lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 557 Development?support?Single kill!

Chapter 557 Development?support?Single kill!

The commentator Changmao was a little surprised at first when he saw that Yinghuamei didn't choose the hero he predicted, but he immediately realized that it was justified.

"Hmm! Aircraft Enhanced Explosive Pack is very convenient to support the side lanes. It can also be said to be a substitute for Ryze Chaffinch. edg should still play around the bottom lane like the last game."

Doll feels that Long Mao makes sense, "That's right! And the plane's laning ability is stronger than that of Ryze Chaffinch, which can be said to be very convenient for Mika's game style."

Miller's understanding is a little deeper than that of the doll's long hair, "The main reason is that the plane has one more displacement skill than the Ryze Chaffinch, and there is room for pulling in the face of the prince and Olaf's forceful drive."

But no one thought that in Meixia's eyes, the plane was not a substitute for Ryze, but a substitute for Lucian.

While waiting, she leisurely researched summoner skills.

At present, the mainstream summoner skills of lpl are weak, and at the same time, Galio's W flash control is terrible. Many professional players choose to use purification conservatively when facing up.

However, Meixia is confident in her operations, and doesn't think that the opponent's fleshy prince and fleshy murloc have a chance to make herself weak, and she is not worried about the kill situation controlled by Galio's w flash.

She clicked on the development-type summoner skill transmission commonly used by lck aircraft-of course, this does not mean that she is about to develop, but that the aircraft can support teammates at any time with transmission, and it can seamlessly go online to suppress after the equipment is released.

Amidst the vigorous sound of cheering, the game loading is complete.

Meixia equipped with the extremely offensive long sword Sanhong, and entered the middle lane.

At the beginning, Xiaohu actually thought that Sakura Girl took the plane to play with him in development, roaming, or both. In short, he didn't expect that the plane could play against him.

After all, if she wants to forcibly face the first round of bp, she can grab Lucian, isn't that more fierce than a plane? !And the teleported summoner skill is even more proof!
So Xiaohu first bought the Dolan ring for equipment, which increases the efficiency of Q skills and passive clearing troops, making it easier for him to roam.

But when he saw Sanhong flying out of the plane, he realized something was wrong.

In the regular season, the aircraft gameplay was also studied. In order to develop and make equipment as soon as possible, most of the players extracted it, and occasionally the Dolan Sword gameplay.

As for the long sword and three reds, isn't this the original ad hero extreme lineup configuration created by Sakura Girl!
"Xiangguo, can you open the field by yourself in this round? I can't open f6 for you!" Xiaohu hurriedly opened his mouth to communicate with his teammates.

The prince's jungle clearing efficiency is average. The original team plan was to use Galio q and passively help the prince's f6 to open. The online will be relatively late, and it may be consumed by the timing of the plane card.

But generally speaking, there is not a big problem with online wretchedness in the early stage of laning planes.

But the three red swords made Xiaohu flustered!Don't dare to give up the first wave of line rights like this!

"Huh? No way, my prince Hongkai hurts too much!" mlxg couldn't accept it, "What's wrong with you?"

"Look at the outfit of the airplane, the three red swords, and the ultimate suppression outfit of Sakura Girl!" Xiaohu explained hastily.

"In that case, help me open f6, and bear with me when I'm in the lane, um, wait for 3 minutes, no, I can come to the middle lane to help you with a wave in 4 minutes..." mlxg calculated his wild clearing speed, the prince no matter what How can it not be a first-class red.

Xiaohu had no choice but to go to the partition wall and give a q, and then walked around the middle of the road from behind the tower.

In this way, Summer Summer has already gained the line power.

Drive the e [Gatling Gun] to shoot, with basic attacks in the middle, and when Galio finally waited for the second q skill to replenish troops, he played Thunder.

Xiaohu Dolan Jie lacks blood recovery when he goes out. Originally, he could return to the city to replenish the blood after teleportation, but it can't consume blood like this!

The horror scenes of long-handed AD heroes such as Cherry Blossom Girl Lucian Jess are vivid in his mind. He was a little confused. A soldier under the tower was passively triggered by [Colossus Smash], and several soldiers arrived at the defense tower to bombard and kill the line at once...

The whole wave of minions missed four!

[Galio's tower knife is so difficult? 】

【Leak into a sieve! 】

[I eat more tower knives than Xiaohu! 】

The audience complained after seeing this scene.

Then the second round of pawns still let Mei Xia easily send into the defense tower, and the plane grabbed the second level.

Knowing that the prince f6 is open, it is time to go to the upper half of the field to clear the field. Meixia inserts the jewelry eye to the left, and learns the q skill to continue to use it to push the line and consume it.

Since the prince didn't come when Galio was promoted to the second grade, Galio can only learn e[Justice Punch] in the second grade.

So even if the prince bypasses the accessory eye before the third level, he will have no chance to cooperate with Galio to kill the plane.

Meixia continued to use all her strength to suppress, and her q skill was very quintessential, even if Xiaohu tried to dodge with e [Justice Punch], she was often caught by the edge AOE.

to the third grade.

Galio's only blood bottle was eaten, and his blood volume was only half.

Xiaohu looked at the wild area again. The prince had just finished the first round of wilding and ate crabs on the road. He felt that even if he cooperated with the prince to kill the plane with his blood volume, Galio would still have to finish killing people before returning to the city. Instead of wasting time like this In the middle lane, it's better to let the prince help other lanes to expand their advantage!

"Forget it, Xiangguo, go grab it and hit the road, I'll go back to the city and update my equipment right away..." He immediately said to mlxg.

"Okay!" Xiangguo was not polite, he had already sensed that there was a chance to catch Titan on the road, letme ignited and teleported the little murloc and successfully suppressed the Titan's HP.

Half a minute later, Meixia sent Galio the first teleporter, and then pushed the line back to the city.

At this time on the road, the prince circled around and grabbed the remaining blood wine barrel to complete the kill!

It's just that before the kill, a purple light shines on the soldier's head.

The teleportation of Summer Summer belt works!
The commentary doll exclaimed, "Wow! This is the role of the teleportation plane. If you play the middle lane to suppress the line, it will be more convenient to support your teammates!"

Miller went on to explain, "When the plane lands, we need to collect residual blood murlocs. Hey, let me go under the defense tower, send the tower, and give the head to mouse, but not to Mika!"

Changmao praised Letme's choice, "Letme's head delivery is too spiritual! It is indeed better to give the head to the barrel than to the plane. Mika's wave of teleportation is a bit of a loss, and he didn't get any assists. The middle lane was also pushed out by Xiaohu. It's..."

Mei Xia, who returned without success, walked to the middle.

As for Xiaohu's equipment, he bought shoes and a magic resistance cloak, and with the enhancement of magic resistance, it became more difficult to suppress.

But difficulty does not mean that it cannot be done. With the super high hit rate of the skill, and the skill of stealing a by seizing the advantage of the basic attack distance, he soon won the line again.

Another 2 minutes passed, and Meixia returned to the city for the second time when the artillery soldiers arrived.

The equipment has been updated to double long sword water drops, and the return line has reached level six!
Although the damage has not been enhanced, the water droplet has enough mana in the hand, and the skills can be released at will!


boom!Red Super Missile!



Meixia Shengliu's five consecutive r [Rocket Bombing] all hit Galio under the tower!And it also predicts the location of the [Justice Punch] displacement of one of its retreat steps!Since I bought water droplets instead of Yaoguang, the damage of a single missile is not high, but the hit rate is high if I can't stand it!

At this time, the director was still watching mlxg's hunger strike gank and blank's back squat in the bottom lane.

When the camera returned to the middle lane, the audience felt that suddenly, Galio was bleeding!
"What's going on? Why is Galio's blood line so low?!" Doll couldn't understand.

"Level [-] was changed to a set of blood by the plane? But the plane didn't lose blood?" Changmao asked doubtfully.

Miller could see that the plane's equipment and mana were about to bottom out. "The plane is equipped with a sawtooth dagger. It should be a poke hit by a big missile, but Galio's HP is too low!"

As for Xiaohu who was facing Meixia, everyone was numb.

Is this aircraft missile a cruise missile?With automatic tracking?How did you hit all four shells!

The only reason why he dares to continue taking drugs and relying on online is that the mana of the plane is about to bottom out, and the skills should not be used like mana. Although qe is not consumed, it can also be used to push soldiers. If the skills are released so frequently, even if it is out The amount of blue water droplets is not enough!

But just before going forward q [Justice Gangfeng] to eat small soldiers, another insidious pierceer hits Galio!

Galio, who just left the house, reached the killing line!
Before Xiaohu could press Blink, Meixia pressed Blink first!

A general attack directly made Xiaohu flash backwards, and he didn't even dare to press the backhand w to taunt.

And Xiaohu flashed to the ground just as he was about to charge w to absorb the damage, Meixia used up the last mana, w passed by Galio's side, got ridiculed and went out with two basic attacks at the same time.

Being ridiculed should be to eat the damage of the defense tower.

However, between the landing point of Summer W and the location where Galio flashed, it happened to be the junction of the two defense towers.

Therefore, the last attack Meixia suffered from the defensive tower was the third attack from the first tower, which became the first attack from the second tower.

The defense tower's attack is incremental, so the damage Meixia received for the third time, whispered for the second time, after killing Galio, he forcibly locked it with fifty drops of blood!

The calm Meixia manipulated the hero to pull away to the left, just in time to escape from the hatred gap between the two towers!

In an instant, the cheers from the audience were deafening.

"The plane jumps over the tower and kills Galio solo!" Wawa was surprised from ear to ear.

"How did this happen!" Changmao had never seen such a situation.

"It's outrageous. Galio is full of blood, flashes and sarcasm. How can the plane with the water droplets go out solo kill!" Miller gasped, and the additional conditions for solo kills became more and more ridiculous.

But Sakura Girl just completed the impossible kill again!Fleeing back to the line with a calm face, calmly collected the soldiers and returned to the city, the expression on the small camera did not fluctuate, it was still so sweet and lovely.

It's like, it's as if the ultimate murderer in the game has nothing to do with the gentle and lovely girl outside the game...

Is it really possible for such a mid laner to exist in the world?
Everyone can't help but doubt the reality where they are!
(End of this chapter)

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