lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 80 Sacrifice the ego's mika

Chapter 80 Sacrifice the ego's mika
After a short break, the second game began.

Zeyuan said, "Welcome back. I believe that Mika Czar's wonderful performance just now opened everyone's eyes. EDG will switch to the red side soon. I don't know what changes will happen to bp."

joker judged with a smile, "According to the situation of the last round of the match against ig, mika is not sure to release the czar, and then give easyhoon a forehand and backhand teaching! Haha, that would be interesting!"

Su Xiaoyan frowned, "This... is still unlikely, the possibility that Mika can play with airplanes should not be high."

joker wished that the game would be more topical, "Who knows, we thought before the game that Mika would not be a czar."

The barrage discusses the ambiguity in Su Xiaoyan's discourse


"Young Master Yan, are you driving?"

"Indeed, Sakura Girl playing with airplanes is a traditional art."


And at the end of the simple discussion, the bp on the field begins.

The blue square vg banned Enchantress, Quinn and Qian Jue successively.

The banned people on edg need to consider Summery's opinion. According to the previous rounds of bp experience, there are three regular heroes in the middle lane, Ryze, Ice Girl, and Lulu, who need to be promoted. On the wild side, there are male guns that must be grabbed after Qian Jue was banned.

If the Tsar is added, then at least one hero must be released in the middle.

The opinion of the coaching staff is to ban Tsar Lulu and the captain, among which Lulu must be banned, because the only game Mika lost these days was to Xiaohu's Lulu.

But Summer had a different idea.

It's really good to leave Lulu's loophole on the outside all the time, and then give the opponent a surprise in the finals. Presumably, when the opponent sees that EDG, who has been running Lulu for a whole year, suddenly takes out a hero and blows her up, the shock in his heart will be indescribable. .

But in fact, Lulu is not a hero that needs special targeting. Although edg has been banned, no one would believe that a player who can beat the czar head-on would be afraid of a bastard hero like Lulu.

And is Mika such a devil who takes pleasure in the other party's annoyance?of course not!A pure Yasuo player, all the happiness comes from the operation in the game. Only the perfect combo and precise skill hit is her noble and honest pursuit!

She quickly said to the BP coach on the field, "Then help me ban Tsar Ryze."

"What if easyhoon chooses Lulu?" Ming Kai wondered, "Mika, can you handle it?"

Mei Xia smiled and let Ming Kai relax, "If people always think that I can't lane against Lulu, it would be too wasteful to make a marquee. I can't hold back the team and seniors because of the hero pool."

Hearing her words, the teammates reaffirmed that Mika is really a humble and gentle girl.

In order to help the team improve, he is willing to sacrifice himself like this!
You must know that from the process of losing to rng at the beginning, Lulu is indeed the mid laner hero who has the most restraint on mika's game play!

So bp coach Kuaixing obeyed Meixia's advice, ruthlessly imprisoned the Czar, Ruiz and the captain, and released Lulu.

After the two sides banned people, the commentator joker, who watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal, was full of regret, "Oh, something is wrong with mika today. In the first round, he chose a traditional mage uncharacteristically, and in the second round, he simply banned the czar! Is it the last game? When you went back, you were severely scolded by the factory manager Abu?"

The immature Zeyuan hurriedly spoke up for Mika, "That's not the case. After all, Mika is also a foreign friend, and a fan of the factory manager. At most, he euphemistically mentioned the hero pool, and Mika obediently agreed."

The joker is firmly convinced that there is something wrong with the Sakura girl, "That's impossible, look at Mika's game style, can she be an obedient player?! Or Mika has some conspiracy, just like the czar who played as an assassin in the last game! "

But Mei Xia really has no conspiracy, she really behaved very well in order to condense the team atmosphere, so the choice of heroes is purely based on the principle that it is fun to play and can win at the same time.

to hero select.

It is impossible for vg to snatch Lulu with mika, but instead, the first army snatches the jungler's gun first.

"Should mika choose Lulu and play better than Lulu?" joker guessed.

The joker's commentary is purely based on impressions, but Zeyuan said something very fair, "It's impossible for the law to strengthen Lulu, but edg is really comfortable with Lulu."

But both were wrong.

edg's second and third hands are grabbing version heroes, top laner Bobby and adc Calista.

Then vg chose adc Lucian and mid laner Lulu.

It is edg's turn to take the counter hero again.

There is no such thing as a hero who can be completely conter. The laning that is stronger than it in team battles cannot be suppressed. One is selected by the opponent, and two are in the disabled box.

Of course, this can't be difficult for Mei Xia.

A large number of heroes turned in my mind.

There's a hero I've been wanting to try for a long time!
Soon, a handsome hero with blond hair appeared in the selection pool.

Adventurer Ezreal!
Last week rng beat vg, and xiaohu used Ezreal to face easyhoon's Lulu, so when mika was selected, everyone felt that it was unexpected.

The joker exclaimed, "Okay, sure enough, Mika didn't take it easy when she let Lulu go, she already prepared Ezreal as a counter!"

Zeyuan also had to admit that Mika was really calculating, "VG did fall into EDG's bp trap, it seems that Xiaohu used Ezreal to beat Lulu and took Super God a few days ago! easyhoon!"

The audience also instantly recognized the commentary's point of view - Xiaohu just demonstrated the choice of couter Lulu a few days ago, and Ezreal and Mika's good mid laner Lucian are both long-handed ADs. It is very reasonable to learn from nature!
"Mika, the cherry blossom girl, may look cute and innocent, but she is really vicious and insidious when she fights! She is merciless in her shots!"

"Tsk tsk, Lord Hou is still too honest to be fooled by edg so easily."

"Mika-chan, the factory manager forced you to do all these routines!"

"Woooooo, edg, you give me back my pure mika sauce..."

"Some people try drinking and getting tattoos are still good girls! What's wrong with mika-chan playing tricks in the game, she will always be that innocent girl in my heart!"

"Just because mika said she likes lpl, I'm sure she won't be a bad woman!"


The barrage was all discussing Ezreal's choice, and the game bp was still going on.

edg chooses Ezreal and then locks the bull's head, then vg chooses Braum and Titans to complement the control and frankness, and Braum's anti-theft door also has a restraining effect on Ezreal.

EDG chooses to play Wild Spider for Ming Kai.

The whole bp ends here.

The blue side vg selected the top laner Titan, the jungler male gun, the mid laner Lulu, the adc Lucian and the support Bron.

The red side edg selected the top laner Bobby, the jungler Spider, the mid laner Ezreal, the adc Calista and the support bullhead.

(End of this chapter)

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