lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 639 mika-chan’s pattern

Before the second round of the MSI final started, the final promotional video shot before the game was played in the live broadcast room.

Surrounded by cameras, Faker stood in the auditorium with his hands crossed and looked into the field, like a devil looking down on all living beings.

Staring at the glittering golden trophy placed in the center of the stage, he started talking trash, "We have won many games and won many championships. I believe we will win the championship this time."

Then the director of the factory stood in the center of the stage, looking at the audience and the sky in the distance, with a crooked smile on his face, and made a series of dirty remarks.

"Come on, I don't think SKT is scary. Now it's the other teams' turn to catch up with us!"

The photographer actually went around behind the factory director and took a close-up of his butt.

Although the official promotional video has been posted before the game, the live broadcast room is still full of barrage when seeing these shots.

[SKT has won many championships, but they just can’t win the MSI championship! 】

[Indeed, after watching the first game, I felt that SKT was just like that, not as good as RNG. 】

[The factory director’s buttocks are raised! 】

【Nice butt! 】

[The photographer is really down! 】


Next, the little Peanut appeared, leaning leisurely on the guardrail of the auditorium. Compared to Faker, who was determined to win the championship, he was much more modest.

"We must remind ourselves that we may lose the game against SKT, but I will try my best to win this championship!"

As the most popular e-sports star, Mei Xia finally made her final appearance.

She is in a more relaxed position than Little Peanut, lying directly backwards on the stage.

"I think the current EDG team is the strongest League of Legends team in the world, so as the strongest team, we should not just want to win a championship or a trophy - the goal should be bigger, and we should dig out more More varied tactics to show the fun of League of Legends to a wider audience!”

Of course, Mixia said these words to have a more reasonable basis for Silas to re-enact the tactics of later generations, and at the same time, he could legitimately use strange heroes to play mid lane and enjoy himself.

However, after experiencing the first game, the audience had new feelings about Sakura Girl's lines.

[I saw light in Sakura Girl’s eyes! 】

【Cry to death! The mika pattern has reached a height of promoting e-sports! ! 】

[This is why Mika took Rambo mid lane in the first game, right? 】

[My wife is so organized! 】

[Understood, ranked Rambo mid laner starts! 】

Of course, there are also viewers who are insatiable.

[Ask for little peanut’s perspective]

[Little Peanut can see the air from hundreds of meters away!Looking for a floor perspective! 】

【I am the floor! mika is so soft! 】

[Here comes the sole of the foot perspective! 】

[See it, black! 】

[You black ass, have you never seen the movie?Can the lining of a skirt be considered fat? 】

The photographer only took half a second to adjust the perspective of the feet of Sakura girl lying upside down in a large font, which really captured the audience's psychology.

But let’s not talk about whether the bottom of the skirt can be photographed. Even if it can be photographed, the skirt of Mixia’s edg team uniform is actually designed to come with leggings. Although she is not stingy about giving out benefits to her brothers, her moral integrity is not low enough. At that level, after traveling for so many days, there are all the protections a girl should pay attention to.

The repeated finals promotional video has been broadcast.

The camera returns to the commentary desk.

"Okay, welcome back. Sure enough, edg's performance in the first game was just as they said in the promotional video. Now the dynasty has changed. It's an era when edg can easily defeat skt, and it's an era where lck needs to catch up with lpl!" Wawa still continued the first game. The excitement during a commentary.

"Indeed, Mika's Rambo in the first game also confirmed what she said. She is no longer limited to studying the LCK team, but wants to study more powerful tactics and even more interesting systems. Now it is Mika who is surpassing You are not chasing skt!" Miller agreed with the doll's point of view.

Only Changmao couldn't get in the conversation. In his private mind, he was not very willing to admit the power of lpl.

He thought about it and finally found enough points to refute, "It's too early to say that LPL is better than LCK. Now only EDG is strong enough. I definitely agree with you that EDG is the best team in the world, but LPL has no other teams except EDG. It’s hard to say, it feels like it’s two levels worse than edg, maybe even more…”

"What Changmao said is right, other LPL teams should also work hard!" Watanabe nodded.

"Hey, have we talked about LPL yet? Let's go back to this game first!" Miller felt something was wrong with the hairy hair, but it was hard to say anything. "The second game will start soon, and EDG is on the blue Fang, I wonder if Mika will continue to show us her deep hero pool!"

"Hmm! Start BP, edg? You actually disabled the male gun!" the doll's tone was drawn out.

In the forbidden box, EDG's first three moves were to kill the male gun, the female police officer and Lulu respectively.

The policewoman and Lulu are both banned normally. As for the male gun that surprised the narrator, it was mainly because the director's own male gun was not bad at playing.

"Maybe EDG doesn't want to grab the male gun first hand, and doesn't want to let SKT get it." Miller analyzed rationally, "But SKT's first round of bans is very interesting! Jess, Syndra, Karma, all three bans are in the middle!"

It's not just the commentary side that Miller thinks SKT's third team is a bit exaggerated.

The audience also burst into warm applause, whistles and cheers.

Among the two major duels recognized today, one of them defeated the other three heroes. It cannot be said to be admitting defeat. The meaning contained in this must be self-evident!

Of course lck explained that the audience can still find reasons.

[Karma is obviously a support, SKT only banned two mid laners]

[Which hero you choose is based on team tactics. In the end, as long as you can win, it doesn’t matter what you choose.]

[SKT is all for KKMA’s tactical considerations. Syndra and Jess Faker can also play these heroes! 】【Xiba, the audience is too noisy! 】

[edg hasn’t won yet!These fans of Sakura girl’s beauty who don’t understand the game are almost done! 】


It can’t be said that SKT’s third mid laner has no tactical considerations.

Currently, there are three strong players, Kennen, Galio, and Lucian, on the outside. If EDG snatches any one of them, SKT has the ability to grab the other two with the second or third hand.

But this test is not difficult for edg.

They snatched Galio from the very beginning!

Kennen and Lucian, the former is a mediocre huni player, while the latter is not in the SKT system. Meixia simply doesn’t believe that the opponent dares to take both heroes!
"Sure enough, let's grab Galio!" kkoma once again confirmed that edg had definitely prepared a tactic of swinging Galio's top support in advance, but precisely because of this, he couldn't let his teammates take the initiative with top laner Kennen, who was particularly easy to target.

"Then there are only swaying little fish-men." Huni shrugged.

This is a tactic discussed in the lounge.

skt locked the little fish man and blind monk with his first two hands.

Then it's edg's turn to choose someone.

Since the opponents of the Murloc are Kennen and Galio, whether or not to take Kennen in the second and third hands is another test given by SKT.

But there is still no difficulty here in Meixia, because although the murloc is the counter position, Galio Kennen's teamfight intensity can be said to be that in large-scale team battles, the murloc will not be able to enter the field at all, especially when the probability is still half. Fishman.

Not only did they choose Kennen for the second hand, but Edg also locked the mouse in the AD position for the third hand.

Seeing here, EDG Galio's swing is obvious.

skt immediately got Tahm Kench in their third move, which was another double counter hero against Galio and Kennen.

At this point, although SKT doesn't know the secret of EDG's mid laner Galio, its banpick response is flawless.

Banned in the second round.

EDG bans Lucian and Enchantress, both of whom are the lifelong enemies of mid laner Galio.

skt banned Olaf and Cuishen, thinking that Galio was a support!

So it came to the second round of selection.

skt got the big mouth for adc first.

With Tahm Kench's protection, supporting Galio and top laner Kennen alone shouldn't kill him, and the only ad options available are Big Mouth or Ice. Ice's life-saving ability is not much better than Big Mouth's.

However, when it was edg's turn to choose someone, Wang Leehom and kkoma were dumbfounded.

Jarvan IV, Prince of Demacia!

Heart of Freljord Bronn!
What’s surprising is not these two heroes, but Braum’s position!
If Braum is the support, then who is the top laner and who is the mid laner!

The excitement at the scene was thunderous. What Mixia said in the promotional video did mean some of what she meant. No matter whether she copied it or not, she could always bring surprises to the audience!

"Swinging like crazy, edg is shaking so hard that I don't even know who the mid laner is!" The commentator said, his head hurting.

"If Mika told me that she plays Prince mid laner, I think I would believe it!" Miller laughed.

In skt's voice, kkoma tried to stay calm and repaired the team's BP in real time.

"It can only be the mid laner of Galio! Then the murloc is the counter to Galio. We will also move the murloc to the middle and then go up. Huni, do you have any heroes that are easy to match Kennen?"

"Rambo?" Huni answered immediately.

"How can Rambo not move in front of Prince Gary Okenan?" KKoma almost wanted to hit Huni on the head.

"Then... wine barrel?"

KKoma also feels that huni is at least somewhat useful, and wine barrels are indeed a good choice.

In the last move, skt locked the barrel.

So this means that the mid laner of SKT will be Tidal Sea Spirit Fizz!
Don't wait for the audience to get excited again.

lckThe audience gets excited first!
In an instant, the Korean channel’s live broadcast room was filled with text!

[Does anyone still question faker? 】

[This is the courage of the big devil, he dares to use the fishmen to resist the team in a desperate situation! 】

[Let’s all give our energy to Faker together! 】

【fighting! ! 】

【Teach me a hard lesson mika!He actually said that he would study more lineup combinations during the finals]

[Isn’t she very pretentious? 】

[Mika’s trash talk, in the words of my girlfriend, does it mean that my toys are useless and she wants to buy toys for her own pleasure? 】

[Our skt can also swing, okay! 】


The lineups of both sides were shaken and determined.

Blue square edg, top laner Kennen, jungle prince, mid laner Galio, adc mouse and auxiliary Braum.

The red side plays SKT in class, top laner Wine Barrel, jungler blind monk, mid laner Murloc, adc Big Mouth and auxiliary Tahm Kench.

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