lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 318 Continue the winning streak!

Chapter 318 Continue the winning streak!
edg took the big dragon, and the economic lead quickly rushed to [-].

The EDG economy of 6 in the s7 season is not a magical number, the famous scene will not be staged until the s[-] world championship, and we do not have the trigger conditions Luohe clockwork.

In the eyes of the audience and commentators who are used to edg's domestic chaos, winning this game is already a certainty.

In fact, it is true.

Summer followed by a single belt on the top lane, and her teammates split push in the middle lane. When the dragon buff ended, she successfully destroyed all the outer towers and top lane crystals of WE.

Another minute later, Meixia caught up with Gnar, who was on the sidewalk, and sprinted all the way to slow down with q [Stone Piercing], while moving to avoid Gnar's reflexive control.

Chase to the high ground and kill the only hero equipped with a three-piece suit on the opposite side.

Add another wonderful moment to this bo5!
Gnar's 35-second resurrection time, Meixia and his teammates gathered in the middle, pushed another crystal, and forced three flashes by Braum's q and Ice's r, and then the second big dragon refreshed, two on the we high ground Lu Yita is a super soldier, and there is no possibility of competition.

In 33 minutes, edg embraced the dragon and pushed up the front tooth tower.

There is no suspense in the game. Xiye's desperate mid laner Syndra is like a joke in front of Mika. The qe second company under the front tooth tower can't even stun the excavator and delay the push tower for 1.5 seconds. The damage is not even as good as the dragon buff bonus super Bing's heavy hammer twice.

In less than 34 minutes, we crystal shattered!

The total score of the first half of the lpl semifinals is fixed at 3-0!

The commentary stand remembers shouting loudly, "I haven't seen such a suffocating operation of EDG for a long time!"

"Then let's congratulate EDG for winning this game and continuing the winning streak of LPL. Congratulations to them for getting the tickets to the finals of the LPL Summer Split!"

Su Xiaoyan calculated the world championship points of the two teams long before the start of the game, "At the same time, I also want to congratulate EDG for becoming the first team in the LPL division to lock in the world championship! As for we, the third place in the spring, they still have the first place in advance. The hope of advancing to the second seed! Let us also give them our best wishes!"

There was a roar and a tsunami in the audience, and enthusiastic edg fans gave the home team applause without worrying about their hands hurting.

Both teams took off their headphones at the same time.

The dejected we captain Xiye couldn't help feeling even more ashamed when he heard Su Xiaoyan's blessing.

They have 100 points for the third place in the spring. Originally, they are the same as EDG. As long as they advance to the finals, they must get tickets to the World Championship.

Now that they have lost the semi-finals, the road to the World Championship has become confusing.

If we want to skip the qualifying round and get the No. [-] seed, we can only pin our hopes on the results of the second half of the semi-finals and the final. RNG must lose to im, and im must lose to edg in the final. This is still based on we Victory in the third and fourth place competitions is a necessary condition.

Not to mention the chances of im beating rng, and being humiliated by mika and losing confidence in himself, can he really beat rng?
If you fall to the finalists again, will you really have a chance to adjust your state?

For the first time, Xiye became so confused that when shaking hands with the We team members, he lowered his head and remained silent.

"You had a good idea for the last game, but Baga, you took it for granted! Syndra is not Victor, and Rock Sparrow is not a card!" Meixia couldn't help but educate Xiye.

Xiye shook hands instinctively and nodded, "Thank you."

Meixia thought he had learned it, and happily left with her twin tails.

But xiye who stayed in place was still in a state of numbness and low self-esteem. Maybe bp took it for granted that he lost the last game, but how to explain the loss of three games in a row? !

He knew that Mika, who had always been rumored to be kind, was comforting others, but his self-ashamed emotions became more violent.


The commentary desk didn't mention the loser. I remember hearing the news from the background in the earphones, announcing the mvp of the third game.

"Now announce the mvp winner of the third game, he is the operator who assists Bron..."


Deft, who was already ready to answer the interview, was scratching his ears. Obviously, his ice is 4-0-5, kda is the best in the game, and there is even a highlight operation of the big move from the bottom lane to the top lane to take the head. Why not mvp!

And meiko, who was about to go back to the lounge, heard the host's voice, and when he was invited by the staff for an interview, he was full of surprises and had no choice but to turn around and walk to the interview area.

"West...eighth?! Why isn't the mvp me?!" Deft stayed where he was and asked with wide eyes.

The factory manager smiled and said, "If you want me to say, Mika is actually the most suitable mvp. If she hadn't given her the mvp in the first two rounds, it wouldn't be anyone else's turn in this round."

"I think it's meiko's senior mvp. When he was the first to support me in the second level, he was so amazing!" Meixia thinks that the mvp should belong to meiko, and the mvp should be given to the person who supports me the fastest.

"I also gave up the bot lane, and meiko's support in the middle lane is also the laning advantage I created!" Deft was about to explain but suddenly stopped, "Wait..."

He found that Mika's words had no logic at all, why the MVP selection was based on who supported the middle lane faster, but looking at the whole game, it was true that Meiko was only the secondary support in the middle lane, and the wave of control wheels got outstanding awareness.

So it's possible that the staff members of the mvp selection are also mika's licking dog, whoever helps mika the most will be the mvp!


When the four of them walked back to the lounge, Yu Shuang in the interview area had already picked up the microphone and began to question Meiko.

"Today, your Braum's second-level support in the middle lane can be said to have established the advantage of the entire game. What did you think at that time?"

"It's dangerous in the middle, I will go through if I can support." Meiko disagrees.

He doesn't have commanding talent at all, and he has developed all the instincts to follow Mika in the game. After all, he has never lost a game playing with the mid laner!
"It's an understatement! Did Mika realize that there was a spider in the grass calling you to go over, or did you walk over when you saw the spider appearing?" Although Yu Shuang interviewed meiko, she still questioned Mika's performance. Side question.

"Mika's operation is purely based on hand speed, and I can react when I see cocoons. To be honest, as a professional player, I have always been proud of my reaction speed, but in front of Mika, I only have inferiority complex. Her reaction speed is simply amazing. people."

Meiko replied according to her thoughts.

"Is it so powerful!" Yu Shuang pretended to be surprised. She was bronze and silver, so she couldn't feel Mika's sense of hand speed. "But I think Meiko should be able to do it as long as he works hard..."

Seeing Meiko's serious look, Yu Shuang decisively changed the subject, "In short, let's congratulate again on entering the World Championship. In the spring competition, Mika said that he is studying the opponents of MSI. How about you, Meiko, do you have any thoughts about the World Championship now!"

Mriko hurriedly cut it, "I don't have any ideas... As for Mika, she has indeed started to study the world championship team recently, as for what she thinks, it has nothing to do with EDG, what we should think about now is to win the LPL Summer Finals first. "

The short interview ended, and the barrage made us cry and ridicule Mitsua's flashes of discussion.

"Sure enough, Mika is studying his opponents in the World Championship again."

"Mika researched and decided to get a marriage certificate with me!"



(End of this chapter)

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