Chapter 355
On October 10, the second round of the group stage officially began.

Unlike in the first round, each group took turns in the competition. In the second round, each group played all the games in the group within one day until the two seeded teams in the group were determined.

It was Group A first. Meixia, who was preparing for the follow-up competition, did not pay attention to the results of other groups. She only learned the promotion result when she got a rough look at the latest lineup of Group A the next morning—Huya Rox and Baidu Cloud scored c9 points. Ranked one or two to break through, while the European No. 2 seed G[-] and the LPL No. [-] seed im were unfortunately eliminated.

Then on October 10th, it was Group C's turn to compete for the final quota for the lineup.

In the lpl division, im will be eliminated first.

The state of edg is worrying.

It seems that only rng, a single seedling, has a chance to advance to the quarterfinals, and lpl's s6 report card may even be as bad as s5.

Before the game started, public opinion in Huaguo was already in turmoil.

However, the EDG fans in the arena were still as crowded as ever. When Mei Xia appeared on the stage with everyone, he could see a dense crowd of spectators wearing EDG black team uniforms and holding black flags.

edg played in the first game, and their opponent was the wild card team intz.

At the same time, on the lpl relay station, the narrators are Ji Ji, Xiaosan and joker.

edg blue square, three ban blind monk, Syndra and Gnar.

Many of the players on the wild card team are unique players, and edg's three-hand ban refers directly to the opponent's three best-performing heroes in the first round.

The blind monk who kicked the factory manager like a ball will never be let go, even Syndra, who can avenge the defeat in the first round by mika, has not let intz go.

It can be seen that unlike the first round, edg is very cautious about this bp.

After all, if you lose this game, you can buy a return ticket when you leave the game, so you really don't have to play the next game!
The red square intz banned Leopard Girl, Jess and Rambo, and also had an in-depth study of edg, banning mouse's best heroes.

The commentary desk remembered to make an analysis immediately, "Salien and excavator, plus Olaf's three junglers in the current version of t1, does the factory manager want to grab it first? Or give Mika a hero?!"

Just thinking of the rumored mika and the factory manager's strange hero when they lined up in duo, the commentator and the audience were all heartbroken.

Soon joker said with a smile, "Excavator! Sure enough, edg's bp today is trying to be stable. It is estimated that after the first round, Abramovich also held a resumption meeting! Compared with Mika's hero, don't give it to the factory manager. Choosing the blind monk Ma is the correct way."

The clown, who was slapped in the face by mika many times during the commentary of the spring game, was laughing in private after watching the first round of the EDG group stage.

"intz takes Bobby and Bullhead." Xiaosan held his crotch, "Jesrambo is banned, and Bobby can be predicted in the top lane. It's just this support bullhead, intz won't play protective heroes with you in the bottom lane, but Play hard..."

Now that intz sees intz take the hero in the bottom lane, edg will naturally not give meiko the soft support of the cat risk.

The top laner first selected Kenan against Poppy, and the support immediately showed Tam Jhin. The former's long-handed AP is the counter against Poppy, and the latter can attack, retreat and defend. He is very strong in the early, middle and late stages. Suppression is also an aid to extreme restraint.

Neither the commentator nor the audience can find faults.

The only thing you might have to worry about is mouae Kenan's proficiency.

"Intz took out the adc policewoman in the third hand, this is to play pure laning! In the fourth hand, intz, the jungler, is indeed a fan of the factory director. Spiders, widows, and pig girls are all the factory director's signs. Come down, Scorpion, this seems to be a hero in the factory manager's hero pool!" Thinking of the blind man who beat up the factory manager in the first round, I remember being amused by the intz jungler's tribute.

It was edg's last two moves, and the adc and mid laner were not selected.

Deft's hero selection is very simple. Intz, in order to improve the strength of the line, the version of the most functional adc Jhin does not choose to go directly to the policewoman. Since he has Tahm's protection, there is no need to follow the opponent to disrupt the situation, so take Jhin who is not on the opposite side. no problem.

"Give me Ryze!" Mei Xia resolutely begged Abu.

skt has already guessed that she hid Ryze, and if she reaches the knockout round, other teams will probably judge this from the fact that she has never used Ryze combined with skt's bp.

That being the case, there is no need to hide any more.

The big bald wandering mage appeared in the hero box.

The commentator remembers opening his eyes wide in surprise, "Mika really chose the new version of Ryze! Could it be that SKT's move to ban Ryze in the last round was not groundless?!"

At the last counter of intz, they selected the Dragon King!

This hero shined in the hands of clg mid laner huhi before. At the same time, because of the many training matches with clg before, the proficiency of intz mid laner against Dragon King has increased.

And the most important thing is that he is also a supportive hero, and the Dragon King can be considered to have a good restraint effect on Ryze.

The heroes of both sides are selected.

edg top laner Kenan, jungler Excavator, mid laner Ryze, adc Jhin and support Tamm.

Intz top single Bobby, jungler Scorpion, mid laner Dragon King, adc female policewoman and support bullhead.

After choosing the hero Summer, you can see the end of the game at a glance.

With this BP result, their EDG is considered a complete victory!

All heroes in the upper and lower lanes have an advantage in laning. When intz lasts to the mid-term, the team is not the opponent of edg. This kind of hero is comparable.

Entering the game, everything is as it should be!
In less than three minutes, Kenan on the top lane had already exhausted his pawns against Bobby, Jhin on the bottom lane was stunned by a backhand w when being bullied by the policewoman, and Tamm chased and licked three times, forcing the policewoman back again and again .

Summer's own Ryze in the middle lane, although the hero's ability to clear the line in the early stage is weaker than that of the Dragon King, but she plays well!Relying on QE's ejection consumption ability, and the passive technique of moving through the opponent, it is easy to press the Dragon King into the tower, and even wipe out the opponent's blood bottle!
The third line suppressed and immediately gave the factory manager the opportunity to invade the jungle.

He opened the field with three wolves, finished f4 and then took the red buf, succeeded in a quick three, and then crossed the river to compete for the blue buff in the lower half of intz!

Intz would rather save the first blue for the jungler in the middle and bottom lanes. After all, the factory manager's fans are the core players of their team.

Tau finds a chance to fly wq to Jhin and Tahm, but edg's support is faster than the other side's. Meixia partition wall q accepts the head.

The bull's head that entered the market became a beef feast delivered to the door.

Not counting after killing Niutou, the factory manager e drilled the ground and forced the policewoman to flash, meiko and flash q slowed down, and then deft flashed to chase the basic attack. Everyone surrendered a lot of skills to kill the policewoman at the intersection of Momao Frog.

In less than four minutes, the factory manager grabbed the blue buff, EDG got two heads, and the economic lead reached [-]!

After the team battle, remember to happily explain, "The next intz road collapsed, no one can make up for the two waves of soldiers entering the tower, and the level and experience points are all behind..."

The joker is eager to see edg lose, but there is still no opening in his mouth, "The head is still on Mika, this will make the Dragon King even worse!"

(End of this chapter)

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