lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 41 Kind Hometown Chapter!

Chapter 41 Kind Hometown Dialect!

Take flash teleportation and enter the game.

Since Lulu was developed as a mid laner, she has never missed a ban position for many consecutive seasons. Looking at the small and cute yordle in front of her, Summer can't help but think of another huge support hero after four seasons.

Titan, that's right, Lulu is the Titan in the soft assistant!

They are like Tachibana Taki and Mitsuha Miyamizu in your name.

Although they belong to different genders in different times and spaces, the mix of running from support to mid laners and fighting in team battles without laning is quite clear.

Yasuo really has nothing to do with Lulu. It's not that his skills are restrained. The opponent has a shield in his hand to speed up, and there is no danger in pushing the line. In the later stage, he has a big move to save his life. He can't kill him at all. He is the nemesis of all assassin heroes.

But since Meixia snatches Yasuo, she naturally has no fear in her heart!

The first level is still e with the help of minions to move, and use the passive white shield against Lulu's flat a to fight consumption. During the period, Lulu, who learned e, added a shield for herself, so Meixia suffered a small loss in exchange.

Behind him, Abu shook his head secretly. This mika doesn't have any quality of a professional player. Yasuo is a disadvantaged matchup. How can she play like this? It's okay to lose money in exchange. Isn't she afraid of being caught by the jungler!

Of course, Abu couldn't understand Summer Summer's advanced gameplay from later generations.

It's a loss in blood exchange, but in fact, Mei Xia has the line power.

Yasuo kept shifting in the pawn pile to cause damage, while Lulu kept watching her move, and the speed of replenishing troops lagged behind.

Grab the second level. At this time, Yasuo has the blow of q, and he can beat Lulu in the duel, as long as he moves to avoid the opponent's q skill.

It's just that the situation has changed before she reaches the period of exertion.

The EPA jungler wanted to grab the river crabs, so Republic gave up the duel and pushed the line of troops to the front of the EDG tower with blood bottles.

Then the junglers of the two sides met in the river crab on the bottom lane, and half-blood Lulu quickly supported them.

"Mika! Come to the river!" Fireloli shouted at the top of his voice.

Mei Xiazhuang couldn't understand, but even if she understood, she would just say don't interfere with my last attack, and then continue to develop in the middle.

So fireloli's spider dropped the steel wire to the small dragon pit, and was forced to flash up the dragon pit with residual blood.

EPA continued to pursue, trying to complete a wave of tower jumping and killing.

But after forcing out the small cannon w, flash healing and bull head weakness, the line was protected by the bottom duo.

Seeing the remaining blood of the troll, everyone in epa could only withdraw.

Originally, the rhythm of this wave of bot lanes stopped here, and the four of epa were about to flee back to the first tower.

But she cleared the soldiers and went to the river to support more than half, how could she give up halfway!Then how many soldiers can I eat by walking this extra ten seconds!
Summer began to send signals frantically.

"Go ahead," she yelled in Japanese.

"Withdraw, withdraw!" Fireloli Master Ming Kai commanded.

For a while, edg's command was extremely chaotic.

It is said on the Internet that edg assistant meiko is half Korean.

But there is an error in this statement.

Before Meiko was half-Korean, she was a maniac at first, and her id was the Roman pronunciation of the Japanese name Meiko. As for which Meiko it was, I couldn’t test it, and there was, or will be, watching anime late at night to disturb my colleagues. The deeds of iboy sleeping in the dormitory.

So he can understand a little bit of Mitsua's meaning.

As for fireloli's Chinese command, of course it is automatically ignored.

As a result, meiko, who inspired the pedigree of manga obsession, felt very cordial when he heard Japanese. The cowardly spirit cultivated by the team atmosphere in the past disappeared in an instant, and he turned his head and pressed the skill.

W used it when protecting the small cannon, he directly q flashed his hand, and kept the blind monk at the limit distance!
When the blind monk hit the ground, Mei Xia finally arrived after a long time.

She originally had a passive layer of eq river crab, first e small soldier q blind monk to accumulate wind, and then released a wind wall to confiscate it at the moment Lulu turned into a sheep. Now epa has no control skills at all!
Among the top five players at level six, only Lulu has control. This is the shortcoming of epa's hero selection!
Mei Xia walked unimpeded, and blew the blind monk and the troll with a fierce a and then a q.

【first drop of blood! 】

Take the head of the blind monk!Then the troll on the edge of the ea defense tower, followed by aaa, took down the second head three times, and finally dragged the remaining blood and flashed the e soldier to distance himself from the female gun under the tower.

A set of operations runs smoothly.

Abu doesn't pay much attention to the player's operation, but appreciates the player's execution ability more. He just feels that Yasuo's support is slow, and it's neat to take the head, but Meiko's Q flash after seeing Yasuo's arrival is very eye-catching.

"Meiko is very decisive in keeping people this time!" He applauded.

Meiko thought, somehow, I suddenly had the courage to start a group...

The edg and eoa players on the field saw that the operation of confiscating the sheep and turning into a sheep was very beautiful, but they were not specialized in Yasuo, and they intuitively thought that it was because of her high proficiency.

But Meixia confiscated it the moment she saw Lulu's skill of transforming into a sheep, and it didn't involve muscle memory at all, which was purely based on proficiency!

Only the amateur interpreter squatting behind her cheered.

"Wow! Mika's Yasuo is amazing!"

When Mika said that she likes lpl, she really hoped that this lovely girl could stay in edg and China.

Meixia listened comfortably, and suddenly felt that in addition to the advantage of outstanding development, Lin Translator also had many additional functions.

After getting the heads and returning with a full load, she returned to the city to replenish her status and equipment before sending it online.

Yasuo got two kills in front of Lulu in the early stage, and the opponent basically can only eat minions under the tower, and there is no more laning capital!
Coach EPA saw how replic was struggling to make up the knife, and couldn't help saying, "Lulu countered Yasuo, it shouldn't be like this! It's because the blind monk and troll in the bottom lane didn't retreat in time, and Yasuo actually picked up the head! "

Auxiliary jiezou has troubles that he can't tell.

Can that blame them?

Who is it that Lulu insists on flashing to the Dragon Pit to chase the spiders!Who commanded the tower jumping!Aren't they all the commanders of the Korean mid laner?
"It's not anyone's fault. We didn't cooperate well in that wave." No matter how arrogant Republic was, he was also a professional player. He knew that the last wave had his own misjudgment, so he quickly comforted his teammates, "I can hold on. In the late team battle, We are stronger Smecta!"

What he said was right, Lulu could indeed hold on, after all the sheep was in the palm of his hand, and the spider didn't dare to jump over the tower to kill him. The EPA lineup is indeed stronger in the later stage, especially with Lulu, a hero who gives unlimited shields.

But if the middle road is lost, the epa wild area will immediately fall!

fireloli is basically a low-end copy of Mingkai, it is no problem to invade the wild area of ​​a third-rate lpl team, level 4 is to live in the blind monk in the bushes of f4, summer e climbs over the wall and enters f[-], catches the wind and picks up the big move, lands again Take a human head.

And the fact that spiders don't dare to jump over the tower at will doesn't mean that Lulu is really safe!
Another two minutes passed, top laner korol wandered to the middle lane, r flashed on the partition wall and hit Lulu, and Meixia took another big move to get the head

In the early eight minutes, Yasuo held four heads. Because of the teamwork, she killed faster than passers-by in ranking!
(End of this chapter)

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