lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 575 Which is more difficult, scrambled eggs with tomatoes or chicken wings with cola?

Meixia played a complete star passerby game, and immediately started ranking again, but there were fewer Korean celebrities encountered next.

One after another, they faced r2ve, the No. [-] dragon king in Korean server, and Yasuo, the current No. [-] player in Korean server with Korean id.

The opponent also has characters such as theshy, the first leopard girl in Hanbok, and the fledgling Nuguri.

But let her handle it with ease.

Now the ranking score is 1954, the fault is leading No.2, and it is difficult to get people in the high score. It is only three games in one afternoon, and the waiting time in the middle is longer than the time of galloping Summoner's Canyon.

Taking the driver's license test in the morning and finishing three rounds in the afternoon, Mei Xia was also a little tired, so she didn't plan to wait for another row.

"After dinner tonight, I'll come back! According to the work arrangement, today should be the last live broadcast before MSI, and I will broadcast it all night for everyone!" He waved and greeted everyone in front of the camera.

[I can also watch mika-chan's live broadcast for eating! 】

[Mika Xiaozui chews Xiaolongbao, I love watching them so much, I watched the video on station b more than ten times]

[Faker is still in the live broadcast ranking, the anchor continues to attack, try to beat SKT out of the mentality problem before the msi! 】


The audience was reluctant to leave, Meixia turned off the live broadcast and prepared to cook.

As for the live broadcast of eating and so on, if you go out for a big meal once in a while, it’s good to give everyone a few benefits, and you don’t need to live broadcast normally.

First of all, as a big anchor, she knows a lot of skills, so she can't get too used to this group of fans, okay, otherwise the audience threshold will be raised later, and everyone will clamor to watch her take a shower and sleep in the live broadcast...

Of course, there is also the reason why she only cooks the simplest Japanese curry rice with egg rice bowl at home.

Only such a simple dinner, the live broadcast really damages the image of my gentle and virtuous Sakura girl!

But Misha walked out of the room and was about to start building in the kitchen when she saw Lisa coming back from the main entrance with a big bag of vegetables, meat products and condiments in her hand.

"Ah... what are you going to do?" Mei Xia had a bad premonition.

"I ate a lot of delicious food in Guangzhou! I also want to learn Chinese cuisine! Although it is convenient to eat curry rice at home all the time, it is still not very healthy!" Lisa put the big bag of ingredients on the ground, panting to answer.

This is a little trick Professor Yu Shuang gave her. She was able to develop her relationship with her sister the night before yesterday in less than a week since they first met.

Lisa is a very competitive person, and she won't let it go. She was abducted obediently by the big sisters in Huaguo, so before leaving Guangzhou, she asked Sister Yu Shuang how to get along with others and let her leave. Do not open your own skills.

The answer I got at that time was——Hua Guo proverb has a saying, if you want to tie a person, you must first tie his stomach!

Here Meixia didn't pay attention to her sister's thoughts, she was just worried - Lisa could only cook the simplest Japanese curry, and the level might not be as good as her own, so how dare she try Chinese cuisine from scratch.

Oh, you have made the sauce and haven’t dared to try other dishes except egg fried rice and pork rib soup. Be careful not to insult the 5000-year history of Chinese cooking!
"Well... what Chinese dishes are you going to cook?" she asked.

Lisa was already prepared, and took out her mobile phone to report the names of the recipes one by one-although out of common sense, most of these dishes did not contain difficult-to-handle seafood, chicken and duck, and all kinds of spicy stir-fried dishes, but Still quite challenging for beginners.

"Forget it, let's start with the simplest dishes! I'll learn together too!" Meixia covered her forehead, "Let's make cola chicken wings, tomato scrambled eggs and vegetable meatball soup first, two dishes and one soup!"

Helping Lisa carry the materials, the two walked into the kitchen.

The practice of cola chicken wings is to marinate and fry the chicken wings until they are half-cooked, then boil them with cola.

Tomato scrambled eggs, first fry the eggs and cut them into pieces, and fry them with salt together with the chopped tomatoes.

Vegetable meatball soup, mince the meat, add flour, ginger, salt and knead into balls, cook the soup and add green vegetable leaves at the end.

Sounds really easy!
But for two people who can only cook curry, it is still very troublesome to do it by hand.

After all, Japanese curry is so simple that you only need to stir-fry the meat, carrots, onions, potatoes and meat until half-cooked, then add water and curry paste bought in the supermarket and cook until it becomes a paste.

The cola chicken wings need to be marinated, and the meatball soup needs to be kneaded. These are extra steps that require a lot of patience. As for the tomato scrambled eggs, it is very important to control the heat. If you don’t pay attention, it is easy to burn the tomatoes.

The two divided the work, Lisa marinated the chicken wings, and Meixia did the more dangerous work of cutting tomatoes and mincing meat.

Next, let Meixia cook the scrambled eggs with tomatoes!
Although I experienced adding too much salt and frying for too long in the middle, at the cost of adding more water and frying the tomato paste pot, I finally finished this simple dish.

Taste two bites first, it is edible!

Then the coke chicken wings will be made by Lisa.

Pour oil into the cleaned bottom of the pot and heat it slightly, then put the marinated chicken wings neatly into the pot, fry both sides until golden, then pour the cola and cover the pot and simmer until cooked.

There are no mistakes in the middle, and the taste is very authentic.

However, this is the reason why Meixia deliberately handed over the low-tech cola chicken wings to Lisa to make.

After all, how can the difficulty of stewing pot be comparable to stir frying!
Turning the pan with the shovel to grasp the timing, the method of sprinkling salt, and the control of the heat, it is a hundred times more difficult to make scrambled eggs with tomatoes to perfection than Coca-Cola Chicken Wings!
The last thing is to cook the soup, which is the simplest dish.

The two of them worked together for half an hour, and the first Chinese cuisine in their lives was finally cooked.

The rice in the rice cooker is just cooked into a delicious meal.

"I'm starting!" Take the chopsticks and complete the dining etiquette first.

"Sure enough, it's a very happy thing to cook together!" Lisa ate the chicken wings, watching Oh Kneading Sauce wolfing down, thinking that sister Yu Shuang's words were indeed correct, and cooking with Oh Kneading Sauce, I felt the relationship They all seem to be getting closer.

"Cooking is so troublesome, I still prefer to eat." Mei Xia felt very tired, much more tired than playing games, "It would be great if we could hire a chef to cook for us every day."

"In the future, I can always learn to cook Chinese cuisine! Make sure to feed Oh Kneading Sauce to your fullest!"

"If you like it, learn how to do it, just be careful!" Meixia tasted the dish that was almost like tomato and egg paste, and felt that she couldn't simply let her sister do the cooking, "No, I want to learn too."

Logically speaking, my cooking talent should not be bad, but I can't make Lisa look down on me just because I scrambled eggs with tomatoes!

But in the effort of two people cooking.

The online live broadcast of faker and wolf, as well as the screen recording of the reportable, have been translated by the e-sports media, and the title of [skt mid laner questioning the quality of national server players] has been spread to the video website.

MSI has not yet started the war, and the smell of gunpowder has already permeated.

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