lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 730 Welcome to the return of mika-chan

"Today's two consecutive games are the focus of the LPL!" Commentator Changmao stood on the commentary desk and warmed up, "The next contest between EDG, who returned from the intercontinental competition, and OMG, who are also a veteran team , I guess the popularity is even higher than the last one.”

"The popularity is really high," the new commentator Ze Yuan next to him said boldly, "And fortunately, edg did not play the full main lineup. Today, he replaced the substitute Ai Luoli and the new top laner Audi, so this game is not one-sided, it should be It will be exciting and suspenseful!”

"Hmm! Edg's substitution may be due to the fact that he has been running continuously in the Factory Director's Championship intercontinental competition, and he is a bit too old!" Su Xiaoyan then explained to edg's substitution.

"The most important thing is that EDG mid laner Mika is still the starter! I feel that the popularity of today's game has nothing to do with other people or the intensity of the game! Mika has so many fans in Taiwan. When we return to the home LPL, as long as Mika is the starter, the audience will It’s indispensable!” Changmao has become less hostile to Mika in the past six months, but seeing that all his fellow players have betrayed Wanwan Division’s support, he still can’t help but make trouble in the commentary booth.

There is nothing wrong with this if you insist on analyzing it, but when he said this, he meant something. He not only deliberately divided the audience at the Kaohsiung Exhibition Hall and the LPL audience, but also implied that the audience at Mika was not coming to watch the exciting game but Star chasing.

However, Sakura Girl has both honor and strength, and it is natural that she has many fans. Changmao can only enjoy herself in the midst of the tide of cheers.

In the auditorium of Supermarket Square, silver and black support sticks and support signs were dazzling, and there were even rows of spectators holding banners together.

【Welcome the cutest and cutest princess mika】

[e will live in harmony and beauty for the rest of his life]

The large, bright characters on the banner are abstract and eye-catching.

Although the OMG players were basically defeated in the first few seasons, and they are not as bitter towards the sweet-looking and powerful Sakura girl as Shaggao, but the feeling of envy and yearning is definitely there, and the only way to resolve it is Use vision as strength and work hard to learn edg's tactics to achieve transcendence!

So enter the game bp.

The mid laner icon, who has always been famous for his many single kills in the matchup, selected Galio. At the same time, around smlz as the core, he selected a lineup of top laner Prince, wild boar girl, adc rat and auxiliary Luo.

This combination completely replicates the system used by edg in the intercontinental competition. The prince Galio, the pig girl, and Luo's ultimate move enter the field. Together with the long-distance and high-aoe output of the mouse, the team signing intensity in the mid-to-late stage is extraordinary.

Even the commentator Ze Yuan was a little unbelievable, "EDG actually released such a strong lineup for OMG! Although Galio was hit again in the 7.13 version, he is still invincible if he cooperates with the prince or Luo entering the field!"

"It seems like edg deliberately gave the strong system to the omg version, and then found a way to crack it on its own?" Su Xiaoyan guessed.

"As a commentator, I will tell you the truth. I don't understand the lineup restraint. This game's edg lineup is too weird! If it weren't for this team being edg, and if it were another team, I would really feel like they would have lost when I saw bp! "Changmao really wanted to see EDG lose the game, but he was afraid of being slapped in the face by Sakura Girl again and again, so he could only explain it this way.

The commentators cannot be so surprised.

Mei Xia's lineup is indeed strange enough.

The blue side edg selected the lineup, top laner Kennen, jungler Lee Sin, mid laner Captain, adc Varus and auxiliary Thresh!

Of course, Changmao's understanding of the game is average, and he is not familiar with the edg system.

As a player who is famous for backing up cars, few people know that what Audi is good at is the carry top laner. However, it is difficult to know the full strength of the players in training matches. Just look at Audi's ending in LPL in his previous life. Is his specialty hero any top-notch? It’s a bit hard to tell the level of half of the top laners.

Therefore, edg selected this lineup and put it into omg's Galio system, mainly to match the hero pool of top laner Audi.

At the same time, the lineup restraint was taken into account.

The captain and Varus's double C seems to have no displacement and is easy to get into a fight. However, these two heroes are very capable of counterattack. When the captain is kicked into a fight, he can use three consecutive barrels or even two consecutive barrels, which can defeat OMG. Sang's three tanks can't stand the explosion, while Varus can use his backhand to open a big stance. At the same time, Kennen, Lee Sin and Thresh are all heroes who have outstanding counterattack effects when combined with each other.

As long as the team can kill the opponent's only DPS rat in the mid-to-late stage, edg's lineup can still win!

Then enter Summoner's Rift.

Audi, the top laner, really suffered...

Kennen's first-level counterattack in the laning was exhausted by the prince who was main e. At the second level, he was picked up by the prince when he used e to accelerate. The advantage of having long hands in the early stage was completely gone. Not only the top laner, but the jungler Ai Loli could only run exhausted due to the perfect rhythm of Ultraman h4cker on the opposite side, but she still let the pig girl flash out the mid laner.

Mika lost Flash when she was at level four.

I have to say that icon must have devoted himself to studying the hero pool during this period. In the past, he didn't play Galio very much, and he only played heroes that could show off. But today's Galio, there are basically no flaws in the early laning here in Meixia. .

After 10 minutes, during Galio's roaming period, icon also found an opportunity to gank the bottom lane, successfully helping smlz get the kill and the first defensive tower.

So the game progressed to 17 minutes, and the two sides engaged in the first large-scale team battle at the Canyon Pioneer.

This is a key team battle that will most likely determine the rest of the game.

Audi is worthy of being the founder of reverse parking, and staged a Kenan attack in Dalongkeng!

To be precise, I only gave electrotherapy to Luo, because Luo was charmed by the flash of light when he turned it on.

Faced with such a huge disadvantage, edg's team battles were naturally defeated, and they could only barely escape by relying on Mixia to light wine barrels and destroy the chasing opponents when she escaped.


As a result, edg rarely showed a disadvantage in the situation, and its economic backwardness once reached 3,000.

27 minutes into the game world, omg took the initiative to force the dragon to force the group.

This time, Mika's extremely skilled captain did not disappoint again!

She used her ultimate move to force people away from the dragon pit, and then pulled out a silky combo outside the dragon pit!

Three barrels


The two-piece captain's damage was quite considerable. A triple explosion directly blew the invisible mouse into blood, and then EDG took advantage of the opportunity to take down Baron Nash!

The call for counterattack sounds again!

Until the 32nd minute, edg took the initiative to force the dragon to force the team!

A team fight broke out. This time smlz learned the lesson and didn't let the captain get caught in the powder keg.

It's just that the captain's subsequent ultimate move still covers the entire exit of the dragon pit.

Meixia then lit up the powder keg of Orange's control and took the lead in dealing with the front row that rushed in.

Both team battles were small wins for edg.

The direction of the game is decided here.

Edg has gone from being 3,000 behind in economy to 3,000 ahead.

The final game was fixed at 36 minutes, and edg won the game without any danger.

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