lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 335 The factory director's blind monk is reassuring!

Chapter 335 The factory director's blind monk is reassuring!
The seven-minute team battle ended, and edg stabilized the situation under the strong attack of mlxg.

With the help of the leading teleportation in the top lane, mouse quickly expanded the difference in last hits to 12. Although meiko's Karma died in the bottom lane, deft survived and got a kill, and uzi sent a kill but suffered a small loss. The follow-up can still be suppressed opposite.

The situation in the middle is the most dangerous.

Since rng Nakano Lissandra and Spider each have a head, Ike, who has short hands and has been cut off from pushing the line, is under tremendous pressure.

Although Meixia likes to deal quickly, she is not a reckless person. She bought the magic resistance and negative electrode cloak for equipment, and retreated to the tower, not giving the opponent a chance.

mlxg also saw Ike's outfit, but he still looked for opportunities, trying to use the effect of e [Pansi] to jump the tower.

After all, after playing three games, he finally had an early advantage in one game, which must be cherished!
The hunger strike gank must be carried out to the end!

More importantly, he is impatient!It is obvious to all that his own strength is not as good as EDG. If he develops peacefully with EDG, he will be destroyed by Mika's operation if he can't keep himself in a team battle!

At eleven and a half minutes, uzi shot e [Eagle Strikes the Sky] half a minute early to the EDG wild area to confirm the location of the factory director.

The game time reached twelve minutes, and Ike's flash had just turned around. Considering that this is the time when most players tend to relax their vigilance, mlxg did the opposite and gank.

The spider started scanning and crossed the river on the right to steal the factory manager f4, and then stuck to the wall and waited for the minions under the tower to quickly gather—it wasn't that rng's minions didn't arrive in the tower, but that edg's new round of minions who were shooting on the line blocked it He flashes the path of e.

When the moving soldiers stopped, and Ike was in the middle of the melee and ranged soldiers, mlxg shouted, "Come on!"

Xiaohu flashed r with Ike's q [time-space curler]!

[Frozen Tomb] Freeze Mika!

q and w shot together!
Lissandra has no means of evading the attack of the defensive tower in the follow-up, and after the release of Xiaohu's skills, he is ready to withdraw from the range of the defensive tower at any time.

At the same time, mlxg controlled the spider to flash across the wall, and shot a burst at Ike eqw.

Although Ike is equipped with mercury shoes and negative electrode cloak, he still can't stand the powerful fixed-point explosive ability of the ice girl and spider, and it seems that he can't make a big move.

Meixia was also a little anxious in a rare way, shouting on the voice channel, "Put me, stick me! Flash!"

It's not that she thinks she will die, she calculated that as long as the blind monk sticks W's shield, the damage on the other side will not be enough, but the problem is that the factory manager's blind monk is very insecure.

What should I do if the factory manager w finds Xiaobing...

She even had a bet with her sister before the match, and she didn't want to lose again.

Fortunately, the factory manager was unequivocal after hearing what the Sakura girl said, flashed to the scene, and accurately pressed w [golden bell cover] on Ike.

The shield value of blind monk w has been slightly enhanced in the previous version 6.14. The factory manager also followed the world version to play the main q and sub-w. Now, the w added to two levels has 100 shields.

The narrator Miller yelled.

"The factory manager flashed to give the shield!"

"Ike survived! Use the big move Time and Space Break! e dodge the magic crystal sword sticking to your face!"

Seeing rng's beautiful jumping of the tower but failing, the baby has a tone of reluctance.

"Ah, mika is going to fight back..."

On the field, Meixia didn't care about the spider who opened e [coiled silk] nearby, but opened w [interlaced time and space], and then hit Lissandra ea who escaped from the tower and turned back to try to make up for the damage with flat a. .

Xiaohu gave q [Ice Shards] on the spot, but the damage was not enough to kill Ike who had recovered blood through [Time and Space Break].

However, the problem is that Ike with magic resistance is not enough damage to kill Lissandra!
Xiaohu was wondering, and locked on him from the river on the right to the line of sight.

The policewoman's big move [let the bullets fly]!
Xiaohu lost the idea of ​​running for his life in an instant, and was finally shot to death by the policewoman.

At this time, the spider in the defense tower who ate the defense tower and Ike's ultimate move also had no way to escape. First, he got the factory manager's qrq combo, and then was stunned by Ike's w [Time and Space Interleaved].

"You eat what you eat!" The factory manager consciously gave way to his thigh.

"Senior factory manager! You are the world's number one blind monk!" Mei Xia did not forget to admire after collecting the heads.

"The World Championship, you can prove it after finishing the World Championship..." The factory manager was so embarrassed by Sakura Girl, the face of s3 who was slapped at the end of saying this still hurts to this day.

"I don't care, the senior factory manager is the number one jungler here!" Mei Xia continued to hypnotize his teammates.

It's hard to say whether he is the world's number one jungler, at least the factory manager's blind monk level has been proven, and it is certain that he will not be too weak before the World Championship.

If the world competition maintains its level, she feels that this year's champion will be secure!
What kind of ghost foot seven, 4396, and the title of waste Kai, none of them exist!

Mei Xia got the head, and three minutes later, she went home and updated her equipment to the Abyss Scepter.

Looking at other lane matches, mouse on the top lane bought a black cut earlier than Gnar, and his CS lead expanded to 15.

The advantage of deft in the bottom lane is even more obvious. He has already pushed down the first tower of rng and the laning period is over.

Although edg's economic lead is only [-], the game situation has turned upside down compared to a minute ago.

In the RNG team, it is a commonplace strategy for Mata to open his mouth, "Let's delay, theoretically our late game lineup is better than the opponent..."

"Brothers, don't worry, whether we lose or lose, we will definitely enter the World Championship!" Uzi chose to return to the bad mentality in desperation.

However, this kind of speech is much more mature than the operation of snatching Wei En when they were young.

Rng followed Mata's idea to shrink the formation.

They let go of the three outer towers and little dragons one after another, retreating steadily in the rear.

But rng turned from leading to lagging behind in 13 minutes of economics, and edg only had a blind monk as a team starter, so they could calmly avoid the battle, so the economics never had large-scale team battles, and the economics could not be opened.

Until the 26th minute, edg routed Jeskarma's poke in the middle, and the policewoman's ultimate move, which consumed Lissandra to the residual blood from a long distance, and then stormed all the way to push down the highland crystal.

The economic lead finally expanded from [-] to [-].

"First line up the big dragon's field of vision, we will use the big dragon to lure them over, and then play poke to consume it!" The factory manager walked down to the high ground to do the operation command.

edg's lineup is indeed very slow against Baron.

rng was not fooled either, leaving Gnar at home to clean up the super soldiers, and the other four approached the dragon pit step by step, and retreated once they sensed the danger. time.

Seeing that the team battle will not be able to start for a while, Meixia found a corner and returned to the city, and updated the Demon Codex besides the abyss, golden body and green armor, and planned to buy the Banshee Veil later.

And at this moment, the looper who cleared the highland super soldiers quietly came to the front.

As the top laner of the s4 champion, he keenly smelled a comeback!

(End of this chapter)

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