lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 512 Doinb's Innovation

A short break has passed.

"Welcome back, this is the scene of the 2017 Spring Split..."

"In the last game, Mika's card master, Drizzt, brought us a textbook-style EDG operation performance! It is neither the traditional rough operation of LPL, nor is it as rigid and lengthy as LCK. This belongs to EDG The unique style is also a role model and an object of study for all teams in the League of Legends professional league today!"

Just after the short break, the commentator remembers that Su Xiaoyan and Su Xiaoyan are still enjoying the last match.

Especially the wave of the big dragon group.

If it is dealt with by lck, it must be to let the card master open up to deter qg, and then change to a single belt line, or wait for the card's big move to improve before continuing to lead the line, and if it is an ordinary lpl team, it will not bring the line at all. It's so deep—the lpl team will be the first to open the big dragon to force the team.

As a commentary, I watched lpl all the way from the s3 season, and was always overwhelmed by lck in the world competition. Now I can see that edg has created an advanced system and become the strongest player in the League of Legends e-sports field. happy.

And having such a team in the league is definitely a good thing for other teams
——Like the censer of doinb in the last game, isn’t it a costume stolen from mika?

"Okay, in the second game, qg switches sides to the blue side, and bp will do better. They banned Dashu, Syndra and Jess in the first three moves."

"The red square edg banned Qinggangying, Ruiz and Karma, and even banned Karma."

"I think it's troublesome for Zhongfu to swing around..."

The narrator speculates.

However, Abramovich's reason for banning Karma is very simple, because Sakura Mika doesn't want to line up with Karma again.

As for why they don't want to play against heroes who have already blown up in the online game.

Meixia's idea is also very simple, she wants to put more pressure on doinb, after all pressure can only grow.

At the selection stage, Mantis is still outside, but unlike the poodle, Mantis has a strong version, but the defect of slow jungle clearing in the early stage makes it easy to be targeted. For example, in the last game, clid was selected when Mantis existed. male gun.

So qg first showed the top laner Shen.

Both Qinggangying and Dashu are outside the office, and Shen is undoubtedly the strongest existing top laner.

The director of edg doesn't want to play Mantis either. According to Clid's style, if he chooses Mantis, he will only put too much pressure on Mika in the early stage, so at his request, the team grabbed the jungle jungler and then gave him a second hand. The top order continues to take Titans.

To qg two or three elections.

However, he still didn't take the mantis, and changed his formation impressively.

Assist Lulu and play Wild Leopard Girl!
"The qg jungler Leopard is out!" The commentator remembers exclaiming, "Although the mantis is still outside, the junglers of the two teams don't seem to want to get it very much."

Su Xiaoyan analyzed according to the small book she prepared before the game, "edg mainly plays games around mika, so the factory manager will be more inclined to play wild games most of the time, as for qg mainly plays wild core, it seems that clid is also The update tends to be pure wild core like poodle male gun leopard female."

"In this way, with blind monk in this game, mika should choose a more aggressive online hero!" remember excitedly.

Winning in the middle of the card is indeed very dominant, and it has a teaching nature for all lpl teams.

But from the viewer's point of view, the enjoyment is far behind that of assassins or ad long-handed heroes after all.

When explaining and analyzing, edg chose Hanbing in the third hand.

So far, the first round of bp between the two sides is over.

Banned in the second round.

The red side edg bans Victor and Vampire. Almost all mid lane heroes used by doinb so far in the Spring Split have been banned.

The blue square qg banned Nami and Thresh, and continued to limit meiko's hero pool.

"Is edg targeting doinb so much?" I remember being a little surprised, "Four ban mid laners!"

Su Xiaoyan said, "If I remember correctly, there seems to be only four or five mid laners used by doinb in the entire Spring Split?"

In fact, there are five, and the enchantress is outside the ban selection pool.

But it's EDG's first round pick.

Meixia directly asked the coach to help her snatch the enchantress.

In this way, doinb's hero pool is completely blocked.

"Xiba... Is edg crazy? Mika's hero pool is so deep, and he still desperately wants to play mid laner??!" qg voice channel, doinb couldn't understand.

"Huh? Brother Coin, does Mika have a grudge against you?" Clid laughed beside him.

"I have a feud, let me think about it, what kind of hero can I choose..." Doinb was not in the mood to joke, and thought with his head clasped.

When we were in the waiting room, I never thought that edg would ban the mid laner so violently. In fact, he was like Mika and continued to let him play with Karma.

"If you don't engage in AD assassins, I think you can play Jienan Dao when you are in duo with me." Clid came up with an idea.

"No, no, no..." Doinb knew how much he was, and it was okay to play assassin in ranked, but playing in front of Mika in the game was tantamount to asking for a dead end.

But when I think of the heroes that are commonly used in ranking, I can think of a hero for him.

Raging Knight Kled!
Although it was the top lane hero that came out last season, there is basically no playing environment in the current version where the top lane is ruled by big meat.

And doinb really likes this hero who has meat, output, and the key is support ability. He has been taken as a dog by clid several times in the rankings.

"I can't help it, then Kreet..." Doinb was overjoyed, spreading his hands.

In this way, since he was targeted so badly, taking Kret was a helpless move, and he couldn't bear the blame for losing the game.

qg is basically doinb's command.

After he made his decision, the team quickly targeted Kled.

Seeing the candidate on the opposite side, Mei Xia was both surprised and delighted.

Sure enough, he is worthy of being Kled in the s8 Intercontinental Tournament. He can think of the routine of using Kled to hit the middle lane so early, and his targeting of doinb is not in vain.

No, the development of lpl's system has taken another step forward!
bp continues.

After qg locked Kled, the fifth move went on to help adc get Verus.

In the end, edg got the auxiliary Tamm in the fifth hand.

The selection of both parties is over.

Blue Fang qg, top laner Shen, wild leopard girl, mid laner Klie, adc Verus and support Lulu.

Red square edg, top laner Titan, jungler Lee Sin, adc Ice and support Tamm.

"Mid laner Klein?" The commentator remembered analyzing the lineup after the hero selection, and the main focus was still on the mid field. "It seems that there is indeed such a gameplay in the ranking. This hero has line clearing and control. The key is that there is also a A small displacement, that is, riding a horse - can avoid a lot of damage."

"Yes, the burst damage of the enchantress should be very difficult to kill Kled in seconds, and Kled's ultimate move is a very powerful support skill, and it is also very suitable for doinb's current style."

"But it's Mika on the opposite side, it's hard to say whether Klie's routine can withstand the offensive of Sakura Girl's line..."

"That is, no matter what the result is, seeing that the lpl team is now actively researching new systems and new routines, we should all have an encouraging and appreciative attitude!"

"Indeed, just last year, who would have thought that mika, who has so many fantastic heroes, would be so powerful in the world!"

Under the encouragement of the two commentators to doinb, the heroes of both sides entered Summoner's Canyon!

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