lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 648: Is support more important or ad?

Chapter 648: Is support more important or ad?

The pilot camera quickly shifted to the lower road river.

I saw the mouse with its ultimate move [Full Fire] firing wildly at the little yellow-haired Ezreal. When bang crossed e and pulled away, what greeted him was e [quickly drawing gun] passing through the wall and intercepting in the river. Male gun Graves!
"Why is ez here? Poppy teleported, can he kill ez?!" The doll who had not yet recovered his breath first couldn't understand the situation, and then immediately cheered for edg.

"The ultimate move of the male gun! Karma wanted to block it with his body, but the AOE damage was not blocked! Okay, the factory director took the head and was pinned to the wall by the teleported Poppy, but we can't let the fight go, Mantis is coming soon!"

"Flash across the wall, the mouse Lulu also fled back to the tower, exchanged one for one, and gained a teleportation from Poppy. This wave is not a loss!" Miller's classic is not a loss.

But this time it was indeed edg’s fault.

"Nice! Senior factory director, iboy! Well done!!" Mixia in the spring cheered without hesitation. She thought that this game would be lost because of her own death, but she didn't expect that her teammates could stand up too. How could she not be happy when she came out?

"This ez is so pretentious, he's really not afraid." The factory director, a head harvester, didn't understand why Ezreal dared to approach the river even though he knew he was squatting.

"He wants to catch Mika so much..." It's not that iboy is just bragging. iboy, who was the first to decisively assassinate with his stealth move, can best see the truth.

And when the director played the replay of the bottom lane battle, everything became clear from the audience's perspective.

The moment Clockwork flashed towards the river in the middle lane, the SKT bottom lane duo immediately ignored the troops on the lane and turned around to approach the river. This was to catch the Clockwork Demon before the male gun, blocking the way. Dead Sakura girl has all the possibilities to escape.

Bang and Wolf want to kill Mika so much!
This also gives the opportunity to be intercepted by the male gun and the mouse!
"Xiba..." The Roaring Emperor, who was celebrating crazily at the LCK commentary desk just now, slammed the table, "It's a pity that I couldn't hold on until Peanut came over!"

"It doesn't matter Smita! It's only Ezreal we died, but it was Mika who died for edg!" Commentator CT used the Korean comparison method, "As long as edg's team can suppress Sakura Girl, half the victory will be won. ! But we still have two Mantis Kha'Zix with heads in hand!"

"Two thousand and five thousand economic leaders, Mantis should have the monopoly of two thousand Smecta! This game is already the stage for peanut to perform!" Even Jin Dongjun, the commentator who likes Sakura Girl, couldn't help but be moved when he saw the scene of Clockwork being killed. .

Can other junglers kill Mika like this?

Even Mixia had to admit that Peanut had an extremely accurate grasp of the factory director and her psychology during these two waves of ganks.

But the anti-routine gank has been used twice, how could he be allowed to continue to do it unscrupulously!

In the next game, edg fully prepared its field of vision and moved forward step by step. At the same time, the factory director who had grown up after getting the heads did not just immerse himself in dry brushing. He began to rely on the flexibility of the male gun to continue to invade the SKT jungle area. He did not seek to grab the jungle or kill people. The goal was There is only one, delaying Peanut's gank rhythm.

At the same time, Meixia in the middle lane used the economy gained from last-hitting to buy the missing chapters. At this time, the speed of Clockwork Demon's push was slightly increased. Even if he and Galio were roaming against the clearing troops, there was no need to make a big move on the opponent's side. When moving and teleporting, the speed is basically at the same level.

The most important thing is that the mouse teleportation skill is cooled down in 13 minutes. With a top laner who can support at any time, Mantis does not dare to act rashly!
It wasn't until the 14th minute of the game that Peanut found another gank opportunity.

He still chose an abnormal route. Instead of grabbing the higher-yield bottom lane or continuing his efforts to get Sakura Girl's second blood, he went around to the top lane to cooperate with Galio's three packs and one Titan!

It's just that this time Mouse was on guard. He used his skills under the tower very patiently. He flashed to dodge Poppy, flashed and nailed the wall, hooked onto the wall to dodge Galio and knocked them away. With his ultimate move, he backhanded the two of them, successfully holding on until Clockwork and the male gun were able to support him. arrival.

Mei Xia's ultimate move enveloped the three of them, retaining Poppy and Galio, and at the same time forcing Mantis to flash out. Finally, they won the team battle with one for two, preventing SKT from expanding its advantage.

Then at 16 minutes, skt controlled the first dragon. Since both sides had low desire to control the dragon, there was basically no crisis for the four dragons in this game.

In the 19th minute, with the threat from Galio, skt finally pushed down a tower in the bottom lane.

It can be said that for 10 minutes, skt never launched an effective attack.

However, in the past 10 minutes, SKT did not have no gank opportunities at all. It was just because Faker was committed to treating Galio as a hero to protect his teammates. Unless he found a sure kill, he was not willing to be like Mika, who seemed to not even want to line up. Tour the group with all your strength as if you were worried.

Moreover, they themselves are used to operating in the lck division and are not in a hurry. As long as the game lasts longer than 25 minutes, it will be more successful than the first two games. And the longer the game is extended, the more they are good at it!

The game gradually exceeded 20 minutes.

Due to the smooth operation during the period, skt's economy rose to an economic lead of [-] during the long-term low-intensity confrontation.

But SKT is not in a hurry to attack, and Mixia is even less anxious! 2-0 holds two match points, and our lineup is stronger in the late stage, so why should we be afraid of being dragged into the late stage!
So the rhythm of the game actually dropped instead of increasing after 10 minutes!

Both sides began to develop and operate harmoniously.

It wasn't until the 23rd minute that Ezreal pushed down a tower on the top lane.

EDG also followed suit and demolished the first tower on SKT's bottom road, but they were all clicked by Mika and the factory director.

Then there was the most difficult tower in the middle of both sides, but it lasted for 25 minutes and was still standing.

Finally at 28 minutes, skt began to rush their third dragon!

In fact, these three dragons, one wind, two water, and three fire, are simply the most useless combination of elemental dragons. The bonus to the hero may not be as beneficial as a long sword.

But Meixia finally couldn't help it and directed her teammates to fight.

After all, her body structure is different, and her ability to hold back her urine is really no match for this group of perverts who have endured LCK training for a long time.

Since the goal was to pick up the group rather than compete for the dragon, she and her teammates cleared the middle soldiers and then walked into the river. When they arrived at the entrance of the dragon pit, the dragon had already been punished by Mantis.

In fact, only Poppy and Mantis rush the big dragon, and the other three are guarding under the defense tower. The personnel allocation of skt makes it easy to pull, so that whether edg chooses to push or walk over to pick up the dragon group, the skt players on both sides can Quickly choose to fight back or escape.

It's just that on the EDG side, iboy's mouse stealthed to start the team, and he used his ultimate move to defeat Poppy and Mantis at the entrance of the dragon's pit, which was the output!
This made Huni and Peanut, two people who were unstable factors in the SKT team, unanimously choose to fight back!

The two of them first retreated into the dragon pit to seduce, and then the mantis turned on its full stealth, and e [leap attack] flew straight towards the mouse!

At the same time, Galio activated r [Hero Appearance] in the air where the mantis was flying!
Faker was not very satisfied with this offensive appearance in his heart, but it was indeed the perfect time to kill the mouse.

But in this way, Ezreal and Karma, who were poked by skt and followed the edg army from the middle to the intersection in front of the river, were left alone!
Mika had previously used Ezreal's q to backhand her q [command: attack] to force out his e. [Arcane Leap], and once you see Galio open up to support Mantis.

She opened her mouth to give the command, "Start the team, ez can only flash!"

Titan flashed in response and equipped ez with his ultimate move, and then Bang flashed backwards, with Wolf blocking in front and knocking him away.

This is a version of the Incense Burner. Its auxiliary effect is much greater than that of AD, especially compared to AD like Ezreal.

Meixia decisively and extravagantly gave the ultimate move to Karma alone, and the position with the worst development in the game was not worth the damage of the three-piece set of clockwork!

[Command·Shock Wave] Roll up on the ground, then W, and then Titan qae.

Clockwork gets the kill!

But then skt also killed the mice in the river.

On the surface, skt seems to be making money from the auxiliary exchange for ad.

SKT players all think so too!

"Chase!" Peanut said almost without thinking.

"Keep the rest!" Huni also shouted.

It's just that Mixia also thinks that she can win.

"Take your time, skt definitely wants to fight! They will realize this is a mistake soon!" She took back the golem and quietly waited for the long-awaited team battle!

(End of this chapter)

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