg to win too much, they guessed wrongly about the mutual game between the teams. In fact, edg was the one who was tricked.

"SKT doesn't seem to want to match up with us normally..." the factory manager thought.

"Xiba, bang doesn't dare to lane against me anymore!" Deft, who was proud of himself, was not very happy when he saw his opponent complete the lane change.

"That must be because Deft's Tu Qi is too powerful." Meixia said with the sweetest words on her lips.

But she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

The reason why the team formulated the tactic of not changing lanes before entering the game, in addition to considering Deft's personal requirements, Summer Summer's suggestion as a mid laner is also very important.

She is confident that the cards are 100% dominant against the faker murlocs, and it is difficult for the dominant cards to overcome the murloc defense towers, so it is inevitable to roam in the early stage to radiate the advantage to teammates. In order to continue to support the duo to help deft gain an advantage.

But now after changing lanes, it is really easy for the adc to develop by itself, but it is very likely that there will be no team battle conflicts in the next [-] minutes, and it will be difficult for cards to roam and expand their advantages through small-scale team battles. Chance.

To put it simply, skt exchanged the early advantage of the bot lane duo for the laning advantage of the summer card, and when the line change was completed, most of the strategy was completed.

On the surface, the mouse does not need to line up with Sivir to make a lot of money, but in fact, edg was tricked by faker!

Meixia looked at the tidal sea spirit swaying in front of her, and she made a new plan in her mind, "Since the up and down roads are not easy to roam, and the middle road is also difficult to kill by jumping towers, then I'm sorry, honest man blank, the only one I can bully is is you!"

The first wave of pawn lines intersect, and the alignment in the middle begins.

There is a famous saying in dopa, if the murlocs are paired with cards, whoever gets the first attack on the minions will fail the entire alignment.

But Meixia didn't worry about this principle at all, she stepped forward and swaggered and started a soldier.

The audience began to make jokes.

"It's over, mika lost in lane."

"faker: The laning is over."

"Mika doesn't seem to know the dopa theorem, how dare she move the first soldier so confidently?!"


Not only did she move, Meixia also aggressively cut red cards and blue cards to make up the knife, and even pressed up to pacify a little murloc.

She didn't regard the murloc's laning as a [-]/[-] split, but as a [-]/[-] split, and didn't take faker seriously at all.

It's not that dopa's murloc law is wrong, but that the routine cognition of ranking cannot be used in the game invariably.

Most of the time, ranking only tests the player's personal operation, and dopa can judge the result of the laning period based on the life and death of a small soldier, but the game needs to consider teammates, not just laning.

Simply judge the combat strength of the two sides before the sixth level in this game——

If the card has a yellow card to stop the little murloc, the factory director Leopard Girl can hit the q javelin within the dizzy time and then flash wq in leopard form. The combination of two skills can send the murloc back to the west on the spot.

But with the little murloc and the blind monk before level [-], it would be great if a wave of gank can earn mika flashes.

That's why mika and faker had a tacit understanding before entering the game and had a [-]% judgment on the early stage of the middle lane.

After two minutes of the strong laning, Meixia sent the pawn line to the SKT tower and then walked to the upper river to help the factory manager guard the double river crab.

Facing the aggressiveness of the cards, SKT did not have the determination of the LPL team to fight for every resource, and immediately asked Blank to give up.

After snatching the river crab, Meixia helped the factory manager get involved in the blue square f4 in five minutes.

"Xiba, this mika is targeting me!" Blank gave up the wild monster with tears, and at the same time complained angrily on the voice channel.

Is there a possibility that after changing the line up and down, she can only bully you? Faker has a clear answer in his heart, but saying it hurts Blank's heart too much. If the teammate's mentality exploded, the game would be over.

"There's no way...blank. You can resist the pressure, don't be locked in by the card's yellow card and start a group, and when you and I go to level six, the card will not dare to do this again Smecta."

Blank's words to the captain were very helpful, "Well, I know! The cards are only suppressed for a few minutes, and then I will wait for my blind monk's deadly r flash!"

In addition to blank, the audience also felt the terrifying suppression of the card before level six.

"mika: who is dopa, does the little murloc play well with me?"

"Dopa is just an anchor, and his murloc law is nothing more than grandstanding."

"What is a murloc unique girl? It means that if you get a card, you can press the little murloc under the tower and cannot move."


But Mei Xia was not very satisfied.

Without small-scale team battles in the early stage, the lead that the cards can accumulate through roaming ends here. The two groups of wild monsters, the economy of [-] is less than [-], and her support has caused her to lose a lot of damage and experience. As for the faker murlocs, they will rise to level six earlier than the cards.

And after the peaceful development reached level six, the initiative to push the line came to the little murloc.

Seeing the little murloc Fizz holding a harpoon ready to move in front of her, she had to move carefully.

She still clearly remembers last year's World Championship, when her little murloc was on standby against faker cards, and after level six, she found an opportunity to kill SKT in 1v2 to support the support in the middle lane.

If the guess is right, faker is definitely the same as himself at that time, thinking about how to kill the card solo!
And in order to save his life, Mika also called out to the team to take the place of the dead, no, the protector.

"Senior Meiko? Help me in the middle!"

"Okay!" Meiko readily agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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