Chapter 35

Seeing Mei Xia's question mark, Ming Kai's face felt hot.

Although the failure of this wave of top lane duels was due to the wrong choice of heroes, deliberately not choosing the excavator or barrel that he was good at, but in the scene, he was defeated by the Frozen Sunset and the passers-by and taunted him, and then he was found by the dfm female player Mika alone. Back to the scene!

His competitive spirit has always been very strong, unlike pdd who can calmly accept the fact that he is weaker than Mika, even if he can find an excuse for the hero's weakness, he feels uncomfortable.

"Beautiful!" He endured complicated thoughts and typed praises to Mika.

"Thanks!" Meixia replied.

And Stateless who was solo killed by Summer.

The same mentality is difficult to calm down.

It’s just that he doesn’t have any personal grievances with [Mika-chan wants to play lpl]. He quickly walked out of the initial emotions of being disgusted by the team’s adc and Uki Mika, and realized that Ike, who was facing him, really had two brushes.

After all, they have already played solo kills.

Even if you don't intend to admit that the other party is great, it is difficult to find a reason to convince yourself.

Stateless explained to Frozen Sunset with a smile on the voice channel, "I take back what I said before, this Ike feels that he has hard power, the world's number one female player Mika is indeed not cjb."

It's just a round of ranking, and Frozen Sunset doesn't care if her laner gets killed solo or collapsed, "That's great, the opponent's middle lane is the thigh, and the factory manager must be caught behind, so don't bother me!
Why!I really lay down the gun without saying a word, and came to the road to catch it at the third level. Fortunately, I was just an uncontrolled Mundo! "

Stateless smiled, "Haha, I just want to confirm if the jungler is the factory manager, he seems a bit unhappy. Maybe pdd recommended this assassin brother to the EDG team."


During the time when the two sides were typing and communicating, Meixia bought Dolan's ring after going out to fill the medicine bottle.

Back in the middle, she easily pushed the pawn line under the first tower, but it was difficult to hit and kill in the face of the state of heightened vigilance.

Kassadin's wretched tower only eats tower knives.

Summer had no teammates to help him climb the tower, and Ike, who had short hands and no hard control, really couldn't kill him.

Of course, her strong line pressure is not useless. Kassadin's blood volume and mana volume are always on the verge of danger. Seeing this situation, it is difficult for the opposing jungler Spider to give birth to the idea of ​​​​helping the middle lane to catch people-if there is a mistake in coordination Or being squatted back by Ming Kai, arresting people will speed up Kassadin's collapse.

Summer's sixth level directly played Kassadin's flash, while the opponent's spider killed Meixia's teammate in the bottom lane to support the bull head, and then killed Jess in the top lane.

The game time has come to ten minutes.

The situation on Meixia's side is completely supported by her personally.

Mundo has no control, no damage, and is slow to clear the jungle. The early gank ability is much weaker than that of the spider. Jess, who is isolated and helpless in the top lane, is pushed down a tower by the frozen sunset with the cooperation of the jungler. Long pressed so hard that he couldn't hold his head up, the only point of lead was the difference between Meixia's one kill and sixteen minions in the middle lane.

She sent a signal to Mingkai to help fight the tower in the middle, but the opponent refused on the grounds of clearing the jungle and leveling up. Meixia didn't realize Mingkai's thoughts. It's not the duty of the jungler.

But Ike couldn't kill people online, so her advantage couldn't continue to expand.

Can only quietly wait for the opportunity.

Stateless did not reveal any flaws, but his passer-by teammates were not as stable as professional players, and the opportunity soon made Summer wait!

Ice and Bron, who were under the enemy's bottom line, returned to the city, and then Ice's e skill shined on Ming Kaimondo in the first half of the field.

And Mei Xia was keenly aware of the flight trajectory of the e Eagle hitting the sky.

With the flying speed and angle of the skill, she quickly judged the position of the ice arrow, and by comparing the countdown time and walking speed of the opponent with the opponent, she determined the current possible position of the ice.She's walking towards the middle, and she's about to get out of the high ground soon!

Undoubtedly, he came for his own Ike.

Summergate chooses to play it safe.

After all, no matter how superbly he played, Braum would be followed by Ice on the opposite side, and there would even be spiders on the side to support him. If he hit four, it would be impossible to succeed.

But Meixia was so incredible that even Hanbing's walking speed in Summoner's Canyon was modeled in her brain, and her timing of releasing the line became very tricky!

Ike didn't leave as soon as he noticed Han Bing's movement, but estimated that when Han Bing reached the intersection of the second tower, he disappeared from the line.

In this way, Han Bing ran for nothing, and wanted to quickly return to the bottom road, but had to take a risky detour through the dark wild area.

And this is Mei Xia's chance to get another kill!
She squats in the grass, sees the ice, releases w to her feet, and then reverses the e phase in details and dashes out of the grass to avoid the ice w. Thousands of arrows are fired, wait for the ice and Bron to enter the grass, and then step on the edge of the force field to trigger dizziness!
Then the ice in e is connected to qa and ignited.

The damage is not enough to drop full blood ice in seconds.

When the dizziness is over, Ice hits her face and shoots the magic crystal arrow, but Mei Xia's reaction speed is so fast now, she flashes to avoid the skill by sticking to the edge of the model, takes two steps away from her, and then activates her ultimate move, two-level reversal!
The limit range of the ultimate move hit the ice that was intending to retreat again and killed it!

Then, facing the pursuit of Bron and Kassadin in the middle, she quickly hit three rings on Bron, speeding away from the crime scene.

"Ike can still play like this? Such high damage!" Frozen sunset on the opposite road witnessed the tragedy in the wild area, and was stunned for a while.

The top lane Ike he played has always been half-bad, and his ultimate moves are mostly used to restore blood to save his life. He has never seen a scene full of blood and ice in the early stage.

"The lich she produced is playing the AP assassin style. It's not surprising that the damage is..." Stateless and Mei Xia have been confronted in the middle lane for a long time, and they have a deep understanding of her damage. At the same time, they came to a slightly sour conclusion, "AP Assassin Ike also I can only play passers-by, and I can’t play in the game.”


After getting two heads, Meixia took out Lich's Scourge when she got home.

This time, the stateless with only remnants on his body was completely unable to align.

Moreover, Meixia's bot lane assistant saw Ike's heroic performance, how could she not know who the thigh of this game was, and after assisting Lucian to push down a tower while the ice was dead, she went straight to the middle lane to give her vision and back squat!Treat Ike as his own father!

The snowball in the middle started rolling.

However, the game did not go smoothly.

Until the [-]-minute big dragon team battle, Mei Xia single-handedly cut the ice to death, and Mingkai's Mundo was able to withstand the three-ap damage of the Kenan spider Kassadin head-on, and the victory was completely established.

At the end of the game, Summergate's data was 15-3-5 and won the mvp.

Mingkai's Mundo is only 1-4-8.

After playing the game, Ming Kai’s private message column showed a friend’s message, and he clicked on it to speak in a stateless manner, “Lie down and win! Tell me, where did you find mika’s thigh? Pawn has a serious back injury?”

The two have a very good relationship in private, otherwise they would not know that this is Meiko's trumpet, so Ming Kai smiled and typed to hurt each other, "You are not ashamed to be violently killed by the ljl female mid laner!"

On the other side, Meixia also sent a message, "Senior clearlovr, how am I doing! I have solo killed the mid laners of the lpl!"

Ming Kai suddenly felt a strong sense of guilt.

Mika is not a young player that no one wants. Just because of her gender and that good-looking face, she can get a top salary comparable to the top three of LPL in North America. If she is willing to come to EDG for trial training, she can be regarded as worthy of LPL.

Isn't it just an opportunity for trial training? As one of the founders of the team, don't you even have this bit of tolerance and rights?

He actually thought of doing it on purpose in the game, and now he's ashamed in front of his old friend Stateless, it really feels like he deserves it.

He typed and replied, "Come to edg for a trial training after the All-Star Game is over. I will ask the team to reimburse the round-trip accommodation and travel expenses."

As for whether the trial training can be successful.

Ming Kai shook his head in front of the computer desk.

He still has no hope for mika.

 The match between rng and fnc has just finished.What is it, the return of lpl's darkest hour?
(End of this chapter)

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