lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 520 Duke seems to have reached the World Championship

Chapter 520 Duke Seems to Return to the World Tournament

Meixia completed the anti-kill against Zed, controlled the line and went back to the city. This time, she only bought a small equipment to increase the classics and went back to the line.

Both Syndra and Zed's big moves have relatively long CDs, and the lack of big moves to make up for the damage is especially deadly for short-handed assassins. For the next minute or so, the middle route is under Summery's control.

Of course, Syndra's damage burst without a big move is relatively lacking, and the support on the side is not worth the loss, but it is more than enough to suppress Zed in the line, and the pressure on the wild area is also sufficient.

The game soon came to 8 minutes, and Syndra's second round of big moves improved, and she could leave the middle route ahead of time.

At this time, the ig side's red and blue buffs were refreshed first, and the factory manager took the lead in entering the red zone and continued to control the opponent's third red with the advantage of the middle field.

On the other hand, the ig top laner Duke shrank under the second tower to avoid being jumped by the male gun Syndra.

The ig jungler kid is already cornered!

After the male gun finishes brushing ig Fanghong, I am afraid that he will immediately copy the opening operation and defend edg Fanghong in the lower half with Syndra. At this moment, the ig line is at a disadvantage in the three lanes. If he finishes brushing blue, he will invade again , nothing can be done.

Something has to be done!
Kid thought so, and quickly ate Lan, the level was still stuck at level five, but he still waded into the river without hesitation, trying to help the duo regain the advantage before mika's support arrived!

Jhin has been promoted to level six, and the edg duo fights very fiercely, their blood volume has dropped to about half, so there is a chance to kill.

"Elise wants to grab the next road!" The commentator said, "There is vision in the river, so we still have to open it. Jhin w forces Ezreal to move, and the tower will be opened up!"

"The spider has a chance, wow, cocooning and forcing out ez flash, followed by flash into the grass, spider form qa, but it gets weak and slows down, the damage is not enough to pull away, and hang the wire."

"Jin flashed the third bullet! He was still caught by the ez treatment, Lulu turned into a sheep! Fatal sheep, the fourth bullet a can't come out!" Ze Yuan felt pain for the ig duo.

Seeing that Lulu and Ezreal have done all their double moves, their blood volume is less than [-], but they are only a little bit short of damage - if the spider is at level [-], or even if there is a red buff bonus, this wave I'm afraid gank will do.

And Kid mustered up the courage to arrest people and failed, and EDG immediately ushered in a terrorist counterattack!
Kenan was five seconds away from teleporting.

Meixia's support arrived at the intersection of the lower road and the river, and went to the opposite triangle grass to insert the artificial eye in advance.

The three people who attempted to kill by ig hurriedly retreated to the defense tower against the rightmost wall. Because kid caught people fast enough and walked in time enough, they fled back to the defense tower before Syndra could reach the distance of the ultimate move Inside.

And Kenan's teleportation is on the eye position she just inserted!

"EDG wants to jump the tower! But the little soldiers haven't arrived yet, can two people complete the tower jump?!" Wawa still expressed surprise at this radical choice, not only the problem of edg carrying the tower, but also ig Jie who is already on the way to support .

"The three of ig were guarding under the tower, and none of them flashed, but Malzaha was weak." Ze Yuan analyzed to the audience, "Is Rambo going to hand in the teleportation? Rambo's teleportation seems to be about ten seconds away?"

To be precise, the time difference in the first round of the return trip on the road caused Kenan to teleport ahead of Rambo by ten seconds, and the teleportation time of these two seconds passed, only about five seconds away.

"Go, go!" Mika shouted as the opportunity was fleeting.

"Here we come!" Mouse replied, and directly accelerated from the triangle grass and flashed into the tower.

Then Malzahar gave Kenan a second weakness, but it was of little use.

Kenan, who fully charged the three of them, opened w to stun them.

Mei Xia had a chance to get closer, use her ult to kill the current spider in seconds, and then eq two times, the number of five magic balls was enough to stun the remaining Jhin and Malzaha under the tower.

Then follow the w skill to kill Jhin.

With only residual blood left, Malzahar asked Ezreal who followed to receive the head with q.

"Three kills! Mouse's self-sacrifice for others, the flash is too decisive!"

"It's too scary, two people can overcome the defense tower of three people without soldiers?? Is this defense tower a decoration?!"

The commentator was very surprised when he saw the result of jumping the tower.

At this time, Rambo, the top laner on ig, turned to teleportation, but it doesn't work if he supports it or not.

Kenan will definitely die after carrying the tower three times, but Syndra is still full of health. He can't kill the opponent at all when he teleports it down. If he just throws a big move to Ezreal in the distance, the distance may not be very long.

Duke could only watch helplessly as his teammate was killed by jumping over the tower with no pawn line in the bottom lane, and took away the pawn line under the top lane tower with tears in his eyes.

The top road is facing the line, and the middle field explodes in the next three roads.

How does it feel similar to the experience at the World Championships?
And Meixia took three heads in one wave, went home happily and upgraded her equipment to get the lost chapters and the devil's code, only one step away from the ghost book.

edg's overall economy leads by [-], of which only the mid laner has a [-] matchup lead, and the factory manager leads by [-].

The Nakano linkage continued to put pressure on ig.

And since the opposite duo had just used a double move, Summer's target continued to be on the bottom lane!
At the end of 9 minutes, Xiaolong took it without any effort.

In 11 minutes, the gank went down the road, Syndra flashed to push people, and the male gun followed the big move to explode AOE, and successfully killed the defenseless duo.

At 12 minutes, push down the next tower.

"So far, edg is still maintaining a strong early-stage rhythm." Wawa couldn't help saying, "IG's idea of ​​picking a strong combination of Zed and Spider for the middle field to maintain the early-stage rhythm can be said to be a complete failure."

"The only thing ig can believe now is Rambo on the road. Although it is said that the Korean players who play Rambo in LPL are basically the objects of special care, but in this round, it seems that neither the factory manager nor Mika has caught it. Let Duke Development, if we can make a big move in the later stage of the team battle, I feel that there is still a chance..." Ze Yuan tried his best to find out for ig.

As an lpl commentator, especially a rookie commentator with no status, Ze Yuan still tried to be fair.

However, the lpl game is not a world championship after all. First of all, summer will not give duke too much time to develop, and secondly, ig will not sit back and wait to die and drag the game to the later stage like skt.

Meixia saw her teammates take down a tower in the bottom lane, which is the rhythm of switching lanes. Her Syndra bought a ghost book in 13 minutes, and she was basically invincible in the lane on the field.

Not only was the duo putting pressure on the middle lane, but she switched lanes to the top lane by herself. After a round of ults knocked Jie home, she tore down most of ig's top lane, and waited for another round of ults to improve, calling the factory manager. There is no need to jump over the tower, just pull out the previous tower in front of rookie.

In the 15 minutes of the game, I bought a big mask in the top order, and bought Youmeng Spirit in the middle order.

And the second dragon spawns.

"Come on Xiaolong, come on Xiaolong, play a team!" Rookie couldn't wait to command his teammates.

"The top order is ready to send." Kid inserted his eyes and said.

The duke with the line has played half a season in lpl. Although he still doesn't understand rookie's command of playing a team at every turn, anyway, he comes to lpl to make money for his retirement, so he can just follow his teammates.

Ten and six minutes later, both sides gathered in Longkeng, edg took the position in Longkeng first, and ig approached the river step by step from the middle.

A team battle is inevitable!
(End of this chapter)

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