lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 695 The few advantages of great inventors

Facing the menacing FW trio, Meixia not only failed to turn off the cooldown of her flash, but even her ultimate move was still on CD.

However, she knew very well that even if she died in battle, the bottom duo would seize the opportunity when Kalista defended the line alone and get a lot of economic exchange.

Moreover, with only three small skills and flexible positioning, who says she has no chance of survival.

Even her ultimate move only has a cooldown of five seconds. As long as she lasts long enough, a counterattack may not be impossible!

The most important thing is to dodge the opponent's remaining three important control skills, Spider E, Snake Girl R Flash, and Thresh E.

When the fw three were in position, Spider lit a lantern and arrived under the defense tower. The first one to try to activate his skills was the jungle spider, because he had a hanging wire that could avoid damage from the defense tower immediately after killing people.

So the spider q [neurotoxin] was thrown on Datou.

It's just that Mixia also threw the e[ch-2 Electronic Storm Grenade] with her backhand at the same time, stunning Spider and Thresh at the same time.

At this time, Maple naturally knew the terror of Sakura Girl, so he quickly flashed R and used W skill. He did not ask for petrification and hit the target, but just relied on flashing to close the distance and deal full damage.

It was indeed a divine reaction that Mixia avoided the petrification, but she couldn't avoid the deceleration of W and R, so she immediately ate Snake Girl again.

When she slowed down and walked out of the range of Snake's venom, Spider and Thresh were stunned. The distance between the two of them was a bit out of reach of the great inventor. Thinking of a sure kill, Swordart quickly flashed e, and then Spider immediately picked up e [Cocoon] 】, the white cocoon sac passes through the minions covertly, and with the control given by Thresh e in front, Sakura girl has basically no possibility of moving to avoid it.

Karsa thought like this, and while throwing w [self-destructing spider], he changed into a spider form and was ready to bite Sakura Girl to death.

It's just that Mixia placed a turret again!Use the turret to block the cocoon!
Successfully stopped the spider from forming a cocoon!

At the same time, she moved forward and used Snake Girl's Q skill.

Halfway through the gank, the Great Inventor still had about half of his health. However, after the spider carried the defense tower twice, he could only carry it one more time, and he might die by the fourth time.

The key is that it only took 1 minute for Spider to walk to the river from the last time he died to resurrection, and it took more than ten seconds to do a round of F6 in the middle. The Great Inventor's level 100 ultimate move takes [-] seconds, plus the CD reduction on her body. The equipment is almost ready to be transformed.

So Karsa, who was afraid of long nights and dreams, simply stopped carrying the tower and moved the wire to reach the great inventor's face. Because the damage of the defense tower was now transferred to the hammer stone, he could lead the little spider and bite it.


Mixia's quick eyesight and quick hands released W when the spider landed, and five missiles hit it at close range, killing the little spider to prevent the spider from not being able to deal enough instant kill damage, and at the same time, it also activated the two remaining turrets on the ground.

Of course, the great inventor is already doomed by this point.

Without a flash, she was unable to find a glimmer of hope for escape when faced with the almost seamless and flawless gank operations of FW mid laner Maple, jungler Karsa, and assistant Swordart.

Spider and Thresh's basic attacks, as well as Snake's qe all attack at the same time.

"Nice!!" Karsa shouted excitedly. "Two flashes..." Snake Swordart was thinking about whether it would be profitable to trade two flashes for the leader's life.

The next moment, when the death action took effect, a huge turret stood on top of Heimerdinger's slowly falling body!

The extra half second that Meixia managed to hold on allowed her ultimate move to cool down!
Even though the great inventor has died, the evolved [h-28q cutting-edge turret] is still roaring, and the target of the cannon is the spider that has used up its E skill and has less than half of its health left!
Despite the deceleration and damage, Karsa was killed on the spot before he could get out of the defense tower!
"Mika has completed the counter-attack. The firepower of this cannon is too strong!" The commentator remembered that he didn't act at all and was so happy that he almost applauded.

"It's not a good choice for Flash Wolves, but they want to capture Mika. Don't they know that even with SKT's mid-jungle linkage, there's nothing they can do against Mika!" Su Xiaoyan said earnestly, feeling that FW had chosen the wrong target.

"This support came to the middle to catch people and let the big head trade for one. Flash Wolves made the worst choice. The defense tower in the bottom lane was almost pushed away by Xia." The former AD player smiled and felt empathized with FW's AD players. , teammates do this, choose Kalista in the bottom lane who needs to have the advantage to push the tower, but the tower is pushed. How to play.

At this point, all three members of the FW team, Nakano Suke, were numb.

In this round of gank, it can be said that almost no mistakes were made. Thresh's hook did not deflect at all, and his e flashed accurately to save people. Spider's control and damage were also very decisive. Even Snake Girl couldn't do it even if her ultimate move was empty. Blaming Maple, there was no preparation to petrify Mika.

I can only say that Mika’s approach of using a small turret to block 100% of her skills is disgusting!According to her proficiency, any skills that may be blocked by minions may not be able to get close to the great inventor. The small turret is simply the nemesis of spiders and Thresh!
However, the bad news faced by fw on the field did not stop there.

When Swordart controlled Thresh to pull the defense tower from behind and ran back, the MMD above had signaled the prince's disappearance early. As soon as he and the snake girl met, he immediately fled towards the river in the lower half of the area, but saw only I saw a flag flying from the other side of the road.

The prince, who came to support on foot from the top road, flashed R from a long distance and killed the remaining health Thresh with one big move!

FW actually played an ugly two-for-one game!

The factory director, who has been watching the game in the jungle, is still worried about this, because he is also a Spider player, "I am super! Mika, a great inventor, you are really miraculous in treating Spider Thresh!"

"It's just so so. In fact, it was my positioning error. I shouldn't have moved too close to the right in order to finish the last hit, otherwise I wouldn't be able to get the Thresh hook at all." Mixia was still very modest.

Although I took into account that my ultimate move would quickly turn better before I moved aggressively, and it was precisely this wave that lured Thresh over that I accidentally hit and completed the counter-kill, but it is an indisputable fact that I almost got Thresh's hook. If I changed to another hero , ten lives are not enough to die...

"That's right! Mouse!" Meixia, who was still waiting for resurrection in the spring, answered the factory director's congratulations and immediately gave strict instructions, "I will be resurrected and go on the road to help you fight for soldiers. You help me fight for soldiers on the middle road first, and so on. If you know how to push the defense tower in the bottom lane, mouse, go directly to the bottom lane to give way, iboy and meiko come to the middle lane, ready to use the vanguard!"


Next, her orders were strictly enforced.

At the beginning of 10 minutes, fw tried to let mmd's Sword Princess, who had a slight advantage, restrain the prince's teleportation with a single belt, while the remaining four people took over the vanguard group hard.

FW thought it through very well. Although the spider has poor development, Kalista, who is strong in early small team battles, is in the team. A team battle in which four of them are killed is not inevitable, and the flash of the great inventor is still in the CD. !
However, this time Mika was faced with a huge fort placed in the middle of the river, which immediately made Karsa, who had died twice at Mika's hands, become cowardly and the whole team fled.

At 1 minutes, edg successfully captured the vanguard without any effort!

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