lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 778: RNG’s difficulty in running games caused by mika

Chapter 778: RNG’s difficulty in running games caused by mika

In the Summoner's Canyon, only the small cannon was left and fled hastily towards the spring.

Edg pushed back to the high ground. With the help of the super soldier in the middle, he didn't have to work hard to push the crystal on the upper road. He walked to the gate master's base and directly clicked on the incisor tower with only half health left, followed by the base crystal!

"A wave is about to begin. Xiaopaoquan jumped out of the water to clear the troops, but it was useless. There was not enough time for teammates to resurrect!" Miller explained.

"As long as base A is enough! Congratulations to edg for winning the first game!!" Wawa looked at the animation of the crystal shattering with passion, "Although the game ended very quickly, less than twenty-five minutes, the whole process It was exciting, and rng launched many effective counterattacks! Unfortunately, edg was better!"

"Well, the main mistake in this game was the few waves of confrontations in front of the snake girl to support the bottom lane, which gave Mika too many kills! RNG kind of ignored Mika's roaming. You must know that after more than a year of growth, Sakura Mei is no longer the rookie player who only played laning. After gaining too much experience from the factory director, her level of roaming and rhythm is also among the best in the world!" Miller analyzed.

"Indeed, the director has not yet demonstrated his level 2 catching skills in this game, but mika has inherited all the roles of the jungler!" Wawa also agreed.

As the two commentators said, although rng lost quickly, it was not without struggle in general. Even mlxg's many early ganks and late team battles were remarkable, so the audience enjoyed watching them.

[rng still has an old problem. Every time the bottom lane has to be matched with a strong hero, it is too easy to get caught]

[Isn’t it a soft-footed tiger that can’t be repaired by the other side’s troops without Uzi? 】

[Didn’t this rng collapse start when Xiao Ming and Xiangguo forced themselves to take the snake girl’s ultimate move? ! Why is it Uzi’s problem again? ! 】

The familiar voice of the commentary doll sounded, "Okay, welcome back. The second game will start soon. In this game, rng will switch sides to the blue side. There may be a lot of adjustments in BP."

"The third-hand positions of both sides are given to Luo and Spider respectively! Then the jungle excavator, the auxiliary bullhead, and Jace, who can swing in the middle and up, are all outside!!"

This is because there are not enough seats, and they are worried that edg will bring out the Yasuo barrel combination in the semi-finals to grab the agent. Of course, mlxg's own excellent barrel level is also a factor in grabbing the first place.


There are several powerful heroes outside, but rng is the first to lock the barrel.

As the two teams returned to the stage after a short break, the director also gave an overall shot of Wukesong Stadium and returned to the studio.

"Then I can just take the excavator! Although I'm a little overpowered by the wine barrel, my hero strength is there!" the factory director laughed.

"Oh! Then first-hand BP, rng get rid of the big tree first!"

As usual, the red side edg bans the hero Kalista that Uzi used in the previous games. This hero can protect the incense burner and its version strength is second only to the Xialuo combination, so it is basically impossible for the red one to be released.

Commentator Miller said, "Well, RNG's BP in the last game was actually very good, and Jayce's line change was already taken precautions, but since we lost the game, we must still make corresponding changes. That's good, after all, against a team as powerful as edg, taking the wrong approach may lead to unexpected results..."

In the second hand, RNG pressed Snake Girl and tried to block Sakura Girl's hero pool, while Abu banned Qinggang Shadow and did not let Letme get the signature hero. Although Mixia didn't think Yuezi's Qinggang Shadow was very famous. .

[Materials themselves also have the ability to eat the ground and give away people's heads. The eldest brother, let alone the second brother! 】

The discussion on the barrage was extremely heated, and until the start of the second game, rng was not given the opportunity to determine who would take the blame.

"Save it for the third hand and then choose the jungler. Take the strong heroes from other lanes first!" Abu looked at the notebook in his hand and said, "The red side's last counter position can also be reserved for Mika, so first choose the top laner and Down the road, do you think?"

"Give me the big bug. Continuing Jace's mid-to-up swing will have no effect. The big bug has just been strengthened. It's meaty and has output. If you take it out first, it won't have any natural enemies!" mouse said confidently.

"Help me get the auxiliary bull head again!" Meiko also gave a suggestion.

"Okay, that's it." Abu made the final decision. EDG locked the big bug and bull's head with both hands in front.

"Oh, Lucian Gablon! RNG continues to choose a strong bottom lane combination!" Commentator Miller analyzed, "Lucian and Braun's passive combination, a passive basic attack can stun, and they have strong combat effectiveness from the first level. , and the counterattack is also very strong!”

"But in this case, you still have to be careful with EDG's targeting of the bottom lane! Lucian's late-stage ability is much weaker than the small cannon in the last game!" Wawa said worriedly, "On the third hand here, EDG will make up for it. The excavator in the jungle position is the factory director’s signature hero, and his offensive power is also very strong!”

In the second round of BP, Abramovich banned Crocodile and Galio respectively. The former is a hero who is more restrained in the line-up against Korgas, reducing the pressure on Mouse. The latter restricts Galio's four-guarantee-one tactic that RNG has been using in the semifinals.

On rng's side, Feng Ge pressed down Syndra and Jace, just to limit Sakura Girl's selection of heroes in the counter position.

"EDG picked Xayah on their fourth move. Just let iboy stabilize the lane." Miller somewhat understood Xayah's priority in the bot lane of edg. "This Xayah really suits edg very well. If you have a big move, you basically don't need it." Don’t worry, just wait for the midfielder to carry in the lane!”

Brother Feng, who was wearing windproof glasses, was also very helpless and worried.

There is no doubt that newcomer iboy is the weakest link of edg. He has performed violent performances many times in the intercontinental competition, but edg gave him Xia in the game, making it clear that he must avoid battles to develop, which made it difficult for Uzi to gain a laning advantage. .

But there are not enough seats, and there is no place to ban ad heroes.

In the final analysis, the middle lane is a bottomless pit. All BP resources are tilted towards Xiaohu, and they may not be able to take advantage of Mika. The demand for BP resources in the middle lane seriously affects the BP strategies of other lanes...

However, at this point in BP, it is not the time to complain. Edg's choice to take Xia has already been discussed clearly in the lounge. What he needs to do is very simple, which is to let the players implement the original plan.

Brother Feng closed his notebook and opened his mouth to make a decision.

"Kenan! RNG brought out top laner Kennen, and ad Kenan faced off against the big bugs. It does have an advantage, but are rng sure to still use such a risky lineup instead of developing a lineup around Uzi?!" Mi Le shouted loudly, he still didn't quite agree with rng's selection.

And rng’s fifth pick surprised tens of thousands of people at the scene!

"What! rng locked Ezreal in the fifth move. Is this the mid laner ez or the mid laner Lucian!!" The baby's eyes widened, "It should be the mid laner Lucian! This change of formation by rng is too bold! !”

"Mid laner Lucian, this seems to be Mika's signature hero. I didn't expect that Xiaohu could choose him!" Miller said.

"It wasn't that long ago that I last saw mid laner Lucian. I remember that lng picked him during the regular season. He was also facing Mika at that time. He must have lost the final game..."

"We must have lost to EDG. EDG shouldn't have lost in the regular season?!" Miller said next to him.

"When this little tiger takes out Lucian, he is really determined to compete with Mika! What hero will Mika use to deal with it?!" Wawa looked forward to it.

Xiaohu took Lucian first in front of Mika, which was undoubtedly a trick.

The audience began to expect Mika to use a violent hero to play Lucian.

But when it was edg's turn to select players for the fifth hand, Meixia simply asked Abramovich to help him select a very ordinary mid laner mage hero.

Wandering Mage Ryze...

The lineups of both sides are confirmed.

Blue square rng, top laner Kennen, jungler Barrel, mid laner Lucian, adc Ezreal and auxiliary Braum.

Red side edg, top laner Korgas, jungle digger, mid laner Ryze, adc Xayah and auxiliary Niutou.

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