lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 598 skt mentality

"Let's go! Go over and shake hands!" After the game, the factory manager pushed his chair back excitedly and stood up. Looking at the Sakura girl beside him who was still arranging her skirt slowly, he could only stand and wait.

It was not easy to have the opportunity to impart experience to another well-known fan on the spot. This time it was completely different from last year's World Championship. At that time, he was almost defeated by Peanut in his entire BO5, but today he did perform well in front of the fans. Turnaround.


The team participation rate is as high as 92%, the highest in the team, and the output ratio is 29%, which is the same as Hanbing.

Even when taking damage, relying on the blood boost given by his teammates and the blood sucking of his own w, he surpassed the top laner and took the first place.

You must behave well in front of peanut.

A group of people lined up and went to the opposite player's seat to shake hands one by one.

"Long time no see! my fans! (Old fans, long time no see!)" the factory manager stuttered and dragged out his English.

Little Peanut was not too depressed because of losing the game. He smiled and answered in junior high school English, "yes! you be better! (You have become better)"

"Battle?" The factory manager didn't understand. After shaking hands, he plucked his hair and asked in a low voice, Mika, who had the best English in the next team, "Battle? Do you want to challenge me?"

"It's a compliment to the senior factory manager for playing harder!" Mei Xia, who had a college degree in her previous life, corrected her.

"Ahaha, Little Peanut is as polite as Mika, you are indeed my fan!!" The factory manager immediately beamed with joy.

Summer indeed shook hands and bowed politely, but in the eyes of Bang and Wolf, who were in a very upset mood, they felt like being ridiculed for no reason.

Sakura girl, you have won all the competitions, and you even bent your waist ninety degrees while shaking hands. Why did you beat me in the game? You are so beautiful and have such a good character!

Originally thought teammate Faker was perfect enough, why is there such a perverted player as Mika? ?
But the more perverted ones must be the Summer Summer fans in the live broadcast room.

[Mika-chan's waist strength, I have already thought of a certain posture to use it...]

[Although I don't know what posture it is, but I know it will definitely work better if I wear white silk...]

【Bang and wolf were dumbfounded when they saw Sakura! 】

[The case has been solved, no wonder it was blown up by an iboy today!It turned out that she was tricked by Sakura Girl's beauties! 】


The two sides shook hands and left.

kkoma has been frowning in the waiting room and thinking for a long time. There are tentative elements in this game, but the result of the trial can also explain the situation...

When the players come back, he will start to review the game.

"Everyone's performance in today's game is very unsatisfactory. There is a problem with my bp, but that is just not in line with your usual most comfortable lineup. It is not a bp disadvantage. The most important thing to dominate the whole game is the performance in the game! "

Before the players could drink water and rest, he continued to analyze at length.

"Start from the beginning, bang you, the grass, was hit by the ice w. Although it laid the groundwork for the later laning, it was not the main problem... Then the Emerald God caught it!"

"Peanut, you have a big problem, why do you want to save flash! I played so many functional jungle games for you this season, and the bad habit of saving flash and skills still hasn't changed!"

Knowing that Peanut's habit is difficult to correct in a short time, kkoma didn't say much, and continued flipping through his notebook.

"Then the bottom lane was four-packed and two-packed. From here on, the opponent's operation is better than ours. It's not a mistake, um... Let me see, when Kenan led the line and was caught, Shengxun (Huni's name), You all know that the other side may catch you, so you haven't opened up the distance earlier, what are you doing there?"

"I thought river triangle grass had eyes, they couldn't catch it..." Huni started to defend, "And I almost ran away..."

"The poodle's big move! The big move is stealth! You don't even know this! It is true that if you miss Lulu Q, you will really run away, but if you retreat to the tower from the beginning, will you give this chance to be hit by Q? ? By the way, not just this wave."

kkoma is indeed the performance that annoys Huni the most. Kenan, who was supposed to play an advantage, has no effect at all.

This simply exposed that skt's top laner can't play Kennen.

"Dalong Nabo, teleported down and flashed a big move to give away the head. Not only that, but also brought his teammates together and almost sent a group to destroy. Did the top laner ad Kenan let you play like this? Single belt, single belt will it? "

Huni bit her finger and dared not answer.

"Before the knockout round, no, in the next round of the group stage, let me practice ad Kenan, otherwise it will be a difficult problem whether the opponent should choose Kenan or not! I thought that according to your hero Chi Kenan, there is no special training , now it seems that this is not the case..."

"Maybe it's the first time I played in a game, and I haven't found the feel yet." Huni hurriedly made an excuse.

"Okay, that's it. Pack up your things. We have a game tomorrow, so we'll come here first for the replay, and we'll start the training right away when we get back." kkoma closed his notebook and ended his post-match lecture a little tiredly.

For faker and bang, who were the most unacceptable to lose the game, instead, he comforted him one-on-one while walking out of the arena.

Go up and pat Bang on the shoulder, "Junzhi, do you know why I didn't criticize you just now?"

Seeing that bang didn't have an answer, kkoma took the initiative to explain, "It's true that you didn't achieve the effect you promised when you selected Big Mouth, but I think it's mainly the linkage effect created by being forced to dodge at the first level.

Today you are in very good condition, you have the ability to dodge and dodge, and you are very beautiful. If you play the game again, the result of the bottom lane will definitely be different. The opposite iboy is not your opponent! "

Bang has always been a player who needs a lot of praise, the more confident he plays, the better he will be.

"Really!" Hearing kkoma's explanation alone, Bang finally got over the humiliation and unwillingness to lose to iboy, "Coach, I will definitely take revenge next time!"

Patting Bang on the shoulder again, kkoma sat next to Faker after getting in the car.

"How is it? How do you feel about the strength of EDG this year?"

"Mika is still the same, but their cooperation is stronger than last year..." Faker answered truthfully.

Last year, he could say that he lost to Sakura alone, but this time Mika chose Lulu, but he still didn't do anything. Instead, he was manipulated in what he was best at. It's hard not to be discouraged.

"That's right, in the past six months, not only have we improved, but edg has improved even more." kkoma also nodded, "So, there is a sentence that I really wanted to say before the start of the game, but I said it to the other players It would have lowered morale, and my ideas hadn't been validated at the time.

Now that I lost to EDG, I think it's only appropriate to express my long-standing thoughts to you. "

"What?" Faker turned his head.

"I know you've always regarded mika as your old enemy since the last MSI, but that's not enough—I'm afraid, from now on, we have to completely lower our stance, and regard EDG as the strongest League of Legends team today. Just take it as an adjustment for the next crime!" kkoma said the truth he felt with his keen insight.

Faker smiled, "Really! I think it's the same..."

Once the burden of the double crown on his head was put down, he felt extremely relaxed, "Then, I know, I will face Mika and EDG with a challenging attitude and the lowest posture!"

The skt bus shuttle drove to the hotel hotel with flashing lights in the dark...

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