lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 775 mika-chan’s simple elementary school geometry questions [Children, I will come]

Chapter 775 mika-chan’s simple elementary school geometry questions [Children, I’m here!]

Seeing Snake Girl leaving unscathed, Xiaohu looked at the cooling skills under the defense tower and felt like crying.

They have already manipulated the clockwork to hide as far away as possible, but they are still subject to such unreasonable consumption. Has this defense tower been charmed by Sakura Girl? !

I felt depressed but could do nothing. I could only knock off the blood bottle to slightly restore my health and continue to implement the wretched laning policy.

As for the jungler, mlxg, who had just died in battle, had to replenish his development, so how could he take care of the middle lane.

Even the factory director took advantage of the advantages of the middle and upper lanes to invade the jungle area. While eating rng's f6 in the second round, he went back and ate the f6 in the second round of edg's refresh in front of mlxg. It was considered a success. Incarnate as Dark Kai to avenge being exchanged for f6 in the jungle in the first round.

Dare to eat my factory director’s f6.

Boy, you are too young!

After eating f6, he proudly pressed s on the spot in front of mlxg to provoke!

"At the beginning of six minutes, the economic gap between the two teams was almost two thousand." Commentator Miller said, "The gap between the midfielder and the midfielder was a lot."

"But fortunately, the clockwork is about to reach level 6, so we should be able to stabilize the lane. Later levels will rely on the AOE effect of skills to clear troops, so it will not be easy for Snake Girl to use up the opportunity." Wawa said, "And rng bottom lane The small gun got the kill, and now it is suppressing the line! mlxg can still hold the lower half of the field!"

The mid laners of both sides have each reached level six. At this critical point, Xiaohu is fully aware of his precautions. He would rather let the cannon go and not take advantage of it than give Meixia a chance to cooperate with the prince in killing people.

The game time came to just over eight minutes, and the wild monsters were refreshed in the third round. The director directly took advantage of the snake girl to eat another round of mlxg's f6, and at the same time walked back from the middle route in a swagger, preparing to defend his own f6.

The grumpy mlxg couldn't bear it anymore. He kept going back and forth. Every round, he had to lag behind the prince's two groups of wild monsters by 12 birds in experience and gold coins. How could he stand it?

He called the auxiliary Niutou, and wanted to fight for this round of wild monsters together.

"F6 seems a bit dangerous..." The factory director who walked to the intersection hesitated in the dark wilderness, "Can you get through it in the field?"

Meiko shook his head, "The Bull Head is in the wild area, and I don't know if he and Pig Girl are ambushing the Triangle Grass in the bottom lane. I can't go there..."

If he was controlled by Zhu Mei's ultimate move and Niu Tou's second combo, and then received full damage from the small cannon equipped with the Storm Sword, he really couldn't withstand it.

"Okay, then I'll take a look at f6's situation..." The factory director crossed the corner of the intersection with the idea of ​​taking a look at f6 to confirm the opponent's position before reacting.

Then I saw the pig girl humping her big bird! And the blood volume is already very low!

So he controlled the prince to plant a flag, and Erlian tried to snatch the wild monster.


When the pig girl was provoked, the flag failed, and the big bird let the pig girl eat it. Ming, who had been hiding in the grass behind the blue buff to cover mlxg, felt murderous when he saw the prince's e skill using up the key displacement skill!

The small cannon in the bottom lane is the fastest with rocket jump support, and the distance in the middle lane is closer than that of the opposite duo. After starting the team, he only needs to hold on in a 2v2 situation until his teammates arrive, and he can quickly create an advantageous team with more attacks and fewer enemies. war!

At the same time, without him having to command, the more aggressive mlxg took the lead and threw the QR backhand at the prince!

[Arctic Assault] is followed by [Arctic Cold Prison], and the stun is attached while knocking it up, which does not give the prince a chance to use the flag to receive q displacement. Then the bull head is also connected with wq. By the time the prince recovers his mobility, he is already below half health. .

Seeing this, the director of the escape expert had the idea of ​​​​escape directly.

But Mixia’s support has already arrived!

"You can fight! I've done enough damage!" She gave the command clearly.

After hearing Sakura Girl's instructions, the factory director immediately activated the W shield and used a backhand move to cover the two of them.

The three of them faced Ou Qi in the sky.

After Mei Xia arrived, she immediately reversed the situation. W [Toxic Mist] was spread on the soles of the two people's feet, and then QE spat out the poison crazily.

The bull head is only at level five, and its blood volume drops quickly.

But in the end, it was the prince who was attacked first. Judging from the downward trend of blood volume, it was the factory director who was going to die first.


The ultimate move held by the snake girl can petrify two people!

Both mlxg and ming were extremely vigilant, always paying attention to Snake Girl's movements of raising her hands and keeping their backs to her. They knew that as long as they could avoid Snake Girl's petrification, their health would be enough to last until their teammates arrived. It's just that the two of them always have to launch a basic attack on the prince, and during the basic attack, the direction they are facing will definitely be facing the target of the basic attack!

Seizing the moment when Pig Girl and Niutou overlapped again in their basic attacks, Meixia decisively pressed r [Petrifying Gaze]!

At the moment when they saw the cold light flashing in Cassiopeia's mouth, mlxg and ming both sensed it, but standing in the middle of the narrow intersection, the pig girl faced the direction of her own crystal, and the bull head faced the direction of the edg crystal, and walking from the middle The snake girl who came over looked straight down the road.

Simple elementary school geometry knowledge can tell that the angle between the sight lines of Snake Girl and rng Nosuke is close to 90 degrees. The angle of Snake Girl's ultimate move does not look like it can hit! In addition, both of them wanted to kill the prince as soon as possible to avoid long nights and dreams!

So neither of them ended the basic attack.

Gray petrified light was released from the snake girl's mouth at an angle of 120 degrees.

The next second, both mlxg and ming were dumbfounded.

The direction of sight is almost 90 degrees to the Snake Girl, which is less than 90 degrees. According to the rules of the game, it means facing the Snake Girl!

Pig Girl and Bull Head turned into statues at the same time!

All that's left is to use the effect of Snake Girl's magic machine gun!

"Snake Girl's ultimate move hit two people, can they be petrified from such an angle?!" the commentary doll exclaimed, "The twin fangs hit the bull's head again to complete the kill!"

After the petrification was completed, mlxg flashed backwards, but the direction of the flash was not very good. Braum was already on the way to support him. Q was put on passive, and Snake caught up to give output.

"Such high damage! Mika takes another head!!" Miller shouted loudly.

Then the director's screen changed, and the director dodges from behind and escapes under the defense tower, but Xiaohu follows behind and takes the damage from the defense tower. After another QW, he finally takes the lifeless head.

"Fortunately, Xiaohu finally killed the prince, so rng didn't suffer too much this time..." Miller sighed, "If the factory director runs away, there will be no way to fight."

"But the reaction speed of the factory director's dodge and dodge ultimate move is really a bit strong!" Watou laughed, "Is this the operation of Dark Kai mode?!"

Seeing the factory director's operation, the audience also compared the two junglers one after another.

[MLXG and Ming both hold Flash and cannot even dodge the Snake Girl's ultimate move. They are worse than even the Factory Director! 】

[Don’t be embarrassed, Ming can’t press the flash button while standing on the ground, and the mlxg flash is just three seconds away from turning around...]

[Okay, okay, you can't flash, you can always dodge the snake girl when she turns to stone, right? Lol doesn't have the turning speed, professional players can't even react to petrification? 】

[Indeed, it’s outrageous that both of them were petrified, and that’s even when they knew the snake girl was going to use her ultimate move! 】

[It’s Lolita’s turn, she’s hiding this time! 】

【? ? ? You just love Loli herself! 】


It is difficult for the audience to notice the angle and timing of releasing the card of Mixia's ultimate move, and it is difficult to understand that two professional players RNG Nosuke can't even dodge the ordinary ultimate move of Snake Girl.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Being unable to avoid Snake Girl's ultimate move is a crime for professional players!

mlxg and ming were both annoyed, and even Uzi in the bottom lane was a little annoyed.

Uzi, who has always been extremely strict with himself and his teammates, frowned and said, "What's going on! Guys, please focus on this!"

"The angle of Sakura Girl's Snake Girl's ultimate move is a bit tricky, so pay more attention next time in a group fight!" Xiaohu hurriedly acted as peacemaker, "The game can still be played, I got the kill, and my growth has caught up!"

"Jace's teleport is online. When I return to the city later, I can teleport to support the bottom lane. Is there any chance for the bottom lane?!" Letme also gave feedback to his teammates in his voice.

After some discussion, the low pressure in the voice channel was temporarily relieved.

It's just that Snake Girl got two more heads. Xiaohu, who seemed a lot more optimistic on the surface, knew very well in his heart that even if he avoided petrification, could he really win the team battle?

The only thing I can pray for now is the later output of the small cannon...

I've been shut down for more than a week, okok, I'm back to updating.

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