lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 216 Mika Is Just an Emotionless Gambler

Chapter 216 Mika Is Just an Emotionless Gambler
Due to the loss of the upper and lower lanes and one tower one after another, the skt duo Sivir and Bron pushed into the middle lane. Meixia could only let the mouse and the bull head guard the middle lane, and she personally developed on the top lane.

This is also a chain reaction of skt's first-level lane change. Originally, she could rely on her big move to radiate deterrence to the upper and lower lanes when she developed in the middle lane, but the opponent's lane change quickly pushed the operation, resulting in cards that could only be changed to the side lanes for development. Only half of the map is left to control.

And the difficulty is that the tower itself has been lost as soon as it hits the road.

If you continue to go deep into the line and wait for the little murloc to make another big move, the card pairing is still very dangerous.

An abyssal scepter is difficult to keep itself safe. It is necessary to find out the hourglass of Central Asia as early as possible, so as to have the capital to carry the line!

Summer took advantage of the half-minute fast faker in the middle lane, pushed the line of soldiers into the defense tower, and then stopped fighting the little murlocs.

Considering that it is very difficult to open a big and strong skt middle lane with a prepared duo, Mei Xia's goal after leaving the top lane is to choose the big tree that skt has developed in the bottom lane.

Of course, in this version, it is also not advisable to go all-out to kill the top single meat tank. She just forced the big tree's big move and flash from the spring tp to the top lane, and then cooperated with the leopard girl from the wild area to lead the skt down the lane. Push towers down to earn back missing tower bounties.

Then back to the city, ready to hit the road again.

She wants to use the card's routing ability to quickly earn money!Use the effect of passively filling dice to replenish troops and increase money to reach the highest economy in the game!
The secret to gambling is to never give up every penny you can get your hands on.

It's impossible for Faker, who just continued to implement the little murloc assassin face-to-face, to be idle.

Just when mika carefully pushed the pawn line to the river, signaled to his teammates that the mid laner disappeared, and was about to enter the wild area, the figure of the little murloc holding a harpoon appeared next to the real eye of f4 on the left side of the middle lane!
At the same time, Sivirbron and the blind monk approached from the middle!

The commentary doll could not help worrying in his eyes, and his voice gradually raised, "Although faker is a little murloc, his roaming is more diligent than that of a card! This wave is very dangerous to be seen by real eyes. Four packs and two, mika wants to open a big insurance Is it in the middle...isn't it big..."

"The duo is in danger! The first tower can no longer be defended!"

Miller couldn't quite understand the way the cards were played. The loss of the middle tower was equivalent to the fall of the wild area.

But Mei Xia didn't care much.

Both the upper and lower towers have been pushed, and Sivir has worn down most of the health in the middle lane. Sooner or later, she will lose more than half of the health of the tower on the top lane of skt, and let the card eat a lot of soldiers. Instead, she is more earn.

"You don't need to guard the middle tower, I'll use the upper tower for exchange." She commanded.


"Run Smecta! I handed in Flash!"

Deft originally thought that Mika would care about his only late-stage output. The card needs to be used to protect the card, so the position is a little aggressive. At this time, when he heard the command, he quickly flashed back to distance himself.

According to the stable style of Korean operation, skt tricked the mouse into flashing after a wave of pressure, and got the defense tower, so it should be closed as soon as it is good.

But the audience, commentators and even Mika didn't expect it.

Faced with the edg duo who let go of the first tower, Faker not only did not withdraw, but passed through the real eye, and forcibly threw r giant shark attack into the second tower!

At the same time, Sivir under the tower also launched a big move, leading the blind monk and Braum to attack!
"Kill the mouse Smecta!"

"edg wants to play operations with us!!"

"The card is brought under the first tower, and the distance is not enough."

"I really thought we didn't dare to form a group!"

The voice of skt is the violent voice of the player.

Originally, they just wanted to force out the card's big move to curb its online operations, but Mika's refusal to release the big move was really embarrassing.

Korean-style operations will also take the initiative to start a group depending on the situation!


The little murloc's ultimate move is aimed at the mouse that has not flashed!The skill release point is on the right wall, even if the mouse moves in the opposite direction to avoid it, it will only be forced to have nowhere to escape by the giant shark attack!
boom!However, what the shark bites is not the mouse, but the strong cow's foot!
It was a golden flash of light, and Meiko, who was originally one body behind the mouse, hit the shark's mouth with his head, and his body devoured his skills!
The nervous doll shouted loudly, "Wow! What did I see! Meiko flashed a big move to eat the murloc for the mouse! Then use the bull's head to fight the fire!"

"The bull's head w tops the flying murloc, and the q hits the flying blind monk, but he is only at level six, and his blood volume drops too fast. After eating Bron, he is passively stunned, and the bull's head falls..."

"The mouse that opened the distance opened up, the factory manager and mouse also arrived to support, edg started to fight back, how many people can be kept?!"

It's a pity that Sivir demolished a tower in the middle lane in twos and twos, and then moved around and twisted Leopard Girl's Q skill. Poppy, who was waiting for Mouse's second-hand support to arrive, tried to e into the crowd to start a group, but was blocked by Blank's blind monk. The foot spins and kicks away.

edg's counterattack did not keep anyone.

"What is mika doing? Why doesn't he turn on the car?!"

"It's a pity, if this wave of cards enters the field, the team battle will definitely win..."

"SKT gave me a chance, but Mika-chan didn't take it."

"Don't be an afterthought, why don't you say that if Meiko died earlier, this wave of higher-level equipment might not have died!"


For a while, the audience spoke one after another. They didn't criticize the actress Sakura, but regretted that Meiko's sacrifice did not bring better results in the end.

Meiko herself is not too depressed.

"Senior Meiko! You did a good job, you bought me a lot of time to demolish the tower!"

"Wow! Meiko is so handsome, Smecta!"

Hearing the compliments from Sakura Girl and the Koreans, he was very grateful for having one-third of the Two-dimensional blood and one-third of the Korean soul.

Meixia cut the camera and watched the battle in the middle, and she didn't stop her own operations. With the e-card deception attack speed bonus and Drizzt who was dealt extra magic damage every fourth general attack, it went smoothly. Take away the first tower on the road, and then send the pawn line to the second tower of skt before returning to the city calmly.

In fact, Faker's sudden group start almost disrupted her plan. Fortunately, Meiko's extraordinary performance prevented the team from losing too much.

Back home, relying on the effect of passive gold dice to increase gold coins, she was the first in the audience to pull out a two-piece suit.

The Abyss Scepter has a lot of magic resistance, and the Central Asian Hourglass restrains the murloc's ultimate move. Next, she doesn't have to worry about being eaten by the little murloc.

She can even throw cards at the head of the little murloc!

Of course, in Meixia's eyes, minions and defensive towers are more valuable than murlocs, so she didn't want to waste Ping A.

Continue to lead the line on the road, and arrogantly lead the pawn line to the front of the second tower. Although it lacks the single key equipment of the Lich's Bane, the speed of pushing the tower is quite impressive just by virtue of being passive.

What makes her even more unscrupulous is that the skt jungler blind monk will inevitably eat the second dragon in the lower half of this time period, and she still has more than half a minute to push the tower.

Faker didn't want to let her click towers, and before the ult got better, he immediately came up with q to fight against the cards, but with the e skill, he couldn't knock out one-third of the cards with a set of qwaaa damage, and he suffered instead When it came to the card q skill and four flat a, the blood volume dropped by nearly half.

Summer threw the yellow card of w again, faker could only use e to evade and pull the murloc back to the tower again - if he stepped on the card with the second stage of e, if the damage was not enough, he would probably be forced to flash .

A wave of confrontation ended, both sides took drugs, Meixia hit the defense tower to half health.

Guessing that the murloc's ult has been converted to CD, and the skt jungler and support may be on the way to gank her, she turned around decisively.

The secret to becoming the God of Gamblers is to stop when it's time to stop.

Seeing that the card was about to slip without hesitation, skt's bang, who was walking in the blue buff wild area, shouted, "Hold the card!"

Wolf was also a little anxious, "Don't let her have a chance to open up!"

They planned to let the blind monk eat Xiaolong and guard the middle lane together with the top laner, and the duo unexpectedly gank the top lane. Who knew that mika was so cautious!

(End of this chapter)

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