lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 646: If you are not proficient enough and have no awareness, come and get it together!

"No, why did SKT copy EDG's mid laner Galio in front of him?"

"The first division? I think it's the first thief division!"

"As expected of a stick!"

"kkoma is so desperate! They even started copying the edg lineup!"

Compared with what level faker Galio can play, Chinese audiences are obviously more concerned about and surprised by the impression caused by various current news that SKT stole Mika's routine.

However, the magnanimous Meixia herself doesn’t care too much about this kind of thing. Of course, after all, she has gained experience from her previous life, Silas Burns!

Her summoner skill brings Flash Purification. This is also because later generations watch a lot of games and ranked laning, so she understands the details of Galio laning better than Faker.

——The little murloc on the opposite side of the upper plate brings too much pressure to ignite. If she brought teleportation, her Galio would not be able to swim so easily.

The cutscene passed in the blink of an eye, and both parties entered the Summoner's Rift.

The s jungle mantis needs protection when opening the jungle, so Faker and Huni escort them to insert a jewelry eye into EDG's f4.

"Mika, do you have an early advantage in the middle lane?" the factory director asked here.

If Clockwork has an advantage in the lane, he can choose to avoid f6's way of opening the jungle. Not to mention invading the Mantis jungle, it is possible to disrupt the little peanut's jungle farming rhythm!
"No!" Mixia shook her head in a rare move. She chose Clockwork this round because she was preparing for a mid- to late-game team battle.

That being the case.

The factory director walked back to f6 and maintained the normal jungle route.

Considering that she was under a lot of pressure online, Mixia did not help the male gunman with the wild monsters.

Confronting Galio in the middle, she directly moved forward and then used Q [Command·Attack] to try to consume him. Of course faker knew the length of the clockwork skill, so he moved to avoid it, and then moved forward to shoot [War Gangfeng].

This is what happened to Mixia!

She accurately moved to the side to avoid the skill, and then used a basic attack on Galio!
Although the ultimate distance of [War Gang Wind] exceeds the normal attack distance of Clockwork, this skill can be avoided by moving forward or to the side, so that the basic attack can be completed just in time!
Yibing parts were thrown onto Galio, gaining a fifty-point health advantage before the troops arrived.

Then deal with the minions, immediately attack the nearest melee soldier, and then continue forward, relying on the advantage of the shorter cooldown of his Q skill than Galio's Q to force him to dare not move forward. After Galio retreats, he will use Q to kill the crippled soldier. The troops in front of the blood line up to make up for it.

This series of pulling operations by Meixia was almost perfect.

It's just that Galio's hero attributes are still too supermodel. When the front row soldiers are reduced to low health by the minions, faker throws q [War Wind], and then uses the passive [Colossus Slam], and the front row minions are gone. Move around to avoid a hidden Q from Clockwork, and clear out all the soldiers in the back row in a few clicks.

But at this time, Meixia actually still had two back-row soldiers left to kill!
When the second wave of soldiers arrived, they were already handed over outside the edg defense tower.

Generally speaking, this situation of stationing troops is a good thing for Clockwork. It can safely draw troops without fear of gank, but the prerequisite is that Galio's attempt to force the troops into the defense tower can be blocked!So Mika stood on the side of the soldier line, and used the Q skill to attack Galio who came back from warding the river. Then he continued to attack the minions with hatred three times, just to prevent Galio from getting close to the minions.

Faker also realized this, forced his way to the front and took action with both a and q, clearing the troops to grab the second and then w [Dulang Shield] to taunt the clockwork.

From the perspective of the LCK audience and commentators who had experienced two disastrous losses in two games, just this mocking operation of grabbing second place made them happy!

"How dare you chase Galio and consume him, Xiba! Nice, faker's taunting was so good!!" he roared.

"I feel like Faker Galio is very skilled at playing!" Commentator CT was about to praise Faker for playing well, but saw Galio, who was taunting the clockwork in front of him, turning around and leaving without even a single basic attack, and immediately asked, "Oh, Don’t you want to go up to a?”

In fact, Mixia's ridicule was something she walked up to on purpose!

At this time, Galio's passive has not yet cooled down. If she dares to use basic attacks, she only needs to wait for the taunt to end for two seconds to increase the points. Not only will she have the opportunity to win over Galio, who has lower HP than her, by pulling, but she will even have the opportunity to force him. flash!
It's a pity that faker Galio's proficiency is average, but he still has the consciousness of being a champion mid laner. After taunting him, he took half a step forward and realized that he hadn't refreshed his passive yet, so he immediately retreated.

Just like this, Mixia finished the taunt and learned w in seconds, chasing Galio's butt and taking action.

Snapped! faker couldn't move to avoid it!

Galio only has over 300 HP left!
"Mika, isn't this your advantage? We promised to wait until the later stages of development! Oh..." Looking at the situation in the middle lane, the director regretted not changing the jungle route.

"Hey, it's Galio who doesn't seem to be very skilled, but it's easy to get ganked when I'm laning like this..." Mixia explained with a smile.

She has always treated Galio as the faker in the S7 World Championship, but when she came online, it turned out that this faker who took out the mid laner Galio in advance had really not practiced Galio in the rankings!

In fact, Galio's lane includes Syndra and Enchantress, who are long-hand consumption heroes. The most perfect way is not to start fighting for the ability to push the lane at level one, but to quietly let the opponent push the lane, because Galio He has the W flash skill!When the jungler is called in at the second level, as long as the opponent dares to push the line and directly force the double move, the opponent will naturally have the advantage!And if the opponent does not push the lane, then safely upgrade to level [-] or even level [-] before fighting again, Galio can still quickly push the lane and enter the tower to roam!
Moreover, Faker's Q skill didn't hit him even once, which is quite outrageous. Otherwise, as long as he was hit once, the current blood volume gap between the two would not be two bars!

"Yes, Mantis Blue is open. With Poppy's help, the double buff time is no slower than mine! I feel like this guy is going to catch it. Wait for me to counter-crouch!" Hearing Mixia talk about jungle, the director also reminded him quickly.

"Okay, pay attention to the eyes in the lower half of the river!!" Mixia nodded.

But as for SKT, faker wisely rejected Xiaohuahua's proposal.

On the one hand, he knows very well that Clockwork has purification. He can flash at most and use two moves. If he can't be caught and is counter-crouched, he is more dangerous. On the other hand, skt's bottom lane is also robbed by rats and beaten twice, forcing him under the tower. Rescue!
What's more important is that faker knows that there seems to be something wrong with Galio's laning. He is so strong that he doesn't want to drag down his teammates. Anyway, he still has the teleportation skill. When TP comes online, he will have to fight the laning from scratch for the second time. Opportunity!
So after the male gun and the mantis wiped out their second buff monsters, one went all the way to the west and the other all the way to the east.

On the male gun side, Galio inserted an anti-gank ward into the river, so he couldn't gank. He just walked to the shadow position behind the clockwork to prepare for a counterattack.

Sure enough, Galio moved forward!
But instead of dodging forward E or W, qa forcibly captured the line of soldiers, then reversed e to widen the distance, and finally disappeared from Clockwork's sight!
"No, Galio is back in the city! Mantis didn't gank the middle lane!" Meixia understood and shouted quickly.

And the double buff mantis in the bottom lane has already appeared!

Karma flashed W to imprison the rat, and Ezreal moved forward [Arcane Leap]!
The mantis jumps up!
skt gets first blood!

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