lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 761 Kind-hearted mika-chan

Nearly eight minutes into the game, the edg jungle tree reached level six and came out of the jungle. Naturally, the director's primary support direction was Sakura Girl in the middle.

"Mika! I'm level 6, come to the middle to help you gank to relieve the pressure!"

"Scoot silk (that's great)!" Although she didn't know what kind of pressure she needed to relieve, Meixia still welcomed the jungler.

Condi, the jungler who has played against him many times, also had some feelings about the fact that the cherry blossom girl from the factory was coming to gank in the middle lane. He told Xiye to be careful on the voice channel.

"The factory director should go to the middle. Be careful and don't die like the last wave! I need growth to survive, so it doesn't matter if you gain less experience!"

Hearing this suspicious tone, Xiye couldn't help but feel annoyed, "I'm sure I won't die this time, I have flash and two displacements!"

The last wave was due to a miscalculation of blood volume. If you could wait for Mika to hand over skills first and then move away, you could at least exchange one for one. But in this wave, if the director dares to gank, how can he do it without Jace flashing? Kill LeBlanc, the most flexible hero in League of Legends!

Xiye, who was eager to regain his face, still maintained his own laning rhythm and was not afraid to retreat behind the tower. Of course, he would not go up to fight with Mika.

He was standing in a position where he could replenish the minions normally without being easily consumed by Jace.


So at the moment when the soldier was about to die, Jace unexpectedly fired two qe shots, and Xiye quickly used w [Shadow Shadow] to avoid the damage. When the mark lasted for the last period of time, he immediately flew back to the place with two ws. He also wanted to gain experience points from the death of the remaining blood soldiers.

But at the moment when Enchantress's second stage W returned, the side-twisted tree spirit Maokai staggered out of the intersection, and at the same time came out the surging tree tide summoned by Maokai's ultimate move.

The factory director's gank has arrived!

This time, Xiye, who wanted to show off his skills, did not directly flash backwards, but used the W skill copied from his ultimate move. At the same time, because Dashu's R skill deliberately predicted the release of his position, Xiye did not move backwards. displacement, but displacement to the other side.

After the short invisibility ended, the enchantress and the enchantress clone appeared together. The factory director, who was automatically attacked by the enchantress clone, immediately judged who was real and who was fake, and immediately flashed W to tie up the real enchantress, and at the same time used the Q skill to move her towards Jace pushed a short distance in the direction.

When the short-term control of the knockback ends, the Enchantress is exposed to Jace's output range!

Mixia walked closer, waa twice, then r to change form, qwa jumped onto the enchantress.

It's just that Xiye was very focused this time. At the moment when Jace's Q skill was released, he pressed the second stage of the R skill and returned to the original position! At this time, the clone blocked the big tree's ultimate move, and the big tree's own skills all hit the CD!

So the enchantress can turn around and lock the big tree with a chain, and then run back to the grass on the right, which is the direction where the factory's big tree and the big tree's big move came from!

Although everyone in the audience was fans of Edg and Mika, it was still interesting to see the director, the old man holding Mika's thigh, deflated again, and there was a lot of applause.

"Xiye still held the flash, and he used the magic shadow to show off Mika and the factory director!" Commentator Zeyuan shouted exaggeratedly.

"Wait a minute, Big Mouth and Bronn are walking towards the middle from the river. The Enchantress is not out of danger yet..." Remember to notice the movement on the mini map.

Just when Xiye was relaxing because he thought he had successfully escaped, Bron came and hit Q to slow down!

Then xiye flashed in his direction, but Braum took the big move and knocked him away. At the same time, Big Mouth flashed and used W to increase the attack distance, and stun him three times!

Finally, Dashu and Jace both arrived in the middle! Mitsu switches back to the cannon form and ends with the electromagnetic gun!

"Ah~mika gets another kill!" Zeyuan sighed and felt very sorry for Xiye, "We tried our best this time, and the four EDG guys came to the middle to gank!"

"The three-headed Enchantress was sent out in less than ten minutes. There is basically no such person in this game..." I remember that I couldn't help but sympathize, "Whether it was appropriate for us to give Xiye the Enchantress at the end, now it seems that there is still something worthy of discussion... …”

And Xiye himself was livid and regretful. Why don't I understand why I want to save the flash and mika show operations? When the big tree ganks, I flash immediately to receive the W copied from the ultimate move, and basically escape back to the defense tower. It is more cost-effective than losing the flash and giving away the kill. ah!

The audience also began to feel pitiful for Xiye. It was really miserable for such a developed enchantress. According to the current amount of replenishment, it would not even reach seventy dollars in ten minutes.

[If I were Xiye, I would hang up! If you gank such a miserable enchantress like this, is EDG still human in the bottom lane? 】

[Is it possible that this bo5 game can make Xiye the top 10 in the show? 】

[Director, please let Xiye Jiang go! 】

[Mika-chan is the kindest, wuwuwu, don’t retire Xiye...]

Next, Mixia actually didn't do anything more cruel to Xiye. She pushed away the minions and returned to the city. Then after going online, she bought the Youmeng Spirit and shoes for her equipment, and began to try to push the lane and roam.

She was not out of kindness to spare Xiye's life. It was indeed difficult to kill the enchantress alone after level 6. The fact that four people just joined forces to barely kill the enchantress who wanted to save skills is a good proof.

If you want to quickly expand your advantage, roaming to collect kills is the way to go.

In 10 minutes, she wandered down the lane and fired an EQ to strengthen the electromagnetic bomb, knocking Man Xue Xia down to less than HP, forcing the WE duo to abandon the defense tower. Then she walked under the tower and cooperated with Big Mouth to get a Blood Tower Bounty.

"The We duo returned to the city and changed lanes to the middle. We eliminated the bottom tower and went directly to defend the middle tower. However, the remaining middle tower also had very low health."

"Bron and Dazui returned to the city and also switched to the middle lane, but we mid laner did not switch to the bottom lane! Xiye is going up to support, is he going to cooperate with Shen and the excavator to jump over the tower and kill the crocodile!"

Even though the lane was so bad that it couldn't get any worse, Xiye still wasn't completely defeated. He tried to wander around looking for opportunities.

It's just that the development is really poor...

"Open up under the crocodile tower! Shen e dodges and taunts, Enchantress and Excavator keep up with the output!"

"The crocodile could not be killed before the control ended!! Mouse stunned the excavator with his backhand, moved away, and the red fury returned blood. He is not dead yet!"

"Shen can't hold it anymore! He died while resisting the tower first, then the excavator fired his big move, and the enchantress... the enchantress also carried it to the tower, and could only use the second W to increase the aggro. The excavator's big move landed, and qa compensated for the damage. Finally, it was Kill the crocodile! Flash out again! One for one, we's tower jump is for one, but after using two flashes, the enchantress must return to the city and tp to the bottom lane, Mika has brought the soldiers to the second tower !”

Being able to kill the crocodile, it can only be said that the damage of the new version of the excavator is indeed sufficient - 80% of the damage in this round of gank comes from the jungle, Shen also gave a taunt, and the role of the Enchantress is also two E skills Confinement.

However, after killing people, Xiye did not tp down the lane as the commentator said, but continued on the road to eat troops, and at the same time let the resurrected Shen rush to the bottom lane to face Jace Q, so that he could save a teleport.

It's just that Shen is just a sandbag, how can he compete with Jace!

In less than a minute, in front of 957, Mixia single-handedly pulled out the second tower on the bottom lane, and then chased Shen all the way to the high ground, forcing Shen back to the city!

The hard work of wandering and condi's hard work can't change the situation at all...

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