lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 617 Mika's 9-Tailed Demon Fox!

Chapter 617 Mika's Nine-Tailed Demon Fox!
After Meixia helped the factory director kill everyone, her grasp of the mini-map was still meticulous. When she saw Rambo disappearing from the upper road opposite, she immediately greeted the factory director.

"Don't go to the red buff! The Emerald God on the other side is stealing the red and Rambo is protecting us. We are all residual blood, we can't beat Rambo, so help me push the line first!"

Asking the factory director to help him push away the troops, and then leading him to his own f6, Meixia counted the seconds to return to the city. This not only gave up a lot of experience in the middle but also protected Olaf from taking f6. It can be said that he was thoughtfully taking care of the factory director's development, allowing him to The viewers in the live broadcast room were so envious.

It doesn't matter to Meixia herself, she is the factory manager's fan.

If a red buff is exchanged for a mid-single kill, the factory manager will make a profit after all, and if it is good for the jungler, shouldn't the jungler take more care of the middle lane in the future?

However, when the factory manager finished brushing f6 and passed the red buff to see if the stone beetle was there, he saw the living red buff squatting in the pit without any trace of injury.

The g2 jungler trick didn't take the opportunity to steal the red!

"Hey! The jungler on the other side is afraid of us! He didn't dare to turn against the jungler!" The factory manager made the most logical analysis.

Although the level of the European division is low, how can a professional jungler not even have this judgment.

Mei Xia doesn't think anyone in the optimistic G2 team will be cowardly enough to give up the resources they have obtained.


There is a bigger plan!

Mei Xia had a flash of inspiration, and quickly turned to the viewing angle to look down the road.

Policewoman Nami faced Frozen Thresh, although the g2 duo had gained a lot of advantages by relying on the first-level arrangement, but as the levels of both sides rose, the normal iboy had already reversed the situation and was pressing The opposite duo is under the tower!

If Cui Shen gives up the anti-jungle, the biggest possibility is to prepare to seize the time to gank down the road.The duo leads the line deep and has a chance to kill, and the head is indeed more fragrant than the red buff.

"Xiao Zhao, watch out for ganks!" Mei Xia hurriedly reminded.

However, iboy learned a lesson in the group stage, which greatly improved his execution ability. When he heard Summer Summer's reminder, he had already given up consumption and retreated.

But even if Mixia warned him early enough, iboy responded so quickly, and the g2 jungler's extraordinary gank route still managed to gain a precious opportunity.

Emerald God walked around the triangular grass and appeared towards the river from the side!And the duo under the tower launched an attack!

G2 assists mithy to control the gem knight Tarik to activate e [Dazzle].

A rectangular light blue light appeared on the soles of the feet, and went straight to the policewoman's leather boots.

The e skill is long enough!
In this case, because the gem's e flash is different from most so-called e flashes, he can hand in the flash to stun people at the moment the skill ends, so even if the policewoman surrenders the flash in advance, the gem can also use the e flash to stun people.

And if the policewoman is frightened and escapes with the e [90 caliber rope] two steps away, then wait for the green god [deep rooted enemy]!

time flies.

It's time for the e【Dazzling Light】to fall.

The iboy policewoman was stuck in time and handed in a flash first.

Seeing this, Mithy followed immediately.

However, at the moment when Tariq teleported forward, the duration of the skill ended, and a glare fell, followed by a golden flash of light.

Due to the speed of the hand, there is also the extremely well-placed element of iboy's flashing, and the gem knight e [glare] withdrawal is triggered, causing Mithy, who flashed behind the policewoman's butt, to fail to press the scheduled stun.

Mithy's face turned green.

The background sound can even be heard at the lpl commentary desk, and the European commentary hall next door is all [oh my god! 】

"Mistake!! G2's assistant made a huge mistake! Failed to stun the policewoman!!" Commentator Zeyuan was extremely shocked. Originally, he had assumed that iboy would be stunned and beheaded, but he never thought that g2 would make such a big move. operating errors.

"Cui Shen walked behind the minion and wanted to control it, but the policewoman used the small displacement of her E skill to distance herself, and then used her backhand to hit the gem with a headshot. She didn't take any damage at all." I remember it was very gratifying.

The desperate gank of the g2 jungler on the field ended in vain, and Cuishen retreated to the jungle again.

And edg has established a nearly perfect advantage after these two early rhythms!

Needless to say, in the bottom lane, swapping ad flashes for auxiliary flashes will establish a lot of advantages in the next few minutes when the opponent's jungler will not come.

The jungler was the biggest winner. Not only did he get a bloody head, but he didn't even lose a single wild monster.

The one who lost money might be Meixia in the middle lane, who gave a lot of experience to the jungler and didn't get more money than perkz.

Therefore, the fox in the middle lane is still slightly behind Mixia...

This situation lasted until five and a half minutes. Summer's fox was very close to being promoted to level six, but Jess also consumed half of his blood.

Perkz was very vacillating in his heart. It stands to reason that he has the opportunity to forcefully press the line to exchange blood at this time, and he has the opportunity to beat the fox home.

But edg's top lane is the same as Galio's in the last game. He may use his big move to support the middle lane at any time, repeating the disaster of 6 minutes in the last game.

It's just that as the most confident mid laner in Europe, it's hard for perkz to be willing to let the fox go up to level [-] comfortably, because level [-] is a turning point for Jace's laning strength. It is difficult to face the agile and elegant attack of the three-stage displacement fox.

It's not right to fight, and it's not reconciled to retreat.

perkz decided to wander to the top lane to support expect, so that at least he wouldn't have to face Galio's ultimate move [Enter Justice].

This choice also played a good role. He helped his teammates force Galio home.

It's just that what should come can't escape after all.

When Jess returned to the middle lane, Meixia's fox was upgraded to six levels, and the equipment was updated, and he bought the Devil's Codex and two small pieces.

One series relied on the straw sandals to avoid Jess's two more extreme eq second companies.

At this time, calculate the summoner skills, ignite for 180 seconds, purify for 210 seconds, and the difference of 30 seconds is the time to counterattack!
After Meixia made a decision, he directly shortened the distance by a short r, and used qwa to perform electrocution. At this time, perkz could only qwaa at close range, and beat the fox to half blood. Although the damage was extremely high, he did not dare to use the standard rqe combo Hit full damage, because fox e's blowing kiss can be stably interrupted by Jess q's mid-air.

Fortunately, Jess still relied on the stable damage of the cannon to hit the surge of the storm knight, and then used the short-term acceleration effect of the transformation to escape into the defense tower.

It was only then that Meixia followed up with the second-stage big move, and when e made a move, he took the initiative to connect to the second-stage r.

The Nine-Tailed Demon Fox's er combo can effectively use the special effects of the big move to cover up the flying movement of the e skill!

So Jess, who was still enjoying the surge acceleration effect of Lord Thunder under the tower, failed to avoid Mei Xia's sinister blowing kiss, and was sucked out of the defensive tower.

At the end of the charm, Perkz gritted his teeth and decided to come up with the hammer form qe, ready to fight the fox for the final showdown!Although Jess has lower blood volume now, his damage is still higher than that of Juggling Fox, so he might not lose in a head-to-head fight!

But Mei Xia didn't give this chance, she made the third r shot, and when Jess q made a move, she pulled back the distance.

The delicate body is just outside the limit distance of Jess e's hammer swing, but within the firing range of the fox r's soul raid passive [soul bomb]!
The three demon fires flew towards the helpless Jess together, and combined with the ignition above his head-to take his life!

 The state of this chapter is mediocre. I wanted to rest last night, but I couldn't fall asleep until after three o'clock...

(End of this chapter)

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