lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 32 Ming Kai's Chapter Fu

Chapter 32 Ming Kai's Reply

Summer spent a whole night in double queuing, basically every round she was killing indiscriminately in the middle, while pdd gave up the rhythm of clearing the jungle and followed the anti-squatting to win. Of course, there were also times when she lost the game, such as Summer's late solo, and her teammates were blown away in a team fight Long Diu Gaodi lost.

Overall, she has maintained a winning rate of more than [-] in the top masters, not only the winning rate, but also the speed of winning games has become faster.

In solo queue without the protection of teammates, she is often made uncomfortable by the opponent's mid-field linkage. Even if she kills once solo, it is difficult to continue to snowball the tower. With pdd, a tool man teammate who helps to resist the tower, she can be single-handed before ten minutes in the basic round. The opponent in the middle lane took down the second tower in [-] minutes, and the game ended in less than [-] minutes.

She estimated that if it continued, it would not be a problem to reach the [-] points of the king before the end of the season.

It's just that the gold content of the double row is a bit low after all - the double row itself is one plus one greater than two, even if Mei Xia is a pdd scorer who drags her thighs to kill the king's goalkeeper, she can't prove her true strength.

Meixia didn't plan to team up with pdd until after eleven o'clock, she voluntarily left the team, typed good night in pinyin, then turned off the game and went to sleep.

Pdd held his cigarette butt and chatted to the audience in the live broadcast room, "Hey, what is the strength of Mika in duo with me? It's exactly the same as the mid laner of Mika in ljl!"

The audience's feedback is still not as good as pdd's wish. Although the player's operation level called "mika sauce wants to play lpl" has been recognized, it has become another evidence that this mika is not that mika.

"The operation is really ruthless, but I don't believe that the wild card mid laner can do this operation!"

"I think Yasuo, the hero, should have the level of a unique player. The female wild card player must not be as good as this mid laner!"

"Teacher prostitute, to be honest, are the players in this double row going to play the mid laner on the YM team next year?"

Of course, there are also a small number of viewers who have checked Summery's game data in ljl and choose to believe pdd's statement, but the number of people is much smaller than those who are blinded by intuition and common sense, and the barrage posted on the screen of the live broadcast room is rarely paid attention to.

On the second day after Summer Summer completed the duo, the news about pdd and mika, whose authenticity is unknown, made the headlines of various e-sports media in China—

[pdd claims to be single and double row with ljl beauties! 】

【Shock!Japanese e-sports nerd goddess Mika actually plays the national server League of Legends with such an id]

[The pdd live broadcast was gank with the name of mika, is this mika real or fake! 】

The discussion about her identity under the news is still intense, but there are only a handful of people who really explore the truth of the news. Even affected by the previous news that Summergate's commentary on the quarterfinals is biased towards fnc, the atmosphere here is sharper than that in the pdd live broadcast room.

Meixia herself knew nothing about the discussion over the sea, she still turned on the computer at night, browsed the information on the external network, and started the game at the same time.

There is Ming Kai's latest reply in the private message of his Twitter account.

After a quick glance, there is no objection to her going to LPL to play games, nor any special support, just saying that if she goes to the EDG base for trial training, she can be given a convenient way.

This kind of answer Mei Xia had expected, after all, the two are not familiar, the best way is to reply with polite words, and the official style of words makes it easy for normal people to see the polite refusal attitude in the words.

But Meixia is a high school student in Tokyo, and the girl in Tokyo obviously doesn't know anything about Chinese, so she can pretend that she doesn't know about the perfunctory in the reply.

She asked in a private message with an earnest tone, "Trial training is available! Can't wait, when will the trial training be arranged?! I have to consider the passport and air ticket!"

In the bedroom of Ming Kai's hometown in Hubei, Ming Kai looked at the computer and couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

In fact, after sending questions to Mika a few days ago, he hardly touched social software again. After losing the game, he indulged in ranking in Hanbok, trying to bury his regret.

It was only this morning that I happened to see the news about mika and pdd double row on the Internet, and I remembered that I had contacted mika after the s game, and then found mika to write back and give an answer.

At this moment, Ming Kai saw Mika's answer showing innocence and desire to enter the LPL, and he didn't know how to answer it.

It’s not that edg can’t give the mid laner a chance to try out. Recently, Pawn’s back injury has become more and more serious. The team is looking for new talented players. I heard that the manager San Shao has identified a mid laner seed, and they are planning to go to South Korea during the transfer period. up.

The key is that mika's level and talent are hard to be trusted, not to mention that the edg trial will compete head-on with the talented mid laner from the lck division.

It is obviously unreasonable to ask Mika to travel thousands of miles to take a plane to come to EDG for trial training, and then throw away the travel expenses to let her go back in despair.

And if mika is really regarded as a substitute signing, regardless of whether she can accept it, as far as the edg team itself is concerned, public opinion will definitely explode.

He couldn't imagine how the fans in the team's fan league would ridicule if edg brought mika to play lpl.

Poor, shameless, not even own mother for the sake of traffic, as expected, the soft team likes to sign female players...

But it seems that his communication method was wrong, and the polite and euphemistic tone made the international friends misunderstand. Ming Kai thought that if he directly refused, it might damage edg's reputation abroad.

Besides, it's hard to offend a girl like Mika, and I can't bear it...

Reminiscent of the rumors of mika and pdd double rowing in the past two days, Ming Kai has a way to refuse.

He typed quickly, "Before arranging a trial training, try to play a few rounds of double row! If you don't meet the trial training standards, I'm afraid it's a waste of time to come here."

According to gossip, Mika has the level of a king, but Mingkai thinks it is more of a marketing account bragging. Thank God for the mid laner of the wild card team to have the level of a master, let alone a female player who brags more about her beauty than her game skills.

As long as there are two rounds in double platoon, it may be difficult for Mika to say the words of lpl playing games after seeing the dismal record!
When the time comes to comfort him a little bit, it will be very hard for him, Ming Kai, not to win Mika's favor.

Mei Xia in the bedroom saw Ming Kai's answer, and immediately sent a smiley face emoji, and then explained her national server account.

[mika-chan wants to play lpl]

In fact, after seeing the pdd duo news and reading the replies to mika's private message, Mingkai already knew that this passer-by was probably the dfm mid laner mika.

But he was really sure that mika had chosen such an outrageous game name, he still couldn't understand it.

Such a good ljl player, why don't you want to open a lot of money in North America and run to lpl with all your heart?

He remembered that mika said after the group stage that he was his fan, but Ming Kai thought it was a fan or not, and secondly, even a fan would not give up his bright future in North America to come to lpl for the sake of chasing stars.

He's not so narcissistic yet that he thinks that his top eight jungler has the charm to attract a beautiful player like Mika to LPL.

"Sunday, I'm not at the EDG team base right now, and the network is not very good." Ming Kai replied.

Summer sends an Orc emoji.

 The last chapter seems to be blocked, wait for me to apply...

  The application failed, it will take 45 hours to apply next time...

(End of this chapter)

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