lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 765: Broken with one touch

Chapter 765: Broken at the touch of a touch

I am used to seeing the ruthless work of Sakura girl Yasojis, but looking at the lineup in the third game, commentator Ze Yuan is not used to it, "I didn't expect that in the third game, at the critical moment when EDG held three match points, The BP on both sides of the team has actually become conservative..."

The commentator remembers to analyze the lineup, "Maybe it's a key game, we are all thinking about stability! Mid laner Clockwork versus Snake. To be honest, there shouldn't be much conflict in the early stage, but the factory director's move Zac will be No matter what the performance, it’s still worth looking forward to!”

"This should be the first time that the factory director has brought out Zac this season, but with this herbivorous jungler, the factory director should be able to play well!" Su Xiaoyan also focused on Zac.

It is true that Xiang Warrior has been too supermodel since the revision. He has not played a role for a whole season. It was not until version 7.15 before the playoffs that he finally ushered in the sanctions. The health consumption and cooling time of Q [Extended Strike] All have been improved, w [Unstable Substance] has reduced damage by 15 points at all levels.

If the 7.13 version's weakening of the respondent was not painful, then the 7.15 patch completely knocked Zach into the toilet! Not only was he unable to get a seat, he had not been banned once in the playoffs so far, but what he had brought out was the swift of the nb team when he entered the eighth and sixth place, and then he was smashed by ig. He lost the game in 23 minutes and the damage was less than !

The factory director selected Zach in this game because he wanted to personally test the strength of this hero in the field.

So we entered Summoner's Rift.

Although all of the WE players were in a depressed mood, they noticed something was wrong as soon as they started to play against Mixia.

At level 1, she relied on her advantage of pushing the line to consume Snake Girl, but Xiye counterattacked strongly with her backhand e-skill [Twin Fangs], and relied on the skill's short CD to continuously chase and cross the line to hit Wind Cavalry.

However, this wave is not yet a reflection of the operation. The continuous output ability of Clockwork in the early stage is mediocre. When the duel ended, Meixia succeeded in grabbing the second place by relying on the advantage of pushing the lane before. She immediately learned the skill in seconds and flashed qw to make a move, and Snake Girl also handed over After dodging this fatal blow, it became apparent that Xiye's operating status had not been greatly affected.

Then she returned to the city to replenish her status, and TP returned to the lane. Due to the lack of flash, Clockwork is a type that has no displacement and is easy to be caught, so try to be cautious in the lane.

On the opposite side, Xiye had learned the lessons from the first two games. Although he had the advantage in the lane, he was also wary of the factory director's gank and the powerful operation of Sakura Girl. He did not blindly fight with Clockwork but focused on development.

The game came to eight minutes in a calm situation.

Meixia looked at the status of her teammates.

The factory director's jungle clearing performance is not ideal...

The first thing that is affected by the weakening of skills is not the output and gank ability. With this cut, Zac's jungle clearing efficiency is reduced by more than half. At the same time, Zac's tankiness is average, and he relies on consuming blood to release skills. The Q skill consumes a lot of blood. , making it difficult to farm in the jungle!

By the eight-minute mark, he was actually lagging behind the two groups of wild monsters from the opposite pig girl, nearly ten swords!

At the same time, the bottom duo was also pushed to the lane by the big-mouth Thresh.

This situation surprised the commentators.

Zeyuan opened his eyes wide and expressed surprise, "We started the life and death game well! At least it can be seen that the laning operation has not failed!"

"And the rhythm of this game is also a little different. There has been no first blood burst for eight minutes. Hey, we are about to attack the dragon. The director is also walking towards the river. EDG doesn't want to let go of the dragon. It seems that a team fight is about to break out. !” I remember excitedly explaining the changes in the situation in the middle of the sentence.

Condi followed the instructions of the Redmi coach. The focus of this game was on the lower half. However, the duo itself had the advantage of pushing the lane. He simply grabbed the bottom lane to no avail, and ganking beyond the tower was even less possible, so He chose to entangle his teammates to win Xiaolong early.

Seeing that there were no kills in this game for ten minutes, the duration must have been forty minutes, so the more Xiaolong got, the more advantage he had!

What he didn't expect was that he didn't take the initiative to invade the factory director's jungle area by taking advantage of the middle and lower lanes, but Lao Deng actually dared to walk into the river when both the middle and lower lanes were pushed out! And he fired e in a reductive manner, trying to knock away the snake girl who came in advance!

"Kill Zach first!" Condi ordered.

Pig girl qr interrupted and stunned Zach. Then Thresh flew over with two q's and then swept the e's.

"Zach's health is very low! Are you going to be passive?" Zeyuan said.

However, the bloody director immediately activated his ultimate move after the control ended. Thresh was wrapped in a huge rubber ball and jumped over the wall to the opposite side of the edg red buff wall.

After landing, Zach was ignited and scalded to death, and four green pieces were separated for defense. Thresh immediately handed over the lantern to his teammates, and they had to quickly eliminate Zach before the edg support arrived to form a five-on-four.

A battle is inevitable, and the top laners of both sides hand over the teleport at the same time.

But soon we were faced with an almost desperate team battle!

Meiko, who entered the field, controlled Luo's skillful r to flash w and entered the field. He then walked to the intersection and tried to kill Zach's we double c.

And Mixia also arrived, decisively ewr took the damage, and then rolled up Big Mouth and Snake Girl in the air!

When Xiye landed on the ground and faced forward with her ultimate move of petrification, she moved with her back accurately to avoid the control.

At this time, Prince eqr's third company teleported to the ground. Snake Girl and Big Mouth both handed over treatment and flash at the end of the control.

Mixia flashed her Q skill through the wall and killed the snake girl.

On the other side, the prince flashed up and caught up with Big Mouth. At the same time, Luo E, who had been released from control, went over to deal with the damage. Meixia ignored it and walked back to the intersection. Here, Pig Girl and Korgas Thresh took the damage from the mouse and worked together to kill Zac. Since the mouse was too far away when it was turned wide, it also turned towards Clockwork!

First, there was the ground thorn of the big bug Korgas. He relied on movement to avoid it, and then used QW to deal damage. Then he avoided Pig Girl's skill and knocked him away. In the end, he was hammered because he caught the deceleration of Pig Girl's skill. Shi hit the q [death sentence] in the second round.

However, she also received the blessing of Luo E [Qing Wu in Pairs], holding on to the remaining blood and using W to accelerate, slightly widening the distance.

At this point, the trio of us Uenosuke are already lambs waiting to be slaughtered! It only has HP, no damage and no attack range!

It usually took Meixia walking her dog more than ten seconds to deal with these three heads with her teammates!

At the cost of Zach's head, edg destroyed we!

"Edg's lineup has great teamfight coordination!" Commentator Zeyuan couldn't help but sigh, "They're all big moves!"

"Mika's positioning is terrible! She avoided Snake's ultimate move, and also avoided the skills of Korgas and Piggy. If Snake is petrified, there will be no way to kill Snake later, and the outcome of the team battle is really uncertain... "

Compared to the objective commentary, the audience was merciless.

【That's it? It breaks when touched! 】

[The feeling of being evenly matched in the first ten minutes was indeed an illusion...]

[The difference in pure operation is that Mika can move around to avoid petrification, while We and Luo's RW can't even flash! 】

[Thresh hooked the clockwork! This round can be regarded as we winning! 】

[Indeed, I unilaterally declare that we win! 】


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