lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 67 Yi Jin's Pride

Chapter 67 Yi Jin's Pride

"IG lost, broiler didn't lose!"

"Rookie didn't die even once, so why say ig lost."

"The child Youshen gave away half of the team's heads. He is like a child who has not been weaned in front of Mika. I think we should just recognize Mika as his mother..."

"Well, with Mika's body, you can only eat milk powder if you admit it."


The audience was discussing the last game, and Summer and her teammates returned to the waiting room.

Abramovich stood in the middle of the waiting room with his hands clasped blankly. The game did not start with the bottom lane as he expected. This made him unsatisfied, but the team did win the game smoothly. Compared with the results Not so important.

Although he was very upset, he couldn't find a reason to reprimand the team members for a while...

The factory director and Abu have been good friends for many years. Knowing what the coach is thinking at the moment, he said first, "Abu, I think it's better not to rigidly lay down the core of the bot lane. Since Mika is strong enough, what's the problem with operating around her? As for Mika's consciousness... Maybe she actually has her own understanding of the game..."

In the game, the scene where Meixia Fox calmly cuts to the back row to rescue the jungler, and what she said later, gave Ming Kai a new understanding of the teamfight awareness of this talented mid laner.

Perhaps Mika is not without the ability to read the game, but in the eyes of this talented female player, the possibility of the game leading to victory is different from the path that ordinary professional players can calculate.

Abu looked at the female contestant next to him, and Meixia nodded and smiled.

Summer thought to herself——yes, yes!I have my own understanding of the game!
But the way the girl nodded with a smile is so cute that in front of Abu, Mika is just a girl who can only go crazy and push the line with a simple mind. What extraordinary thoughts does she have?
Abu laughed, "Director, are you kidding? Haha, she has a different understanding of games?"

Ming Kai nodded, "Yes! In the next game, I want to cooperate more with the middle lane."

Abu smiled helplessly, "You are the veteran of the team and the captain on the field. If you insist on finishing the game according to your own style of play, what else can I do? But if you lose the game, I'm sorry. I will definitely come back after the game." Pan severely criticizes and corrects!"

"Yeah!" The factory manager turned to the translator, "Tell Mika that the jungler will focus more on the middle lane in the next game, and let her pay more attention to her teammates."

"No problem, leave it to me!" After repeating the report, Mei Xia answered while patting her chest.


The team revised the main strategy of the next game, and then discussed bp.

Five minutes later, the two sides returned to the field.

The commentator said, "Okay, the rest time is over, and the game will start immediately. Let's talk about the last game first. Although EDG encountered a little danger in the middle of the first game, Xiaolong was almost found by the ig group, but Overall, it was very easy to win, and it seemed to be different from what was predicted before the game."

Miller nodded, "Well, it's mainly kid's jungle debut. It can be seen that he played rather stiffly. Mika was given too much money in the early stage."

Wawa said, "Yes, it is not satisfactory. I feel that it is not a wise choice for ADC to switch to the jungle. I don't know how ig will adjust this game. With the game of kid catching twice in six minutes, should I choose some Heroes that are easy to gank are good."

"BP has started!"

Switch to the bp screen in the live broadcast room.

The blue Fang EDG quickly banned the captain, Calista and Lulu.

The red square ig banned Bobby, Bull Head and Female Gun in turn.

EDG holds Bron, Gnar and Male Gun in the first three hands.

The first four of ig held trolls, wine barrels, Lucian and Olaf.

ig reserved the counter position for the mid laner, and the jungler kid chose the barrel in the presence of Qian Jue. The intention was as the commentary said, kid wanted to increase the efficiency of gank, otherwise it would be too easy for mika to take out uncontrolled heroes up.

"Rookie, hehe, I promise to support you in this game!" In the ig team, kid said apologetically.

"It's okay, it doesn't matter if you can't catch Mika or not, I can handle it." It stands to reason that there is no possibility of being shown by the barrel e flash, but Rookie still tries to keep kid from being too nervous-kid's performance in the last game made him feel a little scared.

"Let's see what hero Mika will attack first. If Mika's hero is flexible, it would be better to go up and catch Gnar." zzitai gave advice.

During the exchange, the last two selections of EDG were locked.

Mid-lane enchantress and adc Ezreal!

There was a moment of ebullition inside and outside the field.

Miller said, "Wow! Mika is the first to attack the enchantress, is she challenging Rookie! I really didn't expect that she would continue to grab the enchantress after demonstrating Thunder W Fox's restraint against the enchantress in the last game. Now she chooses Coming to Rookie, will he accept Mika's challenge?"

Wawa didn't want to say too much, if Rookie didn't choose Fox, it would be a confession to the female mid laner, "It is well known that Rookie is also very good at Fox, but if there is a more stable choice, I don't think Rookie will The reason is to use Fox to play laning, after all, this is a game, not a solo, and you must listen to the coach to pick a hero that is easier to win."

Miller pondered, "The ice girl is still outside. In the EDG match the day before yesterday, Xiaohu chose the ice girl counter. Although the effect is mediocre, it doesn't mean that the hero has no restraint."

And the audience, who were confused by Meixia's appearance, are now gradually realizing her character. A guy whose hero pool is full of assassins, how could he be a kind person!

"Shrimp and pig's heart? If rookie chooses the fox to exchange heroes and loses the game again, he will be ashamed! He was educated by the female player forehand and backhand!"

"What a vicious Mika! When I first came to LPL, I dared to provoke Rookie so arrogantly!"

"Cute face, venomous heart! Pure little devil Mika-chan!"

"Mika-chan step on me!"



The instigator, Summer, looked at the last hero frame, and she was also very much looking forward to Rookie's choice.

It's not that there is any provocative meaning, the hero Meixia took in the last BO3 was the Enchantress, and this hero itself is the most stable hero among the assassins.

However, the selection of Yaoji is indeed mixed with careful thinking. First of all, Yaoji is Rookie's famous hero and his champion skin hero in later generations. It was not easy to fight against the first champion mid laner of LPL, who was also a mid laner she once liked very much. How could it be possible? Take out the opponent's signature hero in a hurry, and experience the most gunpowder-flavored duel between the two mid laners!
She believes that the Rookie hero pool in s6 is different from Song Yijin in the later generations.

Rookie, who is proud of the mid laner at the moment, will definitely choose Fox!

But soon, the hero that ig revealed was not a fox.

But Meixia was not disappointed.

Appearing in the hero frame is a mysterious man in black and masked.

Lord of Shadow Stream!
For a moment, everyone including Mei Xia was overwhelmed.

After she sent out the challenge, rookie not only accepted the challenge, but also chose a mid laner assassin who was more extreme than the fox, and decided that the mid lane matchup was either you or me. This is the confident chicken town leader in the heyday of the s6 era.

 Hey, I slept through the night, what happened yesterday.

(End of this chapter)

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