lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 747 Try your best

Chapter 747 Try your best

Sunday, August 8, 20pm prime time.

Prior to this, the grudge battle between jdg and nb, doinb and swift brothers ended in bo3, ending with the Mayans doinb's humiliating defeat and entering the relegation zone.

Immediately afterwards, the final battle of the lpl summer regular season begins!

Triple Crown champion edg is about to play against the ancient giants ig team!

Meixia sat on the e-sports chair, turning her head to explain the game experience to the newcomers, full of selfless care for her teammates.

Rookie, the only old guy on the opposite side, was scratching words across the screen, claiming that he wanted to have a classic ninja showdown with Sakura Girl.

So after having a conversation with the young man about the need to perform as stably as possible in the game and the need to follow the version to practice heroes, Meixia ignored what he called the necessary rules for professional players and turned to typing on the keyboard, shouting Rookie not to be a coward.

Of course, the players of both teams and the referee team behind them regarded this as a confusing tactic in the competition area, and did not stop it because the players were suspected of playing a tacit understanding game, unless they really chose Zed, Akali, Kennen and Shen during the BP. two.

And then it entered the bp situation.

It is true that Rookie's starting mid laner is not a ninja, but the audience was even more excited than when they saw the third or fourth ninjas of the Kinkou Sect, because the hero he took was Yasuo, the most popular swordsman in the League of Legends!

At the same time, even though Rookie did not follow the pre-game communication, Yasuo can barely be regarded as a Sakura-style hero, so Meixia continued to follow the typing instructions and chose the mid lane jumping ninja hero for herself!

This hero is not Zed, who is also very popular, but a hero that is almost impossible to see on the field.

Before level 6, Akali basically had no movement skills, and the damage-dealing q [Ukrainian Scarlet Leaf] has a cooldown of seconds at level and requires an energy bar to be saved, which is much worse than Yasuo, whose skill has a very short cooldown, so she barely had it. It can be done by moving around to avoid the wind, and then relying on the blood regeneration effect of skills on the line.

However, Mixia's experience is still not very pleasant. After all, when Akali was later revised, she could directly rely on the Xia Formation to avoid the damage of the defense tower. Even if the Xia Formation was cut down, two pieces of e and two pieces of r were flying in the air, which was still better than the old version. Kali hunched her waist and thrust forward without thinking, which felt much better.

[Sakura Girl is obviously very murderous, she will get her head if she flashes! 】

Shadow Assassin Akali!

Suddenly the cheers inside and outside the stadium were even louder.

Then kill the auxiliary Karma, and in the third phase of Mixia's fantasy cherry kill Dazzling, cut up, and her teammates will focus their fire to complete the kill. After killing these people, Mixia opens w outside the defense tower [Secret Truth! Xia Formation], avoid the eq that teleports the prince to the ground.

The hero BP was carried out in such an environment, and the willful selection of the two mid laners basically set the tone of the entire game.

【Mika wants to save Meiko! She's too nice and doesn't want to betray her teammates! 】

It was time to retreat when we got here.

[Mika is on top? ! 】

But when she saw the shy prince blocking the EDG assist Lulu with his backhand, Mika flashed directly into the defense tower without hesitation, aqe three times in a row, and with the help of his teammates' injuries, he actually killed another one!

It’s just that Mixia couldn’t run away at this point. Yasuo, who had arrived for support, easily qeqed the head, and then the wind blew Lulu away. The blind monk did a roundhouse kick. Lulu, who had been saved by Mixia, still couldn’t escape. One death.

Even so, the blind monk was successfully ganked by King Ning in four minutes and lost first blood!

Of course, it feels average when playing, but relying on her feelings for the old version of Akali, Meixia still enjoys the game. When her ultimate move turns good again, Meixia directs five packs and two bottom lanes!

She took the lead in leaping over the tower and making a big cut to jackeylove's Ezreal. At the same time, mouse specially cooperated with the chosen top laner to use the ultimate move cautiously. When Ezreal handed back E, she immediately followed up with the second stage R, and at the same time cautiously The taunt was completed, and Akali received her head.

Finally entering the Summoner's Rift, Mika held the old version of Akali, and suffered a lot against Yasuo in the early stage.

However, in the mid-term, the Hextech Gun has been released as the equipment, and it has three major moves of displacement [Mystery! Fantasy Sakura Kills Dazzling Chaos] The pursuit ability is greatly enhanced, coupled with the enhancements in version 7.15, the passive blood-sucking and damage are both enhanced, and w [Second Meaning! Kasumi Formation] The CD has been reduced by two seconds, and Meixia has entered the advantageous period where she can play casually!

With the assistance of Blank's jungle excavator, Mixia's three-stage ultimate move chased into the defense tower and completed the kill of Yasuo!

It can only be said that after experiencing the better Outlier Thorn, this Shadow Assassin Akali is not so good.


Amid the astonishment of the audience, the next team battle ensued!

Two minutes later, Meixia's advantage in the middle radiated outwards, and together with bpank, they invaded the ig blue buff. It’s just that King Ning’s blind monk Bigfoot never disappoints when he starts a group...

The ig jungler passed three passes with one kick, and Meixia's Akali was also among them, sending kills with his teammates.

After this kick, the world line of the game changed.

Half an hour later, rookie Yasuo was swimming in the crowd, while Meixia's newly invented anti-armor Akali opened W and went shopping in front of ig's back row Ezreal.

edg destroyed the team and lost the first game of bo3.

[I'm dizzy, there are 32 people in the audience! 】

[Akali is indeed not suitable for the competition version. Even Mika cannot win with this hero...]

[I heard that the designer reworked Akali. When will it be completed? 】

[The number of small games Mika lost in the regular season this month has almost equaled the number she lost last year. I really feel that Sakura Girl’s dominance seems to have declined...]

[Is it possible that it’s not that we have become stronger, but that the overall strength of the lpl team has become stronger? ! 】

[Can the brand new ig really beat mika? It’s unimaginable]


However, the audience’s premonition did not materialize.

In the next two games, Meixia replaced Ninja Zed and Yasuo respectively, and had another half-hour brawl with ig, but this time it was edg who won the victory.

"Jackeylove was killed by Mika again! This forty-minute brawl is finally over!"

"IG's new adc is a little bit mentally disturbed, Mika is looking for the back row like crazy!"

"However, congratulations to edg for the perfect ending of one chase and two, and finally the lpl summer regular season victory and promotion!"

"Mika is so strong, this is the league dominance of a Grand Slam player!"

The commentators congratulated Miha on ending this big fight with ig.

Neither she nor the ig players regarded this game as a real duel.

Like jackeylove, he didn't even use his signature Draven, so how could he try his best? Thyshy even won three tanks and pure hybrids in three games. Rookie's acting skills were still a bit exaggerated. Yasuo, Enchantress and Galio were all strong and performed well.

It's obvious that both sides have a lot of tricks up their sleeves for the upcoming knockout rounds.

So when the two teams shook hands and left the field.

This concludes the 2017 lpl summer regular season schedule.

The fierce playoffs and the undercurrent of the last promotion and relegation tournament are coming soon!

(End of this chapter)

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