lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 227 Forcing 1 for 1

Chapter 227
Meixia returned to the lane, she supported the top lane, her experience value was lower than that of the Dragon King, and she was slower to level up to level six.

But even so, she still firmly controlled the pawn line, consumed the opponent with skills, and tried her best to hinder the rhythm of the Dragon King pushing the line.

Another round of shuriken releases, removing the skills used to replenish soldiers, the purpose was to consume Dragon King's q and wq, and hit three out of five, while she herself touched a few planets and burned more than a hundred blood.

Huhi's online operations are much more rigorous than in the group stage.

Five and a half minutes later, the Dragon King's reinforcements were promoted to the sixth level, and the w star sky skyrocketed and began to move forward.

Meixia walked backwards and pulled, and she was indeed unable to complete the operation of the fifth-level robbery to suppress the sixth-level Dragon King.

I had no choice but to let the Dragon King send the five soldiers into the defense tower.

This time pushing the line to send the tower, Huhi still chose to wander, circling up and down Wei'an's body quickly retreated, and walked into the side wild road.

It's just that the dragon king has not yet reached the position where he can gank the next lane, and the figure has been detected by the fake eyes arranged by meiko.

Compared with clg, edg not only has the advantages of player operation, but also has better vision control and operation rhythm!
Huhi had no choice but to start the e star flow again and return without success. In order to avoid being blocked by Jie again, he set the same point as the third-level wave and set it under the tower.

It's just that the position and direction of Dragon King Kai'e were all seen by the false eyes.

After Mei Xia had finished replenishing her troops, she had just walked into the grass, and when she saw the Dragon King heading east, she walked to the intersection next to f4, and stood against the wall.

The director keenly gave the shot.

"Mika is the Dragon King squatting back to the lane again, but huhi went straight through f4..." Halfway through the commentary, I remember suddenly realizing, "Wait! Mika leaned against the wall to praise, she guessed the route of the Dragon King back!"

As a former professional player, Xiaosan couldn't control her worry, "But Dragon King's flash is weak and both moves are available, Zed Ignition is still on cd, and the squatting position is also in front of the defense tower...

If mika starts to fight, it should be killing people by jumping over the tower! "

Instead, Colin just brags about Mika and is done, "The chance is great, which one of Mika's solo kills is not so reckless!"

"For level six robbery, as long as the damage is full first, and the three flowers gather at the top, the explosion will definitely be enough!"

"I'm coming!"

With the expectant eyes of thousands of spectators, the Dragon King came to f4, and before he reached the middle, the ends of a string of passive planet special effects had protruded out of the thin wall on the side.

Meixia immediately aimed at the center wqwe of the planet's trajectory with blind vision.

The shadow clone that landed in the deepest part of f4 threw shurikens at the same time as the original body outside the wall, and after the second w, the e of the original body and the shadow clone also rotated out at the same time.

The double q and double e knocked out half of the blood, and shot down the soaring dragon king in the raptor's nest!

Under the attack of f4, and the sneak attack from nowhere, huhi's heart is already cold, and now he just wants to go to the deepest part of f4, and then flash to the defense tower full of security.

With his backhand urgently holding on to the weak, holding q and r that were almost impossible to hit with Zed with his ultimate move, he finally walked to the right position, and then flashed across the wall.

However, the moment the flashing golden light came on, a pitch-black smoke screen followed like a shadow!

Summer waited for the 2.5 seconds of weakness to end, and took the initiative to activate the big move on the Dragon King.

Instant prison shadow killing array!
The Lord of the Shadow Stream cast a shadow on the spot, and then Jie's body marked the Dragon King's body, and then fell behind the Dragon King.

Then, seeing a star core pushed out from the Dragon King's hand, she did not dodge or dodge, and only made a flat attack.

The Dragon King q is stunned, and then the r star string falls to repel it!

At the same time, the defensive tower attacks fell one after another.

Jie's blood volume dropped to half blood.

Both the commentator and the audience were extremely surprised, thinking that Mika had made a mistake in the operation.

"I'm super! Mika made a mistake, and even got stunned by the Dragon King!"

"It's dangerous to be stunned in the tower..."

"The big move seems to be able to kill the Dragon King..."

"It's over, it's over, big mistake! This wave exploded!"

Summer was calmly waiting for the skills in her hand.

Jie q has a six-second cooldown, and level-one e has a five-second cooldown.

After releasing the first q, it took her 2.5 seconds to wait for the weakness to disappear, and it took nearly 1 second to swing forward to the ground when she opened the ult, and then resisted the tower twice for nearly 2 seconds.

So when the third attack from the defense tower fell, he finally used the flash that he had been pinching for a long time, and reached behind the Dragon King again.

e [Shadow Profound Truth!ghost cut]

q [Shadow Mysteries!Blades]

r【Instant Prison Shadow Killing Formation】The imprint exploded!

The blood volume of the half-blood dragon king was instantly wiped out!
Meixia used up all her skills and failed to escape the attack of the defense tower, and then fell on her back beside the Dragon King.

After being nervous for a long time, remember to relax, "Oh, oh, so handsome! Jumping towers for one! Mika, the leader of this wave of drainage, killed the Dragon King who was full of blood and double moves! The flash is the original way to use it!"

Xiaosan was a bit of a professional player, and felt chills in his crotch, "But, you can still kill people like this, if the tower of the sixth-level robbery is full of blood dragon kings, and there is one less ignition..."


Meixia still shook her head slightly, although the final one-for-one exchange was calculated long ago, she was still not satisfied with the result of the head exchange.

For her, if Jie died in the end, then the scene was not handsome enough!
"Oh... the Dragon King of senior huhi said a little bit, I tried my best, and I can only play one for one."

The factory director was unable to complain about Sakura Girl's misunderstanding of the term one-for-one, "This tm is called one-for-one? How do I feel that this is a tower-jumping kill??"

"I'm dead, and the Dragon King is also dead. It's really a one-for-one exchange." Meixia counted with her fingers.


Summer is serious.

With the help of meiko's vision, the first hand skill knocked out half of the dragon king's blood, and the operation was full. Even if he had the advantage, he only played one for one.

I have to admire Huhi's Dragon King, Brother Unique Skill really lives up to his name!
Huhi himself only felt numb in his hands.

In addition to gaining the blind vision skill of Zed at the beginning, he has made the most correct responses in the follow-up, whether it is weak, flash or qr, it can be said to be flawless, and the hand speed operation is full.

But even with such an operation, Jie Qiangyue went to the tower to place a single kill!

The six-level single-serrated blade can do this.

Ninth level, sixteenth level, one set, two sets, how to easily kill solo, he dare not think about it.

Look at the four hundred dollars on your body, and then browse the store.

Hardly any gear to buy, except for that...


Huhi moved the mouse to the cloth armor that he gave up buying when he returned to the city last time.

He tried desperately to convince himself that the increase in armor would make Dragon King's life more comfortable against Lane Jie, and it was a wise outfit to do so, not just begging to be fooled.

There is no problem with the Dragon King equipping the armor when he is facing the line.

But the moment of hesitation.

This is what fully exposed Huhi's shaky heart.

He was really scared of mika.

And as the mouse was pressed, three hundred pieces of cloth armor appeared in the equipment bar.

Huhi's last breath was also dissipated, and he lost the confidence to face Jie Zheng.

(End of this chapter)

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