Chapter 60
After a whole day of remediation, the edg16 match was scheduled for the last match, and they arrived at the arena by car after dinner.

At this time, the LPL has no home and away game settings, and the previous two games have played three rounds, so Summer and his teammates, who arrived early, waited for the previous game to end in the waiting room.

Abu conveyed guidance to Summer with the help of Miss Translator, "Today against Rookie, his style should be similar to yours, Mika. The online exchange is very aggressive and the operation is delicate, so if you feel that the online pressure is too high, don't take risks and fight hard. Just keep growing."

The central idea is to be cowardly if you can't beat it, and the later stage of wretched development.

"It means that if the laning pressure is not too high, I can take more risks." Meixia smiled and said that she fully understood.

Abu looked at the girl's confident appearance, and didn't know how to explain it for a while. Could it be that there was a slight mistake in the translation again, it shouldn't be, this time he was looking for Xueba.

He himself absolutely does not allow players with flawed hero pools and unique playstyles in the team, but he understands that it is impossible to convince Mika, a seventeen or eighteen-year-old talented player, just by talking.

The best way is to wait for mika to experience the setback in person, and when she hits a wall in the game, she will naturally understand that the brainless and aggressive mid lane alignment is often not helpful for winning the game.

Abu turned to guide the jungler, "Ming Kai, the opposite adc is a skateboarder when he was young, and he is basically an anchor level when he gets other heroes, so today's game will mainly focus on the bottom lane. You should take care of the bottom lane in the early stage! Don't Always protect Mika, pay attention to give her some room to learn and grow!"

"Isn't that suitable? We originally practiced the midfield system..." Ming Kai hesitated.

"The adc on the opposite side is a breakthrough, and it's suitable for Smecta to help you down the road!" Deft said with a smile in Chinese that he had rushed to repair in the past few days.

"Okay..." Ming Kai reluctantly agreed. .

He asked the translator to relay it to Meixia, "Then tell Mika, let him be careful not to be caught by the jungler."

Abu smiled and said, "Don't worry, the kid can't even understand how to play adc, how good he can be in the jungle..."

"Wakali Masta!" Mei Xia expressed her understanding to Ming Kai.

She knew that Abu's idea was completely wrong. Kid did switch to the jungle and did not become famous, but his filial piety in protecting the middle road daddy was unprecedented.

If you don't pay attention when pressing the line, you will definitely be caught badly!

The match between RNG and VG on the field ended, Summer followed her teammates on the field, and after a short commercial, Wawa and Miller appeared on the commentary stand.

"The game just now is really unfinished. RNG and VG played three sets, and both sides played their highest level."

"Well, General Tiger is in a brave state, and his performance was not affected by the loss of the game the day before yesterday. He won two mvp in the three games, and Ezreal even played a super-superior record in the last game!"

"How should I put it, I feel that the head of Tiger has been inspired by Mika's potential, haha."

"In this way, I didn't expect the introduction of Mika to have such an incentive effect?"

"Okay, I won't talk much about the last game, because the next game will be the highlight! edg vs. ig, that's right, in the game the day before yesterday, Chao Shen Yao Ji defeated the topical player of Tiger Head, Japanese beauty mid laner mika ! Here she comes again!"

"The topic is not just Mika, she will be facing ig's core mid laner Rookie today! The second game after joining LPL will face the top mid laner. This will really test Mika's mentality and strength!"

The screen turned to the arena.

Mei Xia happened to come out from the contestant passage, wearing a black EDG uniform with a pleated skirt of the same color, immediately eliciting cheers from the arena, and the barrage also erupted.

"Ten years of uninvited miscellaneous pigs."

"It's outrageous, EDG has only been established for less than two years, how can it be ten years of pigs!"

"Hehe, you actually said that the traditional Chinese delicacy pig offal has only two years of history, so your identity has been exposed!"



bp starts.

The blue square ig bans Ice Girl, Female Gun and Tamm.

The red square edg bans Calista, Lulu and Ryze.

ig first banned the ice girl Lissandra, who is unlikely to be used by Summer Summer, which made it difficult for the audience to understand.

Wawa said, "Lisang Zhuo Lulu is in the forbidden selection pool, ig is the first demon girl who released Mika! I feel that there is only one possibility, ig is doing a BP trap, sending Mika to grab the demon girl, and they will give it to Rookie Counter hero!"

Miller analyzed, "I don't know if edg will be fooled. There are actually many heroes who restrain the enchantress. Tsar Kassadin Ike, I feel that they are all heroes that Rookie is good at."

The first three hands of ig on the field selected Bobby, Nan and Lucian respectively.

In the first four hands of edg, Troll, Kindred, Ezreal and Bull Head were selected.

Although Abramovich instructed Ming Kai to play in the field, the coach will not deliberately set his own players off due to tactical inclinations in bp, so he still leaves the counter position to Summer.

It was ig's last two-handed pick, and they could only show the mid laner hero first.

"Give me the enchantress." Rookie asked the coach.

This is the second-hand preparation made by ig before the start of the game. If edg is conservative in bp and dare not choose the enchantress first, then he will take the initiative to select LeBlanc, the trick enchantress, and give the counter the difficult problem opposite.

"Sure enough, mika still doesn't dare to grab the enchantress in front of rookie!" The jungler kid next to him made a judgment based on his own thoughts, "this is normal, if I were mika and saw rookie choose the enchantress, who would f*ck take the assassin Ah, isn't it uncomfortable to choose the Tsar or Syndra!"

ig showed the mid-lane enchantress and the auxiliary Thresh.

"Principal Wang agreed to hand over Mika?"

"Brother rookie, you should kill Mika to make Mika lose favor with ig and the boss of ig!"

"IG's bp has a routine. If you run Lissandra yourself and grab the enchantress, the enchantress will have no natural enemies!"

The commentator Wawa analyzed ig's mid laner selection, "Wow! Yaoji is also one of Rookie's best mid laners. He was chosen first to put pressure on Mika! I heard that Mika is an assassin with unique skills, so I already Take the assassin first, what hero counter are you going to choose?!"

Miller said, "The two sides have been at war since the bp. According to Mika's temperament when facing RNG in the previous scene, there is a high probability that the Assassin will be used to match up! Today's mid-laner duel should be very exciting! Of course, Mika cannot be ruled out these two days During the time, I have practiced the possibility of regular mage mid laners..."

Anyone can see that this is Rookie's challenge to Mika!

To fight or avoid the edge?

Everyone will wait and see.

The EDG coach Abu in the waiting room sneered at ig's tricks. Winning the game is everything. Who will play a duel game with you? According to his usual style, what he should do at this moment is to lock Morgana for the mid laner.

But the pawn he was so proud of wasn't in the arena. There was just a young and beautiful girl sitting there, full of talent but rebellious. It was very different from the perfect mid laner in his mind.

"Choose the fox!" Meixia replied to the bp coach on the field.

So Ahri, the nine-tailed demon fox who was fighting head-to-head with the cunning witch, appeared on the big screen!

In the warm cheers of the audience, the heroes of the two teams were all locked.

Blue Fang ig, top laner Bobby, jungler male gun, mid laner enchantress, adc Lucian and support Thresh.

Red Fang edg, top laner Troll, jungler Qian Jue, mid laner Fox, adc Ezreal and support bullhead.

(End of this chapter)

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