chapter 50
Before the second game started, the live broadcast camera showed the faces of the female fans in the arena.

However, the usual routine of directing and adding chicken drumsticks suddenly changed.

"Who wants to see these goblins with make-up half a meter thick, the director will show Mika a close-up!"

"If the director doesn't show Mika a shot, get a lunch box and leave!"

"Today is probably Mika-chan's last game in LPL, I don't want to give you some close-ups, otherwise I'm afraid I will only see Mika in..."

"Where? In some kind of movie?"

"What are you thinking, I'm talking about the Douyu live broadcast room."


The short in-field scene ended, and the three hosts appeared in the live broadcast room, and the doll spoke first, "Okay, audience friends, welcome back! Today's first match is indeed the opening match. The match was very fierce, and it can be seen The rookies on both teams have meshed well."

Miller said, "Well, but it's a pity that our beautiful player Mika from LJL, although she is proficient in operations and has a good record, she still couldn't help EDG win the first round of the opening match."

Wawa said, "This has nothing to do with mika, it can only be said that rng performed better! They still cooperated in the start of the team, and it is completely impossible to see that there is such a big personnel change this year! Mata's backtracking is still supported by the champion Taste!"

Simply commenting on the performance of the newcomer Mika, the three quickly talked about the second game.

Wawa said, "Hey, before the start of the game, we need to inform the audience about a substitution! That's right, the factory director will appear in the second game, everyone should be looking forward to it!"

"Since Ai Loli is replaced, edg is basically the main player of last year except for the mid laner Mika. I'm afraid the next game will be even more exciting!"

After announcing the substitution information, the camera came to the arena, and Meixia and her teammates had already retake their seats.

bp starts.

In this round, the opponent rng switched to the blue side, and the three-handed ban pressed down the captain of the female gun and the excavator.

The red square edg bans Lulu Qianjue and Ryze.

Then rng middle road took out Lisandra first after Lulu was banned.

Frost Queen Lissandra has the possibility of swinging from the middle to the top, but Xiaohu has a high probability of using her to restrain Summer's assassin hero pool.

Lissandra in s5, although the blue-back passive team battle effect is not as good as the ice blood with large-scale AOE damage after the redo, but at this time the damage of the ice girl skill has not been greatly reduced, and the crampons released by e glacier path The movement speed has not been weakened, and he is one of the mid laners in the version.

And Lissandra, like Lulu, has long hands, fast line push, control, and self-protection ability.

Is the natural enemy of all assassin heroes!

Xiaohu obviously came prepared.

Meixia guessed that the other party had also watched her match in ljl in private!

Do you want to take out the mage hero at the bottom of the box?

It's only the first match of LPL, if I change the plan here, can the idea behind it be implemented smoothly?

After all, Mei Xia was unwilling to reconcile, she looked to the coach on the field and wanted to request to play with the Assassin, but Ming Kai was the first to notice the strangeness of the Japanese players in the team.

He understands Meixia's thoughts very well. I'm afraid this assassin hero lover is still not reconciled. Obviously Yaoji played very well, it was not her fault, but she had to change the hero choice in the second game...

Ming Kai said to the interpreter behind him, "Tell Mika, confidently use a hero that restrains Lissandra. Play the lane effect just like in ranking, and leave the rest to me."

EDG's on-court bp is not Abramovich's job, but is handed over to the low-power coaching staff. Ming Kai is the veteran of the team, and he himself has participated in the bp of the team. There is still the power to temporarily decide the hero selection.

Summer got another chance to counter Lissandra with the Assassin.

Compared with having w sheep-changing magic skill e super shield r big move plus blood hit flying, [-] degrees without dead ends to restrain assassin Lulu, Lissandra's ability to restrain assassins is much weaker, so Meixia has There are many heroes to choose from.

But after being frustrated in the last game, she must teach Xiaohu enough lessons to let him, and all the lpl mid laners understand that playing Lululisandro is useless to her!

Soon she locked the hero, but the first surprise was not the opponent and the audience, but the teammates of EDG.

Because she selected the Holy Gun Ranger Lucian!

Is Lucian an Assassin?Assassins of course!
Don't be fooled by his long-handed characteristics and the official designated bottom lane position, super high burst speed, flexible means of displacement, why not an assassin!And when this hero first appeared on the stage, he was positioned as a mid laner hero!

It was only after it was made that the bottom lane gameplay was developed quickly, and it was gradually recognized as an ADC by League of Legends players. Even in s7, mid laners and top laners Lucian appeared occasionally, and until s9, theshy carried forward the top laner routines.

Mid laner Lucian is good at fighting these bastard heroes who use their hands to clear the line and quickly bully assassins online!
You have long hands, sorry, Lucian's hands are longer than yours!Line clearing is fast, can it be faster than the two holy guns in my hand!
"Ah? Mika, did you choose the wrong one?" Ming Kai couldn't help wondering, but he didn't know the meaning behind Meixia's choice of Lucian.

"The wrong choice is not a big problem, we can let deft play." Meiko hurriedly made up for Summer's wrong choice.

"No, this is the hero I want to take! This is a surprise for Xiaohu!" Mei Xia, who was already prepared, nodded firmly after waiting for the interpreter to finish explaining.

Then bp continues.

The rng lineup has a single Bobby, a wild male gun, a mid laner Lissandra, adc Calista and an auxiliary bull head.

edg chose top laner Mundo, jungler Spider, mid laner Lucian, adc Sivir and support Braum.

Originally, Summergate's Lucian did not cause a sensation, because everyone thought it was selected as an ADC, but when the lineup was completed, everyone was surprised.

"Mid laner Lucian!" Baby's face was full of disbelief, "Uh, I have to say, Mika's hero pool is really special. Lucian played in the mid laner position once in the Spring Split, and the recent version has not been enhanced!"

"Wow! The baby guide is very powerful in his memory!" Miller analyzed carefully after touting, "But Lucian's body should be very fragile. I feel that it is not easy to play against Lissandra. In ljl, he always takes Lucian as a counter to Lissandra. Or does Mika have a special understanding of Lucian?"

Chang Mao, who was silent for a long time, finally spoke, and he opened his mouth with a cold joke, "It's also possible that Mika chose the wrong one..."

Wawa and Miller explained, but Changmao still thought his statement was very interesting, "Actually, it's not impossible to choose the wrong one! Mika is a Japanese player, how can she understand Chinese? Maybe the coach asked her to choose Lulu, when she heard it, oh, Lulu Lucian!"


Not just the commentary, but Abu, who was watching the game backstage, felt hot in the back of his head when he saw that Mei Xia was able to choose Lucian, a wonderful hero.

"Isn't she the late mage hero she promised? Who appointed Lucian for him! What are you doing?!"

When the coaching staff comes back, they must ask how the bp did it.

The picture flickered in his mind, thinking of the list of heroes given by Mika, it seems that there is indeed a hero named Lucian, so he quickly took out the small book and flipped through it, and then saw the letters of Lucian in the corner of the booklet.

Could it be that Mika really asked for it, Abu thought to himself, she dared to choose Lucian without authorization, if it didn't work out, the consequences would be very serious.

Xiaohu, who is about to face Summer Summer for the second time, also finds it difficult to understand Lucian's choice.

"I'm afraid the Sakura girl on the opposite side is crazy. Lucian dares to choose. She can't really play a traditional mage mid laner!"

Mlxg shook his head and said in confusion, "Such a hero pool with serious biases can also enter edg? What is their coach Abu doing? Xiaohu, wait in the middle, and see how I can catch her."

"Okay! Let her feel the warmth of lpl!" Xiaohu said with a cheap smile. In the last game, Lulu was killed by the enchantress several times, and he played very aggrieved.

This round can finally come back with revenge!
The heroes of both sides read into Summoner's Canyon.

(End of this chapter)

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