lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 551 mlxg is under control

Chapter 551 mlxg is under control
"You guys must be careful when facing uzi in the early stage of the bot lane, and wait patiently for Mika and Blank to support the double team." After the hero selection, coach Abu carefully told the bot lane.

"I'm not in vain, okay!" iboy rolled up his sleeves and wrestled his wrists to express his determination to go down the road with rng, but he doesn't have many muscles on his skinny body.

For iboy's dissatisfaction, Abu, who has been trained by Summer Summer for a whole year, did not continue to persuade him.

In short, he only looks at the results, if he can really suppress the rng duo in the lane, then he can be regarded as iboy, this kid is so good that he didn't waste the training of the team!Maybe he can really become the second mika!
Mei Xia, who was in front of Abu, knew how far the iboy was from her. She just secretly hoped that the iboy would hurry up to the fateful path and then wake up and correct herself. Just don't trip her up in the World Championship...

Thinking like this, Mika changed her summoner skill to flash teleportation.

——In the regular season, it is actually relatively rare to use teleportation in the situation against Jayce. If you are not careful, it is very easy to ignite Jece solo. The show is operating online.

"Leopard girl's routine is blue buff, I can steal f6 at the first level!" Blank in the headset honestly imitated the factory manager and Sakura girl to make a wild plan.

However, this plan sounds very unreliable.

Stealing f6 at the beginning of the male gun is a very old-fashioned tactic, this is the LPL final, it is impossible for RNG not to be wary.

"Ya Xiaodie (don't do this) ~, what you should think about now, Xiao Hei, is what rng will do after knowing that you are going to invade the wild!" Mei Xia immediately gave instructions.

"Um..." Blank gritted his teeth, his eyes lit up, "If it were me, I would...invade the lower half instead!"

In other words, this is called a first-level swap of upper and lower field areas.

rng can not only avoid the first-level confrontation with the male gun, but also put huge pressure on the bot lane by brushing the two wild areas in the bot lane!

"Hi, Ma Qigayina! (Yes, yes!)" Meixia gave a thumbs up in affirmation.

"Then, are we going to pick up the first-level regiment?"

Blank is humbly asking for advice.

The game enters the loading phase.

Abu, who was about to listen to Sakura Girl's answer together, took off his earphones and went to the stage to shake hands with Firefox.

"Not bad, your bp!" Abu had to admit that the bp in the first game was a bit messed up, "If you are so well prepared, you must have designed an invasion routine at the first level!"

Firefox's face moved slightly, and then suddenly realized that it is normal for the first-level team to be predicted by the EDG champion coaching staff, so he smiled and said, "How can it compare to the EDG coaching staff, who can see through the strategy of the first-level invasion at a glance It's..."

"Hey..." Abu could only laugh dryly.

Where did he see it through? At this moment, I can only hope that Mika on the field can handle it well!
The two coaches shook hands and left.

The cheers on the field were deafening!
Then ten heroes entered Summoner's Rift.

Summergate's handling of rng first-level intrusions is actually very simple.

Ice Karmajes has a relatively strong first-level combat power, so it is not allowed to take over the group. Generally speaking, in this case, you can basically give up the lower half of the field and open the field from the top half.

But the point is.

The opposite bot lane is uzi, and it is inevitable to fight against iboy from the first level, and for the sake of lane control, it is impossible to waste time on helping leopard girl open the jungle.

So edg only needs to let the middle field guard the wild area without taking over the first-level regiment, and fight with mlxg for punishment.

In this way, if rng wants to save mlxg to death, he must let the duo give up the bot lane at the beginning, but Meixia believes that uzi will not make such a choice!
Mei Xia quickly made arrangements, bought the equipment and walked to the middle road, then warded the river, and the duo warded the triangle grass.

A few seconds later, the five of rng entered the red buff wild area from the triangle grass.

iboy went over with a q skill and told the other side that he had seen the invasion.

Then the rng group of five continued to wander around the red buff, inserting artificial eyes into the surrounding grass.

False eyes did not find anyone.

Leopard Girl Q didn't hit anyone either.

"Stealing red?" Ming asked in the rng team.

"Wait and see if there is a chance to squat down to see people..." uzi replied.

At 1 minute and 10 seconds, Qinggangying must return to the city.

Then the mid laner Jess must go back to the middle.

Only then did Male Gun and Ryze appear in rng's field of vision.

It is already impossible for rng to forcefully drive someone away.

"Don't go, don't go, we snatched the red buff!" mlxg was ready to fight to the end.

But at this time, at the stone beetle on the right, iboy hits with a blind q!

Leopard girl lost a lot of blood.

Seeing this, Uzi, who didn't want to squat anymore, immediately urged, "I can't fight anymore! Something will happen! Go back and use the blue buff, don't worry, we have the advantage in the bottom lane!"

Seeing this, mlxg could only nod helplessly, "Okay..."

Finally, rng returned to the blue buff to open the field.

Blank's male gun successfully fired his own f6.

Summer came back to the lane, but due to detour from behind the defensive tower, Jess was stuck in front of the pawn line, so the first round of make-up was a bit uncomfortable.

It didn't matter much though, she welcomed Jace's push.

In this version, Leopard Girl's jungle clearing efficiency is not at the same level as that of the male gun. On the opposite side, mlxg was hit by Verus q at the first level. After clearing the blue and three wolves normally and then turning to the road to eat red, the blood volume may only be [-]. less than.

At that point, blank can easily go up to invade red or f6.

But I also want to know that mlxg is not an idiot. In order to keep the red, Leopard Girl has only one way, eat the blue buff and immediately turn up and eat the red!

Only in this way, Leopard Girl's efficiency in the first round of wilderness is at least 20 seconds slower than that of Male Gun!
And Jess, who pushes the line, can also become the target of the male gun gank!
Meixia made a command, "Blank, don't invade the opposite side after eating the red, the leopard girl must have eaten ahead of time, you can continue to eat the blue without invading the opposite red, immediately grab the middle lane!"

Blank's judgment of the situation is only to the point where he can invade the RNG Shangbanno area at the third level, but he has learned a lot these days, and he suddenly became enlightened after hearing the command of the Sakura girl.

At 2 minutes and 58 seconds, Xiaohu in the middle lane was pushing the lane vigorously - he knew that if the male gun invaded the red and found that mlxg had already eaten him, then he would immediately go to the middle lane, no matter if he ate f6 or gank the middle lane, he could not continue Push the line, so you can only complete the push line before then withdraw.

But he hadn't waited for him to eat the line of soldiers.

The male gun has appeared at the intersection behind him!
Too early, at least five seconds earlier than he expected!Could it be that the male gun didn't even look at the red buff pit?This is simply taking care of Sakura girl more than subverting the factory manager!

He immediately purified and released Ryze's imprisonment, then switched to the hammer form to speed up the q male gun to open the distance, and turned back to e to hammer away the male gun with the skill.

But he was still stuck by the male gun aqaea red buff and knocked out half of his blood. Behind him, Ryze also walked up to the eq second company, and his blood volume became even lower...

Xiaohu quickly flashed into a new round of soldiers, and let the male gun's general attack A hit the soldiers again, and then fled back to the tower with a trace of blood.

"Wow! Locked by ninety drops of blood! Xiaohu successfully survived Blank's third-level gank case!!" The commentary doll cheered for Xiaohu's performance.

"This wave of little tigers is indeed full of operations, using the male gun to move, and using the pawns to hide from the male gun's general attack!" Miller followed.

"Actually, if the summoner skill of this wave of mika is weak or sprinting, they may have already got the first blood. Or, if mika flashes and supplements the basic attack, is there a chance to kill it?" Changmao said I don't understand, "This wave is completely killable!"

On the field, Meixia didn't feel any trouble at all.

She calculated clearly that just a flash of Ryze's basic attack is not enough to do damage, and it needs a flash of the male gun to kill it.

And it's not worthwhile to exchange two flashes for one blood.

More importantly, since she chose Ryze, her goal has never been Jess. This wave of lightning and purification is enough to lay the foundation for the next walk!

(End of this chapter)

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