lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 28 Translators

Chapter 28 Translators

pdd live broadcasted all night on Saturday, and went up for more than [-] minutes before going to bed contentedly. However, the first news when I woke up the next day made me unhappy.

"Professor teacher, I uploaded the game where you were brutalized by passers-by yesterday to station b, it should be no problem." The person in charge of recording the screen in the studio sent a message.

15 years is just the beginning of the live broadcast industry. Many anchors, especially retired anchors, don’t like to show their own ugly videos because of their image. Therefore, the newly signed screen recorders of pdd studio have a high emotional intelligence and ask in advance.

As a player, pdd has to take the initiative to whip corpses in the game that he loses. Of course, it is hard to feel happy, but he has always had a good vision of the industry. He realized that if the live broadcast industry wants to catch fire, it needs to be a clown for the audience.

pdd replied, "Send it, if the program works well, send it out!"

Giving an answer that reassured the editor, pdd remembered that he wanted to invite that fox player to the team for training. He turned on the computer and saw that the other party was online, and directly sent out his Wei signal in the chat bar.

Meixia doesn't have a Huaguo mobile phone number, so she can't use Weixin.

"jiawoqqxxxxxxxxx (add my qq)" she answered in pinyin.

pdd was puzzled when he saw the pinyin.

No, it’s fine to use pinyin for program effects during the live broadcast, but why do you have to use pinyin for private chats?

However, he obediently added it to his obviously small QQ account.

"I recently invested in the establishment of an lspl team. I feel that you are doing well, young man. Do you want to come for a trial training and reimburse travel expenses. If you don't like to play games, my studio here can also sign you as an anchor."

Meixia did not reply immediately, but went online to find a translation software, first typed in Japanese and then translated into Chinese characters.

In the game, she specially used very simple sentences, and all she talked about was self-introduction, and she never took the initiative to speak, just to avoid revealing that she was extremely fluent in Chinese.

A scumbag who has never met a Chinese person in his life, suddenly speaks fluent Chinese, in the eyes of passers-by, it may be a sudden enlightenment, or a natural talent for linguistics, but in the eyes of his family From a friend's point of view, it must be unbelievable to weird.

Mei Xia is not afraid of accepting the scrutiny of strangers, after all, the clear is clear by itself, not to mention the matter of time travel, even if others guess the sky, she is still a real Sakura girl.

But if her parents or Lisa feel strange to herself, she can't accept it. At least she thinks that when her sister asks herself why she speaks Chinese so well, she can at least make up a reasonable answer instead of prevarication. past.

Fortunately, there are online translators in this world, so that she, the cherry blossom girl, can pretend to be a cherry blossom girl enough.

Although the Japanese-Chinese online translator for websites at the end of 15 has not yet added a deep learning algorithm, the accuracy is already considerable, and normal text conversations are not a problem.

So Meixia sent a text that was strange to read in translation, and sent it to pdd.

The main thing is to say that Summer Summer already wanted to win the world championship in lpl due to her own identity, and politely refused to join the lspl team—excuse me, lspl, why can't I find out what league it is?Can you make it to the world championship?

Looking at Mika's reply that was edited by the translator, which was a bit awkward to read, pdd was speechless for a while, "Brother, are you kidding me! Could it be Mika herself, why did you add qq for no reason and still be joking like this... "

But then I thought about it again, there are more than one billion people in Huaguo, there may be some people who are addicted to cosplay Taijun...

Out of caution, pdd sent a message and asked, "It's not that I doubt it, is there any way to prove that you are Mika?"

This is simple, Meixia had already prepared before considering entering lpl, she found a pen and paper to write the three letters pdd on, and then held it up on her chest to take a photo and send it--in the year of reincarnation, I saw a lot of welfare girls on the Internet and sent them to fans The method of welfare, the self-certification of the ID card can be said to be a good example.

pdd looked at the cute face that was exactly the same as in the domestic reports, and carefully zoomed in on the photo to look at his chest.

Of course, he wasn't looking for any hidden gullies, there had never been such a thing, he was determining whether the id of pdd on the photo was ps.

"Ah! It's true!" After reading it three or four times, it was finally confirmed that it was Mika herself. PDD was so surprised that he didn't know how to respond.

There are too many things I can't figure out.

He was single-killed by a female player in the ranking, and then abused to fifteen shots...

And this female player who typed in pinyin is actually from Japan...

He is a retired player who is not well-known overseas at all, and he was added to the friend position of this female player Mika in just one round of ranking...

Mika, a beautiful ljl player, refuses to go to North America because of her high salary, but wants to bite the bullet and post to LPL who has no grades or money...

Mika, as a wild card mid laner, would dream of joining an lpl team with the ability to win the s tournament, and then win the s6 world championship...


So weird.

But pdd's brains are very shrewd, he can be sure of one thing, since he has confirmed the identity of the opponent's dfm beauty mid laner, then pdd has no capital to sign Mika just by relying on his savings from playing professionally and being an anchor over the years.

Just based on Mika's appearance, it is worth the net worth of the first sister Douyu, not to mention her game level as a weight.

on the other hand.

Can't afford mika.

But he can be a second-hand dealer!
Beautiful players like Mika don’t talk about the first-tier teams, most of the second-tier LPL teams are definitely willing to sign up to earn a share of traffic, and pdd has personally experienced Summer Summer’s game level. As far as laning is concerned, she can definitely play LPL. For female players , which is enough.

If you act as a middleman to abduct and sell Mika, an innocent younger sister who has strange fantasies about lpl, to lpl, you will definitely make a lot of money!
Pdd responded enthusiastically, "Hi! Sister Mika, you want to play LPL, I can introduce you! You also know my identity as pdd!"

Summer asked, "Really? Can you introduce me to edg or shr's trial training?"

pdd replied, "It's a bit difficult, those two teams are more pursuing, but teams like my old club ig, or vg should be able to introduce them, if Mika is willing to sign a licensing contract with me, I promise to let you play lpl !"

But this is not what Summer wants.

The ig duo who almost dug coal was proved by the disputes of jacklove and lpl who were pitted by rng later.

Sign this kind of third-party agreement, just wait to be slaughtered!
Meixia replied, "No, I just want to go to the top team to try out and play the main force. If you can contact them, senior pdd, please tell me my wish."

pdd patiently explained to foreign players, "You have to prove yourself in other teams before you have a chance to enter these top teams, and the strength of ig, we, vg, and im is not inferior to shr and edg!"

It really doesn't look weak.

But Meixia has previous life experience, so I don't know what level these teams in the s6s7 season are.

If we say that edg and rng at this time are civil war insiders and outsiders.

Then the rest of the lpl teams that can be dominated by edg and rng, it is not too much to say that they are rotten fish and rotten shrimps. Instead of spending energy to bring those teams to the world championship, she is more inclined to choose a team that has the strength to enter the world championship.

It seems that the exchange with pdd has come to an end, Meixia didn't think that the other party would have the determination to recommend her to the lpl with all her strength, and the other party would be more interested in those players who care about ym.

Meixia replied, "Then I'll continue to play the rankings. I heard that if you become the top ten on the Huaguo server, there will be invitations from top teams for trial training!"

Pdd, who was continuing to type, was dumbfounded again.

Is she really going to be in the top ten in Ionia?
 Writing daily is very boring, sorry...

(End of this chapter)

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