lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 506 Teacher Mika's advice after the game

Chapter 506 Teacher Mika's advice after the game

Brother Feng is still hesitating about how to appease the players and establish prestige for himself. In the middle of the arena, Mika shakes hands with rng players and is being interviewed by the mvp after the game.

After all, Mei Xia cares about lpl, teaching belongs to teaching, she doesn't want to kill these young seedlings in the cradle!

So this time she is not going to say anything to hit the opponent.

Today's interview is in charge of guest appearance by Ze Yuan.

When he was young, he was influenced by the Sakura girl, and he was no longer that Pu Zeyuan. Now, as a loyal mika fan, he can say that he is Park Dazuo.

Rubbing his hands, Ze Yuandao, a limited edition of non-mainstream hairstyle, "First of all, congratulations to mika, who won today's game with a beautiful [-]-[-], then we really want to know, did you think it would be such a victory before the game? ?”

This is a regular topic that has been asked in several previous games. In the past, Sakura Girl would confidently express that she thought she would win so easily.

But this time Meixia didn't want to answer like that.

She put on a regretful expression, "Ah, I really didn't expect to win so easily. After the game, I believe that today's rng didn't show the strength they should have. Compared with last year's Spring Split There is also the summer finals, Xiaohu, and senior Uzi, it seems that their strength has become weaker..."

Ze Yuan asked in surprise, "Is this the case? Maybe it's because of his poor state. Now that we are talking about Xiaohu's strength, Mika took Karma in two rounds today, and Katarina, two completely different heroes, faced his Sinde. La, what's the idea behind this, and what kind of experience do you have when facing the little tiger Syndra?"

He and the audience really wanted to know if mika deliberately sent a letter of challenge to rookie and doinb in the previous two games.

"Well, I chose these two heroes because they are both very powerful mid laners in this version. As for the laning against Syndra, I originally expected to have a wonderful duel with Xiaohu, but the result was not good. No matter how satisfied, I won the game purely relying on the hero's own strength."

Inside and outside the words, Meixia's intention is not to boast of her own strength, but to point out that there is a problem with today's rng level.

She is mentioning her opponent.

And walking back to the waiting room, the rng players who were waiting for Brother Feng's instructions all noticed Sakura Girl's gentle suggestion on the screen.

"It seems that Mika's words are not what he said. He is saying that today's rng team has a problem?" The interview host Ze Yuan reacted very cleverly and accurately grasped the core, "Can you explain in detail??"

"Yes! Today's rng, first of all, in terms of the selected lineup, is not much different from last year's summer split or even the spring split. Their tactics and bp have not improved much..." Mei Xia was heartbroken.

The rng players who looked at the screen in the lounge unanimously lowered their heads in shame.

"Did you hear that!" rng coach Feng Ge was very pleasantly surprised, this Sakura girl really gave him a huge assist, "Hero pool is not practiced, I have been telling you to learn edg's lineup, learn edg's operation, you are I don’t listen to it at all. From the spring split to the present, there have been two sets of lineups. Look at you, Xiaohu, with Syndra forehand and Lissandra for the backhand, plus Ryze, in exchange for three heroes ! And uzi, too, when can you train Jhin and Verus well?"

Things that I dare not say or scold at ordinary times, relying on the support of Yinghuamei's speech, Brother Feng said it all at once.

"Brothers, if you just want to win a few runner-ups, then continue playing like this, but I believe that you are playing in rng now, and you are definitely not aiming at being a stepping stone for Sakura sister!"

Uzi blushed and looked at Sakura Girl who was petite and cute on the screen, but every word in her mouth was like a steel needle.

Even though it was only a regular season game, but combined with her words and the 15-0 record by Sakura in the second game, he was so ashamed that he was about to cry.

That's right, ever since he learned of Deft's transfer this spring and thought he could dominate the LPL bottom lane, he was completely complacent. Except for Han Bing and Sivir, who were trained well, he didn't touch any other heroes.

"Brother Feng, I'll practice. I'll definitely work out all the ad before the playoffs!"

Xiaohu turned his head, if there was anyone who was most humiliated by Mika's interview, it would undoubtedly be him.

And he is a very face-saving person, "It's only the regular season, this Mika is almost forgotten, and it's not like I haven't practiced other heroes now, wait until the playoffs and I'll take it out!"

Brother Feng can tell that Xiaohu is being stubborn, but he will definitely be willing to practice heroes in the future.

"Okay, that's right, this is the regular season. It doesn't matter if you lose the game. We still have a chance to get revenge in the playoffs! This time we lost the game as a lesson, everyone go back and practice hard! Don't be complacent anymore !"

After some encouragement, rng's team's cohesion and combat effectiveness are all at an all-time high.

Thanks to Sister Sakura's enlightening guidance in the interview, Brother Feng continued to watch the live broadcast, only thinking that Mika helped him a lot!
The interview continues.

"Then going back to the game, Mika's Carter in the second game got an unprecedented 15 kills, and didn't die once. How do you feel about this?"

"Well, there's nothing to be excited about, because it's not because of me alone that I got so many kills. Senior factory manager's gank, senior meiko's protection, mouse's team start, and iboy's damage all helped!" Summer didn't thank her teammates.

"And it's not too difficult to get so many heads. After all, Katarina is known for harvesting heads quickly. If you switch to other assassin heroes, you won't be able to get so many!"

"Mika is very humble today! Haha!" Ze Yuan laughed.

The audience also laughed.

"Cry to death, mika-chan's tenderness!"

"The factory manager's gank: finger flashes aea three times!"

"Why can't my Katrina get the head?"

"I think that's definitely not your problem, it's that the other side is not as good as rng."


After hearing Meixia's final answer, Brother Feng finally made up his mind.

Sakura girl is indeed a gentle guy!She could have ridiculed rng with the most vicious words, but she still wanted to say that it was only because of rng's status, not the difference in rng's strength!
It's a pity, after all, it's the opponent!The gentleness of this cherry blossom girl makes people feel even more ashamed!

Next, Ze Yuanyu asked questions about Karma and Carter's outfits, and Mika-sensei also answered them one by one, and the whole interview was over.

Not only rng, who was the opponent, watched the entire interview, but at this moment, qg, who returned to the base after the game, and ig also watched mika's interview.

No matter what, don't give away so many heads to Sakura-sister, and let her use her sincere words to point out critical damage in the interview booth!

doinb and rookie, the two mid laners who were copied from the hero pool by mika, felt the back of their chilling heads when they heard Sakura's teaching on Karma and Carter's outfits, thinking in unison.

They even thought about the terrible outcome of the upcoming game if Mika hid Karma and Carter in that game!
Is my outfit outdated?

You must try the incense burner Karma and ad Carter immediately!

(End of this chapter)

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