lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 758: Mika won’t be a coward in level 1 group

Spring water is born, and Meixia's summoner skill has flash healing. This requires a little respect for the burst damage of the enchantress. At the same time, she is equipped with a long sword and the three biscuits given by the talent. It is also taken into account that the exchange of blood with the enchantress consumes a lot of time, so it needs to be done frequently. Take medicine to maintain blood volume.

However, on the opposite side, Xiye Yaoji clearly learned her technique of pushing the lane and roaming. The summoner skill does not have high-explosive flash ignition but flash teleport, focusing on pushing the lane and roaming.

It seemed that Xiye didn't want to compete with her in the lane, but Meixia still used the most conservative equipment.

This is not because she is seeking stability, on the contrary, if the Enchantress does not want to fight, she can also rely on this outfit to take the initiative to exchange blood!

However, before entering the laning, considering that we often engaged in first-level team routines in previous games, Meixia also had to find a way to deal with the first-level team first.

Since WE junglers are excavators with the ability to listen to the ground, they will definitely not be able to actively invade the WE jungle area under normal circumstances, but if they simply block all the intersections entering their own jungle area with a long snake formation, they will prevent being invaded by the jungle area. Invasion, it is still very easy for the opposing team to force their way into the wild area.

Being invaded into the wild area doesn't really cause any loss, but the first-level team took first blood in the last game. According to Mixia's style, the field must be regained in this game!

"Director, you and mouse guard the upper road and river. If someone comes, you can seduce them. I, adc, and auxiliary station will go to the middle road. If someone comes, we will fight them!"

"Huh? We have an invincible first-level regiment named Bronn here. The other side won't really dare to cross the river to pick up the regiment from us, right?" The factory director didn't quite believe that we would be so bold.

But both the commentators and the audience clearly see that we are so brave!

The reason is simple, because the benefits of invading the wild area are huge!

The big tree can learn e and rely on the tree son to clear the jungle. Once the tree son is seduced away, its efficiency in clearing the jungle will drop sharply. This is what they want to do.

"The five of us walked together as a group towards the upper half of the EDG, passing by the river... Well, we pressed against the wall and looked around, and saw the factory director."

Because we came around the wall of Longkeng, and because of Mika’s reminder, the factory director stood next to the river! So they are very close when they discover each other, and the excavator's passive determines that there are no other heroes around!

"Luo W makes a grand appearance to start the group!" Commentary

But the factory director learned w at the first level! Dashu tied up Luo with a backhand twisting thrust, and at the same time avoided the knock-up control! ! "

The commentators were shocked when they saw Dashu's operation.

It is not uncommon for Dashu's W to dodge control. Luo's W will cause a knock-up after a pause after displacement, so whether you use control skills or displacement skills during the pause, you can interrupt or dodge control.

But the hard part is to learn W in seconds and then use the skill to dodge the knockback, which requires a lot of hand speed! As for the elderly factory where blind monk R-flash may make operational errors, it will be even more difficult for them to make such an operation!

All of us were caught off guard. The excavator adjusted its direction and dug into the ground at the moment when Luo W was about to succeed, but this time it was also empty. However, Enchantress's W and Shen's E flash were so close that they pressed the brakes and did not release them at the same time. .

Just seeing Luo being counter-controlled, and other edg heroes on the way to support, they were unwilling to sell their teammates directly!

So at the end of the big tree w, Shen still dodged with e, and Enchantress also stepped on it with w, making a desperate effort to complete the kill before other edg heroes could outflank him! "The big tree can't hold it any longer!"

"Director, are you going to give this away?"

The commentators began to worry as they saw the tree's blood volume getting less and less. After all, the factory director's operation was very beautiful. If it gave away kills instead, it would be a shame for the extraordinary performance of this elderly grand slam player!

Fortunately, when the excavator's HP was less than 200, Meixia finally arrived in time.

Jace hit Luo in front with a long-distance q shot, and then immediately cut into hammer form and accelerated the q attack. At the same time, the treatment was activated, which gave the factory director a big sip of blood and barely saved the tree's life.

Immediately after the top laner Crocodile arrived, he flashed W and bit Luo as well. At this time, Braun and Big Mouth also arrived. Braun quickly hit the stunned Luo with his q flash skill, while Big Mouth used his skill to slow down.

At this time, we only have to kill the big tree and then turn around to go 5v4. The first-level group will see who can fight to the end! They are even more crazy and pouring damage on the big tree! But the blood volume was low again, and the factory director handed over and flashed back to the center of the crowd!

Meisha and her teammates were about to use Braum's passive on Luo, and We's assistant Ben was also worried about his health. He quickly flashed back, and Kasumi treated him at the same time.

Two flashes.

At this time, the support hands of both sides are still weak, and edg has also handed over the treatment of Big Mouth. The important thing is to learn the first level of Dashu, and the efficiency of farming is completely useless, so seeing that the first level team has the opportunity to stop each other, we Decisively retreat with all personnel.

If edg were an ordinary AD hero, maybe they would be removed, but iboy has a big mouth, and the AOE damage after the first-level group is passively blown up may be higher than the normal attack, so he has no Fearfully, he flashed up and pointed at Luo to use Braum's passive!

Snapped! Luo was dazed on the spot, and then hurriedly backhanded Dazui to make him weak.

At the same time, other members of the team also responded to the big mouth that flashed in front of them.

Since the others can't keep up with the output, Big Mouth is roughly one against five, with a lot of health.

Instead, the big mouth gave out blood!

But the death of Big Mouth represents the trigger of its passive [Surprise from Icacia]! In his physical form, Kog'Maw swung his tongue and charged into the crowd!

Two flashes were forced out at once!

In the end, the corpse exploded towards Luo and the excavator, and Luo's head was obtained!

The first level group was not over yet. Braum's second round of Q skills took a turn for the better and hit Shen directly, who was not flashing. Then Mixia switched back to the cannon form, using the attack speed bonus when switching equipment, and quickly hit it again. Bronn was passive, so he chased across the river and took another head!

Commentator Zeyuan initially thought that we were going to gain an advantage through the first-level team design as before, but edg broke through with a backhand when Dashu was beaten first, taking the lead with a one-for-two and a large number of summoner skills.

"Edg is mentally prepared for WE's invasion. When someone comes, he will go up and fight to the end! If he gets a little timid in the meantime, he seems to be unable to defeat him!"

"Indeed, edg must have been irritated by Redmi's first-level team design! At the beginning, BP also specially took Braum, just waiting to fight the first-level team!" I remember that I also calmed down.

"But in this way, our first-level team suffered a big loss. The team members were originally weaker than edg. It will be very difficult to get back to the line..." Su Xiaoyan couldn't bear it.

In the last game, she was defeated by Sakura girl Yasuo. She could already imagine the state of her boyfriend Xiao Hongwen who was watching the game at home. This game was off to a bad start again. Smile was probably going to be incoherent on the spot...

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