Chapter 534
The bp in the first game didn't have much new content.


If the hero pools of the two sides are close, edg may not be able to target based on this information. After all, the strength of the players is there, and some counter heroes or lineups cannot be selected.

But coupled with the fact that edg's players are leading without dead ends, this bp is only left with ruthless crushing.

edg ranks high in the regular season and gets the priority to choose sides.

So the final lineup
blue square edg.

In the lineup, the top laner is Barrel, the wild male gun, the mid laner Clockwork, and the adc Ezreal assists Lulu.

red nb.

In the lineup, the prince is the top laner, the wild spider is the jungler, the mid laner is Jess, and the adc big mouth is supporting Karma.

Only from the lineup, it seems that the nb lineup is more in line with the version than edg.

But if you analyze it carefully.

First go to the unit.

Although the wine barrel was developed and returned to the top lane at the end of the season, e and r have the courage and frankness to eat the colossus. Not to mention, the effect of the q skill clearing troops is far superior to the old version of the three fantasy gods Bobby Titan, and the team battle is very good. The effect of splitting the battlefield and splitting the battlefield is top-to-top, and the playoffs have already become the top unit t1.

On the opposite side, the top single prince.

Version 7.7 w [Golden Holy Shield] has been strengthened, the basic shield is 15 points more than the original level, the previous w extra shield is increased by 20 for each additional person around, and the version 7.7 is based on 2% of the highest health value of oneself and then Each additional person increases by 0.5, that is, the prince can take the pure tank route, and a large number of pure meat princes have appeared in the rankings.

But not to mention that the prince is weak in lane clearing, and can't use the courage of the Colossus. The key is that the 7.6 version is not the 7.7 version for the playoffs!

nb's top laner v is purely running a big tree by himself and Shen is being run by edg. He doesn't report any confidence that his Titan Bobby can beat mouse. caught off guard...

Let's talk about the jungler, the male gun is against the spider, and swift is giving up his own advantages in order to match the mid laner Jess.

The duo is the same, lwx is good at functional ad, originally wanted to choose Ezreal to play poke with Jess, but ez was robbed, so he had to choose Big Mouth by force, and Lulu, who was the most suitable match with Big Mouth, was picked edg snatches away.

The last is the middle lane. All nb's investment is to match Scout's mid laner Jess!
But Meixia backhanded and picked the clockwork demon Orianna, a hero who looked the least like Mika could pick a counter Jess backhand.

Clockwork, as one of the most traditional mages, has never been countered by most heroes, and rarely restrains the existence of other heroes. Mika chose her, as if she had no intention of fighting against Scout at all.

"Okay! The lineup selected by edg is very stable. For the playoffs, it's the first game of edg's playoffs. It's normal for bp to be serious and rigorous!" the commentator remembered to explain for edg.

"However, it takes courage for scout to pick Jess first in front of Mika. I am looking forward to the match in the middle lane now!" Su Xiaoyan said.

"The two sides have entered the game! The game has begun!" Hao Kai shouted.

Ten heroes arrive at the spring.

The first half of the male gun is blue in the wild.

The spider on the opposite side is also in the upper half of the wild area, and it is red.

Summer Summer's Summoner's skills flickered weak, so he took Dolan Jie out and went online normally.

On the opposite side, scout Jess has three red swords, and unlike the commentator who was confused about bp, he felt that he was ignored by Sakura girl from Mika's backhand!

This clockwork doesn't consider the laning bp at all. Sakura girl chooses purely for the lineup, which means that she firmly believes that even a mage who is weak in the early stage like clockwork can resist the pressure steadily.

As we all know, there is no way for male guns to gank at the second level!

So scout has to make a good judgment when he goes online. He has to quickly clear the pawns, grab the second, and then press forward across the pawn line.

Give Sakura Girl a powerful counterattack!

Things went well.

In 2 minutes, Jess grabbed the second and pressed forward, and Clockwork stood in the tower to let go of the experience of the minions.

Another minion fell, and the rest of the minions moved to a closer position. Mei Xia had only one minion to upgrade. She moved forward, and the experience of the minion who got a safe position with general attack was upgraded.

The blood volume has not been lowered, this cannot be accepted by scout!Jess must play an advantage in the early matchup!
So Jess moved forward, and at the same time released e to accelerate diagonally, interspersed left and right with the q skill that avoided the clockwork, and then released the q that had just turned cd.

q is a cannon enhanced with e!

Mei Xia has already pulled off the golem, so she quickly learns w, and puts on the speed-up movement twist for herself, and the twist cannon has to move forward, and it won't be able to escape back to the defense tower for a while.

Jess then immediately cut the hammer form, the q skill was knocked up, and the aq was repelled.

Mei Xia was weak in other q airs, but her blood volume was not very healthy, so she had [-] left after finishing this set of skills.

And since she only countered Jess with three basic attacks throughout the whole process, even if her operations are full, she is still at a disadvantage.

However, he could continue to chase the weak Jess twice with his backhand.

The weakness disappeared, and the newly converted q skill was released on Jess.

Until Meixia backhanded Jess' blood volume to be lower than her own, considering that the opponent's skills were about to improve, she didn't dare to a again.

The two sides have not yet fought this round.

Jess is about to improve his q skills in cannon form, so he can chase back!

Scout immediately turned on R, and Jess switched back to the cannon form. His passive [Hex Technology Capacitor], every time the form is switched, it will get a 1.25 speed for 40 seconds, and ignore the collision volume.

The scene changed again to Jess twisting the clockwork to the side and forward for the second q, and then turning the ignition and chasing the clockwork a!The blood volume returned to the lead of Jess!

Meixia turned around and retreated, but she didn't walk straight down the tower. She calculated the cd of Jace's q, so she moved towards the middle, so that Jece's q skill couldn't hit.

Does q flash?

In an instant, a terrifying thought emerged in Scout's heart.

q Flash hits, clockwork dies!

This is a big gamble with Mika's hand speed!

In an instant, countless pictures of Mika dodging and dodging skills emerged. He has studied a large number of Sakura Girl's matches and ranking videos, including the scene of her dodging Jess' Q dodge!

But as long as it is human, it is impossible to hide skills 100%!Especially the skill release of Jess Q Flash!
Scout is willing to gamble—the q with a 6-second CD and the w with a 9-second CD will turn better immediately!What's more, the ignition has already been released, he is not willing to give up this opportunity to kill Sakura girl solo!

next moment!
Jess slanted forward and flashed Q, and the dazzling silver-white electromagnetic ball shot towards him like a clockwork!

But in the next second, the mainspring also flashed!

Crack, the electromagnetic gun is empty.

And three seconds later, Meixia's third q will be better!

The two faced each other on the spot, and Jess had no way to retreat, but tried to cooperate with the ignition to kill the other party before the clockwork killed him.

And Summer is waiting for Q to turn around.

qw release!

Jess died.

Fortunately for Scout, the moment he fell to the ground, the last basic attack also came out.

The next moment, the mainspring also fell to the ground.

"One for one, the middle lane is swapped!"

Off-site commentary, remember to shout!

(End of this chapter)

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