
Chapter 1051

There is no objection to the proposal of increasing the housing supply and reducing the rent. Everyone agrees that it will be implemented by the Land and Housing Administration. In fact, Gao Kun has already ordered to rule the city's house affairs, reduce the rent of the official housing in the city, and restore it to the standard at the beginning of the year. All rent collected will be refunded. This is the exact execution of Chen Qing's order.

After lunch at noon, Chao Qing handed over a statement to Chen Qing, "Your Highness, do you think this is properly written?"

"What is this?" Chen Qing was slightly taken aback.

"Is it the statement that Prince Yong's Mansion will not move to Bianliang? You asked the humble official to draft it this morning."

Only then did Chen Qing remember that he had told Jiang Yanxian about this matter. At that time, he wanted to write it, but now.
"What do you think will happen after this statement is published in the newspaper?" Chen Qing asked thoughtfully.

Chao Qing was silent for a moment and said, "The price of land will continue to soar!"

Chen Qing shook his head, "I just don't understand, the land price is obviously stable, how could it suddenly increase?"

"Your Highness, this is directly related to your recovery of the Central Plains. In fact, the sharp increase in land prices in Jingzhao began after the Western Army took over Luoyang. This is actually a kind of expectation for the future of the wealthy people in the world. gone."

"Oh? Land prices in Lin'an have dropped, is that true?"

"It was stated in a report sent by the Lin'an Intelligence Station, but the report was completed before Luoyang was conquered, so I think that we need to continue to observe it. In addition, the Lin'an Intelligence Station was implicated in the Yangzhou fire and was hit by the court. Hu Yun has a A detailed report is among the pile of paperwork this morning."

"I know, let's get back first!"

Chao Qing hesitated, "Your Highness, then this statement."

Chen Qing shook his head, "This kind of statement has tied me up, and no one can decide what will happen in the future, so don't worry about it."

"I understand it."

Chao Qing saluted and retreated.

As soon as he went out, Chao Qing said again: "Your Highness, Counselor Zhou is asking to see you!"

"Please come in!"

Zhou Kuan quickly walked into the official room and said with a smile: "Your Highness, it's still time to rest, let's have a cup of tea!"

"it is good!"

Chen Qing readily agreed, and the two came to Yi'an Teahouse diagonally opposite. Zhou Kuan walked in and said with a smile, "Fry a pot of Fengcha tea, and put it in the account of His Royal Highness King Yong."

Chen Qing couldn't help laughing, he treated guests but asked himself to pay the bill, that's a good plan!
The two were led by Cha Ji to sit down in Tianfu Pavilion, Zhou Kuan said with a smile: "This is the only teahouse in Jingzhao that serves Phoenix tea, of course it is blessed by the princess, but the price is expensive! A pot of Phoenix tea costs ten guan Money, you can’t usually afford it.”

"Feng tea is a luxury, and I don't care if it goes up to the sky, but the land price rises too fast, it's really not what I want to see."

"His Royal Highness, you don't need to worry too much. The rise in land prices has its own reasons. It's really expensive and unbearable. You can buy a house outside the city! In this way, the outside of the city can also prosper. As long as we don't curfew or close the city gates, we will I feel that there is no difference between living outside the city and inside the city, the key is that the government should be able to firmly control the rent of the people at the bottom.”

Chen Qing nodded, "Are the land prices in the city very expensive?"

"No, the large slum area in the west city is not expensive, and the land is only more than a hundred yuan per mu, and there is no guarantee that someone will buy it. If you spend more than a hundred yuan to buy land in a slum area, it is really better to buy it outside the city."

"How much is the land outside the city?"

"One mu of house land is less than [-] guan! My Sanlang bought [-] mu of house land outside Dongcheng, [-] guan per mu."

"Only eighty per mu!"

Chen Qing was a little surprised: "This price is really cheap, and the price difference is more than ten times that of a city wall?"

"This is the same reason that the price in the slums cannot be sold at a high price. Isn't it the same in Bianliang during the Xuanhe period? A ten-acre house in the city has hundreds of thousands of houses, but a two-acre yard in a suburban village is only a few hundred houses. , Even ordinary small courtyards in the city are not that expensive, and you can buy a small courtyard of one acre in Qianguan, so I advise Your Highness not to worry too much. "

Chen Qing took a sip of tea and said, "I heard from Lao Jiang that there are even businessmen from Lin'an who come to Jingzhao to buy houses. What do they buy?"

"Your Highness, I don't know if anyone in Lin'an has come to buy land, but just like what His Highness said, what do you use to buy it? Tens of thousands of houses are bought with copper coins, and they ran from Lin'an to Jingzhaolai? Obviously unrealistic, take gold If you want to buy silver, how much gold and silver do you need? Let’s say it’s a [-]-guan store! It’s possible to buy [-] taels of silver, or two hundred and fifty catties. If Jingzhao buys a house, he will go to jail, does your Highness understand what I mean?"

Chen Qing nodded, "Even if there are people from Lin'an who buy land with silver, they won't say anything."

"That's right! The money is not in vain. There are really people from Lin'an who come to buy land. He will never admit that he is from Lin'an. He will only buy it silently. But now the whole city is talking about people from Lin'an coming to buy land. What is going on? Woolen cloth?"

Chen Qingruo realized something, "Someone is deliberately spreading rumors, fueling the flames, and trying to push up Jingzhao's land price?"

Zhou Kuan smiled, "Man dies for wealth, birds die for food, and Jingzhao's land price rises, which involves the interests of too many people, especially the interests of the government. All of a sudden, the land transaction was frozen, and for seven days, the new plot in Nancheng did not sell a piece of land. Everyone was in a hurry, and the five counselors from the Internal Affairs Hall went to the princess, including me, and begged the princess to write a statement to dispel the rumors."

Chen Qing understood that the increase in land was promoted by the government, most of the land was in the hands of the government, and the government was the biggest beneficiary of the increase in land.

He nodded and said, "So the Internal Affairs Hall fabricated the rumor that people from Lin'an came to Jingzhao to buy a house."

"It was compiled by the Land and Housing Administration. Gao Kun was so anxious that he vomited blood that he hadn't sold a piece of land in seven days. His subordinates thought of this trick for him, but it still didn't work. In the end, it was the princess' statement that worked."

Chen Qing pondered for a moment and asked, "How many rental houses are there in Bianliang Government House in Tokyo?"

"There are [-] houses and [-] shops."

"We also need to use this as the basis for renting out the house. In addition, the resolution this morning can be fine-tuned. The rent of the ground floor cannot be increased, including the small shops in various tiles. Rent increases of more than [-]% are not allowed."

"Understood, the Land and Housing Administration will make a plan for His Royal Highness to approve."

Chen Qing took a sip of tea and asked again: "After selling so much land, how will the money be used?"

Zhou Kuan invited Chen Qing to drink tea just to elicit this question from Chen Qing!He immediately said what was in his heart, and he couldn't hold it back.

"Part of it was used to build houses for rent, and most of it was used for military pay. After His Royal Highness recruited the Yue Family Army, the total number of the Western Army exceeded [-]. During the war, the salary was doubled, and the military salary was two million per month. During the one-month war, the army's salary alone cost six million guan, as well as food, meat, equipment, and armor, as well as the expenditure of requisitioning the labor force of the people, and the salary expenditure of tens of thousands of military craftsmen, etc., all kinds of things were consumed [-] million guan.

His Highness gathered [-] militia soldiers to Jingzhao for training. They were in charge of food and housing, and each person was subsidized with a monthly subsidy of [-] guan a month.

Liu Qiong's army used [-] mules and donkeys to go to Dengzhou. It didn't really play a big role, but we paid [-] yuan for renting mules and donkeys. In the end, more than [-] mules and donkeys died. Thirty thousand coins, [-] soldiers were killed in battle, and the double pension would cost [-] million coins. For a three-month battle in the Central Plains, Seku spent nearly [-] million coins.

Your Highness, this is war, and what is fought is money, so we all take it as a joke when the imperial court sent [-] troops to the Northern Expedition. How could the financial resources of the imperial court be able to support it? His Royal Highness lit a fire in Yangzhou and gave them a withdrawal plan. steps. "

Chen Qing frowned and said, "However, according to calculations with Counselor Zhao, the annual income and expenditure gap is about two million yuan! Is there such a big pressure on our finances? Do we still need to temporarily sell land to support the military salary?"

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