lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 637 Are you the only one who will never be petrified?

Chapter 637 Are you the only one who will never be petrified?
The game gradually reached 22 minutes, and Meixia pressed tab and looked at the equipment column of her teammates.

"Senior Meiko, how long does it take to buy an incense burner!"

"Come on, there will be an incense burner next time I return to the city." Meiko replied.

"Okay! Then we can prepare to use the Baron to force the team at any time." Meixia nodded, and immediately turned to the top laner and said, "Mouse, you don't need to teleport here, just clear the bottom lane and walk over."

The reason why it takes a few minutes for the Baron to refresh and then start operations against the Baron is because our lineup's ability to rush the Baron is mediocre. If we are accidentally blocked in the dragon's pit, the opponent's Galio's ultimate move and Snake Girl's skills are both powerful weapons for the team in the dragon's pit. , so even if the economy is ahead, we still have to wait until the auxiliary Nami has the incense burner bonus and the team's combat effectiveness is greatly improved before the dragon can force the team.

And troublesome mouse to join the group on foot, naturally it is not to make it difficult for the teammates.

He has a record of 1-0 and is equipped with Sunfire, Warden Armor, and Armor Shoes. However, his opponent is 0-3 with Huni Swordswoman, and he only has Tiamat, Vampire Scepter, and Mercury Shoes. Guo Jian Ji relies on Ri Yan's AOE, and even her troop clearing efficiency is far better than her opponent's.

At this time, of the two top laners leading the lane, it was mouse who brought the soldiers not far in front of the SKT second tower!
"Wow, Titan is so tough! He hooked up and took Sword Princess W hard, and even got a flaw from A. It was not painful or itchy. Huni didn't even dare to go up and exchange blood." The commentator doll looked at the rare sight of Titan. The scene of chasing the Sword Lady made me laugh very happily.

"Titan wants to send minions into the tower, do you still want to hook him?"

Of course, you have to hook it up. Even if you win by exchanging blood against the defense tower, Sword Queen has two pieces of equipment, the Vampire Scepter and Tiamat, which can suck the blood back. It doesn’t seem cost-effective, but if the army line is pushed forward, the Titans will want to go. Wherever you go.

You can walk directly to Longkeng.

But skt is not ready to let him go!

Titan's Q skill hits, facing Sword Princess wae!

However, as soon as the skill hit was pressed, a golden shield covered Sword Princess.

SKT assisted Galio to use the ultimate move [Hero Appearance] on the bottom lane!
Seeing this scene, mouse immediately flashed back and pulled out of the attack range of the defense tower.

On the road, Meixia commanded her teammates!

"Gario is on the bottom lane, let's go, rush the dragon!"

In the past few years, SKT has always used the top lane to limit its opponents.

But today is a two-level reversal. Even if mouse is just a tank hero Titan, he lacks the ability to contain multiple opponents, allowing the rest of the team to rush the baron!

Rambo Olaf walked into the dragon pit first, and Nami and Mouse in the jungle were accelerated and rushed towards the dragon pit.

The speed of group registration was not very fast, and the rush dragon was clearly visible in SKT Longkeng's field of vision.

But SKT Galio and Sword Lady were both in the bottom lane, and Han Bing also used his ultimate move on the bottom lane, so they did not dare to approach Dragon Pit easily.

Mika and her teammates didn't rush very fast, but as soon as they saw the peanut blind monk showing his head outside the dragon pit, Nami immediately fell asleep and used her ultimate move [Rush].

When the Blind Monk touched his eyes to avoid being knocked away, Mixia did not hesitate to land his ultimate move [Constant Temperature Burn].

The brief burning burned away more than 300 of the blind monk's HP. However, Peanut did not flash the consciousness of crossing the sea of ​​​​fire at the first time, and reflexively retreated out of the burning range, basically losing the chance to get close to fight the dragon.

Without anyone interfering, the factory director punished Dalong cleanly, and then the whole team escaped safely from the top road.

"What a decisive command! We took down the Baron effortlessly. I seem to have seen the way our lpl team played against the lck team in the past!" said Wawa. "Return to the city and operate again. This wave can at least take down all the outer towers!" After thinking about EDG's radical operations under the command of Mika, Miller added, "It's also possible in the highlands!"

The scene on the field shifted to the bottom lane, and the fierce 1v2 battle between the Titans finally decided the winner, ending with the Titan's head being picked off by the Sword Queen.

So lck, who looked sad, explained that there was finally something to place hope on.

"Xiba! Trading a big dragon for a Titan head is a big loss no matter how you think about it!" Jin Dongjun told the truth.

"Oh! You can't think of it this way! SKT got kills for Jian Ji, which at least eased the development of the top laner. As long as we persist until the end of the edg dragon, the developed Jian Ji can take the initiative to lead the line, and can play SKT. The knowledgeable Siyi has managed Smecta!!" Brother Roar clenched his fists and tried to deceive himself.

On the field, edg got the Baron buff and went out to advance.

Mika once again used her ultimate as a poke skill, and after the CD was turned on, she threw it into the crowd guarding the tower, helping the team quickly push down all the outer towers of SKT.

And when the Baron buff lasted for the last ten seconds, SKT's top laner Sword Girl was alone in the top lane, and EDG's five-man bottom lane team reported to the group under the high tower.

Mei Xia’s ultimate move has been cooled down again!

"Tata open!!"

Encouraged by Sakura Girl, Titan hooked Galio with an anchor.

Meixia immediately followed up and released her ultimate move [Constant Temperature Burning].

Rocket Belt and Ice Staff, plus 8 layers of Book of Death, high damage combined with the venom of the big rat, quickly eliminate Galio, and at the same time burn the Snake Girl and Blind Monk behind.

Sword Princess finally teleported, and Faker pressed R forward to dodge in an attempt to counterattack!
However, Meixia once again predicted the snake girl's operation, turned her head with one hand to dodge the petrification, and then pressed out the rocket belt, Hong Wenq fiercely roasted the snake's tail!
"100% turned around to dodge petrification. This operation is not just for you Faker! Mika can even dodge 100%!!" The doll was extremely excited, "How about it, it feels so good!!"

"Kill the Snake Girl, Sword Girl teleports into the crowd, and attacks Rambo to break the gap. Oh! Mika sticks to the ruins of the defense tower, and Rambo circles around the pillars, not giving Sword Girl a chance to open the last hole!" Mi Ledao.

Sword Princess, who failed to hit the recovery formation, was quickly killed, falling to 1-4. At first glance, the record data seemed a bit blameless, and it also added three layers to Mixia's murder book.

"Only Blind Monk and Han Bing are left. Blind Monk hasn't used his ultimate move yet, but can these two people defend the Incisor Tower?" Changmao asked.

Amid the commentary and the audience's questions, the five EDG members removed the crystal and climbed onto the incisor tower.

The surviving blind monks and Han Bing of skt recovered their health in the spring and came out to guard the tower.

Mika fired her e [Electronic Harpoon], first she took advantage of the minion cover, and suddenly cast cold arrows to slow down the blind monk, forcing him to use his W. Then Mika's second e shot slowed down to the ice, and this time the Titan hooked, Na Mei Xia followed Q, and Mei Xia Rambo roasted it with red and warm Q, directly evaporating the Ice Queen.

Seeing that the incisor tower was about to break, Little Peanut could only delay with his life, waiting for the cd to touch the eye and flash r to kick the mouse away, but the q skill had already been used up before, so [Arson Feast] was grilled. The head was given away so that Galio could wait for Galio's ultimate move from the spring before he died.

The Galio man fell from the sky and hit Rambo, who did not flash Mitsu.

But this doesn't stop others from EDG from going crazy with the incisor tower followed by the crystal!
The audience cheered throughout the stadium!Everyone can see at this point that before the incisor tower is broken, Hanbing eats Rambo E and then Titan Hook, and he will die too quickly!As a result, skt can no longer hold on!

The Snake Lady and Sword Lady are resurrected one after another!

However, the mouse Nami flashed one after another, and Misa Rambo did not fight back despite Galio's skills, smashing the base crystal again and again!
At 27 minutes, the crystal of SKT's main base was shattered!Declare the end of this game!
(End of this chapter)

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