lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 259 5 Kills That Don't Exist

Chapter 259 The Non-existent Pentakill
The EDG team is humiliating each other, while the NB team has been completely silent.

Kassadin was caught three times in less than ten minutes. Not only was the Nakano joint action, but also assisted Bard to cooperate continuously. This is already the most fierce team rhythm that the nb team can support!
Even so, it was not successful once.

Instead, Mika was given an excellent record of 4-0 in vain!

Even Swift, who had the most confidence before the game, understood the difficulty of the current situation.

You must know that Kassadin's hero characteristics are completely different from the fire man in the previous game
In the early stage, short hand damage is low and line clearing is slow, and it is much easier to gank than Fireman.

But in the later stage of development, facing the man of Liushen pretending to be a fire, Swift is confident that he can change his fate with a roundabout kick in the later stage, and the last game is indeed a comeback after almost taking damage.
But in the face of Kassadin in the later stage, even if it is just a Kassadin who has developed normally to level [-], the opponent's big move equivalent to flashing in two seconds is not at all a hero who can control death with his combo.

What's more, he didn't choose the best blind monk in this round, and the excavator in his hand didn't even have room for team battle operations in the later stage.

Swift is like this, only thinking about Dade who won't be killed by Mika, and the bottom lane duo who already has a correct understanding of their strength, they understand that the team has no hope of winning.

Next, the whole NB team, who lost their aggressiveness, kept losing wild resources and defense towers, and their heads were constantly buried under Kassadin and Qian Jue's roaming.

The economic gap quickly went from a little over a thousand to three thousand, and then to five thousand, and even seven thousand.

Seeing that the gap between the two sides is getting wider and wider, and nb has no power to resist, the audience can't help but sigh with emotion.

"It feels like Xiaogou and doinb are gone, nb's strength is indeed much worse than the spring game!"

"It's only been less than [-] minutes, and such a big economy has been pulled away. Mika's Time Rod Archangel has made a two-piece set!"

"Swift took the lead in sending too many kills, sending Kassadin 6-0-3, who can stand it!"

"Couldn't Swift be fascinated by Mika like Doinb, why is he giving Mika a head every time he comes to gank in the middle lane..."

"I understand. The one-minute BO5 of nb last season, I am afraid that swift and doinb fell in love with mika together, and then they became jealous and broke up with the middle and wild!"


The audience made wild guesses, and Swift on the field never showed any interest in Mika. He finally made up his mind three minutes after the dragon was refreshed, to make a three-piece suit in Kassadin and upgrade to level [-] Solve the battle before the complete body!
"Let's drive the dragon! Decisive battle with Smecta!" He commanded, "When Kassadin comes over, we will turn around and capture her and kill her!"

"The damage isn't enough..." the mid laner Dade questioned, "The top laner can't come, there is no hero who can resist damage, and Lucian's speed against Baron..."

With the nb lineup, as long as edg arrives in time and continues to pull, they will eat a few mouthfuls of Baron Nash's thick phlegm at the mouth of the pit, and the whole team will inevitably be disabled, and then the team battle will be defeated.

But even if they are not forced to join the group, it is actually just a slow death.

Swift wanted to find a chance to win, so he could only act as a living horse doctor and take the initiative to take over the team. Dade understood the difference in strength and wanted to finish the game, so he was reluctant to take such an aggressive action.

Adc player happyy played the armor-piercing style of Lucian in this round, and the equipment is relatively cheap, so in the early [-] minutes, he bought a two-piece suit like Mika, who had the highest economy in the game. He is also in favor of taking the initiative to start a group during this time period.

happyy gave a compromise suggestion, "The big dragon group can't fight, let's take the small dragon group!"

"Okay, Xiaolong will fight Smecta to the death!" Swift compromised.

The whole team made a decision, and they began to gather in Xiaolongkeng.

"This is nb wanting to pick up the little dragon group?! The equipment level is quite poor!" remember the commentary.

"Eating three elemental dragons in the new version will help a lot. In this round, two water dragons have been drawn in a row. NB really has to take over the team!" Su Xiaoyan explained based on the homework she had done before the game.

"I remember that the water dragon starts to recover blood after five seconds without being hurt. One recovers [-]% every [-] seconds, and the two recover [-]% every [-] seconds. It's very fierce! Hey, the water dragon was born!" Remember Su Analyzing Xiaoyan's words.

On the field, Lucian fired bullets at the little dragon in the dragon pit and pulled the green water dragon out of the nest.

Summer is determined not to give her opponent any chance to grab the dragon.

She didn't wait for Xiaolong to be killed by a, and hid in the nb wild area behind the dragon pit and commanded, "Senior, start a group! I can go around!"

It doesn't matter if it's the youngest mouse who starts a group, whoever can open a group is my mika's senior!
Hearing her call with strong desire, Deft moved faster than Uncle Mouse, Calista opened her big move, and directly smashed Braum into the crowd from the front of the river.

As soon as Meiko landed, the big move of sealing the position knocked happy Lucian into the air.

At the right time, Meixia Zechu pressed r to flash through the wall.

Kassadin passed through the wall and sat down on Lucian who hadn't landed yet.

At the same time, qe hits Thunder twice.

W Void Blade has just been turned on, and before a has dealt any damage, nb's current strongest output point, Lucian, has sent out a head.

"My old swan! What kind of damage is Kassadin!" The commentator remembers shouting frantically.

"Wow! Kassadin should have stacked four layers of big moves, but one set can kill Lucian, who is close to full blood, and the damage is still too high!" Su Xiaoyan opened her mouth wide, "Mika-chan, that's too fierce!"

Swift looked at the uncold corpse in front of him, feeling extremely depressed.

Before the start of the war, he had envisioned a large number of flash-ups to start a group, but unexpectedly, none of the plans were used...

The strongest fighter, Lucian, will be gone with just one face-to-face encounter, and he will fight a ghost in a team battle!
But it was too late to escape.

Braum and Kassadin are both heroes who are good at keeping people.

mouse Dashu took the lead, flashed w, and the Chinese binding controlled Victor.

The factory manager is already killing people in advance, "Let Mika take the head, let Mika kill, he has a chance to kill five times!"

The other three were all staring at the hero controlled by the factory manager with strange eyes.

Mika just got her first kill, the team battle just started, why did you, the captain, give her a pentakill? !
Besides, Bud and the excavator ran so fast, how could he get five kills!
"Thank you, senior factory manager, you don't have to give it up to me like this!" Meixia walked up happily, wanting to step on her face and take the head with the r skill.

Deft manipulated Calista to pull out the spear and collect the head.

He said seriously, "I'm sorry Smecta, I can't kill anyone with my spear, and Bud and the excavator have both run away, so there is no chance of pentakill."

"It's okay, it's okay." Mei Xia said with a smile, "It wasn't my head in the first place."

It's just that I don't care, Senior Deft, don't blame me for your pentakill next time!
After the edg team battle, it was really impossible to kill Nv, and finally chased out of the tunnel and killed Bard to complete a zero-for-three.

Immediately afterwards, edg got the big dragon again, and pushed nb two crystals.

The economy leads by more than ten thousand.

Mika made a three-piece suit, and the level was raised to sixteen.

There is no suspense in the whole game.

Twenty-seven minutes before the second big dragon was refreshed, edg caught swift and dade in the wild, and Meixia Kassadin completed a double strong kill, and then the whole team rushed to the front tooth tower on the top road, and finally won the team battle on the high ground Push down the nb base.


(End of this chapter)

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