lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 740 The Beauty of Enchantress’ Numerical Values

Chapter 740 The Beauty of Enchantress’ Numerical Values

The audience was extremely excited to see Sakura-chan once again choose one of her most iconic heroes.

You must know that Sakura Girl has basically transformed into an all-around mid laner this season. Assassin heroes have been rarely taken, and even if they are taken, they are those AD assassins. The Mage Assassin only took Kassadin last time, but compared to the eight-faced Kassadin Roast Chicken LeBlanc, who has a slender figure and a charming original painting, is far less popular.

So when the avatar of the Trickster Enchantress was locked, the sound in the venue was turbulent and surging, like a stormy sea!

At the same time, the heroes on both sides have all been selected, and they have begun to replace and adjust their lanes.

The division lines of edg are very clear. They are top laner Prince, jungler Digger, mid laner Enchantress, adc Varus and auxiliary Thresh.

We's confusing divisions finally fell into place in the last few seconds. They were top laner Kret, jungler Dashu, mid laner Karma, adc Big Mouth and auxiliary Tahm Kench.

"We have a jungle tree here! The new version of the tree seems to be used by some people in the jungle position, but it is not used much. I don't know what kind of effect it will have on the field." Commentator Miller was very curious. .

"Don't tell me, there is some truth to the big tree jungle. The big tree's ultimate move, Nature's Grip, has been changed from absorbing damage to long-distance release to move the tree wall. It is equivalent to having an additional control skill that can gank after level 6. In addition, It has its own control and displacement skills, Twisting Thrust, and Tree Son's vision. The only thing that needs to be worried about is the efficiency of clearing the jungle." The commentator used his game experience to analyze the feasibility.

However, regarding the problem of clearing the big tree, he ignored the point of the tree son.

Due to the presence of summons at level one, the herbivorous jungler Maokai, the twisted tree spirit, can even open the jungle alone, which is something that the likes of Pig Sister Keg and others are far from able to do!

And from the perspective of Condi, a player on the field, Dashu has another very good point in this game, that is, W [Twisted Thrust] can ignore the displacement effect of Enchantress W as long as it is cast immediately, and will not be affected by it. The opponent uses body skills to dodge and tease!

After the lineup was determined, head coach Hongmi smiled brightly and encouraged him in Chinese, which he was not very fluent in. "Our lineup is very good in this game! Play hard and have a chance to win!"

After saying that, he turned around and went on stage, shook hands with Abu, who had a dark face after being cheated on, and left the stage.

Amidst the continuous cheers of the audience, the player hero entered the Summoner's Rift.

Meixia usually uses Corruption Potion, and Enchantress wants to fight in the early stage.

Coming to the middle lane, on the opposite side is Karma's regular Dolan Red Pill.

Since detonating the big tree's tree son in the early stage can significantly reduce its first-level jungle clearing efficiency, even if the EDG first-level team strength is not very high, when Mixia and Xiye are facing off, the duo plus the jungler will try to use the triangle grass from the bottom lane. Invasion.

However, since we are ready to attack the wild trees, we must be fully prepared. Before the duo, iboy and meiko, entered the grass, they were discovered by the other side and spat out a mouthful of thick green phlegm from the speed bump, forcing them to retreat.

The middle line of troops has arrived, and the strength of Trickery has been adjusted many times since it was reworked at the beginning of the season, especially in the Spring Split, which was popularized by Mixia in the first-level w and second-level e skills that can be used for solo kills after reaching level two. This directly caused the designer to slash the damage of w [Shadow's Shadow], so now it basically returns to level one w plus points.

Meixia is no exception, plus the Q skill.

In this way, not only does the single-target damage q not have the confrontational effect of w adding points, but the ability to push the line at the first level is also weakened. The opponent Karma will use rq [spiritual flame] to attack the back row minions to gain the advantage of pushing the line.

However, Enchantress's Q skill has one advantage, that is, it has low mana consumption and a short CD. After Karma's skill is released, she can rely on the Corruption Potion's equipment and overcome the disadvantage of her own small number of minions. Instead, she can go up and kill Karma. Force back.

When Karma used basic attacks to eat other minions, she was throwing away her qa to exchange blood.

However, Karma's level 9 Q only has a CD of seconds, so in the middle of the battle, you will inevitably have to suffer the damage of [Inner Flame] from the backhand. Overall, Karma will make a little profit by replacing it.

After all, level one of the Enchantress is equal to one less passive [Devil Mark] damage...

When you reach the second level and learn the skill e [Devil's Chain], the Enchantress's fighting ability will be fully demonstrated. There is no need to fight for the line of soldiers. Walk barefoot in front of Karma, raise your Q to catch E. As long as E can be caught, the [Devil's Mark] that can be detonated after 1.5 seconds will explode and deal damage.

Karma could only rely on re's acceleration to avoid damage. Even so, Mika was successfully chained for a while, blowing up nearly half of his health!

Then at three minutes, the enchantress in the middle had just upgraded to level three and learned the W skill, and the blank excavator came to the middle on time.

【As expected, blank is here again】

[blank only learned one thing from the factory director when he came to lpl, and that is to catch...]

[Don’t be embarrassed, I also taught you blank when I caught Bengi]

[The case has been solved. Blank was successively recruited by Benji Factory Manager and two junglers who are best at catching the middle lane. No wonder his mind is full of hits! 】


With the arrival of the excavator, there was a sense of joy among the audience.

However, this time Xiye Kalma had already taken precautions. He was standing close to the big tree, so the excavator coming out of the grass on the other side could not reach the e-dodge distance.

This requires Mixia to take control first. When w goes up, he immediately presses e [Devil's Chain].

However, xiye set up re acceleration for herself. The moment Enchantress E took action, she seized the opportunity to move in the opposite direction and forcibly twisted out of control.

This time the excavator completely missed the opportunity, and Q vented his anger and left.

Fortunately, Condi's gank in the bottom lane was also noticed by the duo's gank, and neither jungler was able to see success quickly.

When the junglers both returned to the jungle, Mei Xia's suppressive power increased sharply after her level in the middle was upgraded to three.

The previous version weakened W, and the designer's idea of ​​a balance was to strengthen Q's damage to minions. In this way, the problem of the lack of AOE caused by the weakening of W and the chain reaction affecting the efficiency of Enchantress's troop clearing can be properly compensated.

So the classic designers don't know how to fill in the numbers, and 40% is doubled to 80%. Enchantress relies on the ability of Q and passive AOE to clear troops, just like a large wandering mage - in the summer regular season, except for Mixia, the third A person who brought a new version of Enchantress to the stage, which many professional players have played extensively.

Meixia is now relying on Q's troop clearing ability to regain lane control. This is the beauty of high numerical values.

And when she has free time, she can also rely on W to touch Q or E to deal damage.

Fortunately, Karma still had teleportation in hand. After four and a half minutes, he returned to the city with residual health and then went online with full health TP, and the line was back to the same starting line.

But before xiye could live a good life for half a minute, blank came to the middle again! !

[blank Is this the middle road to buy a house? 】

[How did the mid lane of League of Legends become a two-man lane? 】

[blank has a future, not to mention the consciousness of focusing on the middle lane, at least this attitude is much better than Lolita! ! 】

As soon as they saw the excavator arriving, the audience knew the fun was coming again!

(End of this chapter)

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