
Chapter 1058 Night Attack

Lu Wei quickly walked into the non-official room, bowed and saluted, "See Your Highness!"

"What's the hurry?"

Chen Qingxiao asked: "Is it because the other party found out that the formula was not available, and asked for Tiehuolei instead?"

"That's not the case. Something happened today that made the humble staff vigilant."

"Tell me, what happened?"

"I met Lu Xian at noon today, and I wanted to ask him about the progress of finding the formula, but I found that he was a little nervous, he hesitated and refused to talk, and then I told him again, he lost his mind and got ten Wan Guanqian, he is planning to go to Bashu to become a rich man, I told you not to dream all day, he sneered twice and said, take a look in a few days."

Chen Qing frowned, "Do you think Lu Tang has a clue?"

"Your Highness, I know Lu Yan very well. He is a big talker, unrestrained, and he likes to brag. He brags about what he doesn't have, but if he really has something, he won't say it. , that’s why I’m so humbled to be suspicious.”

"Do you think he might get the iron fire thunder formula?" Chen Qing continued to ask.

Lu Wei pondered for a while and said: "He hangs out in brothels all day long, is well-known in the Jingzhao brothel circle, and knows all kinds of like-minded people. I feel that someone may be trying to lie to him, but what if it is true? ?”

Chen Qing understands Lu Wei's worries. Although he also feels that the possibility of the formula leaking is unlikely, he still has to deal with it seriously in line with the principle of caution.

Chen Qing took out a silver medal and handed it to Lu Wei, "Go to Wang Tongzhi and explain the situation to him, and he will arrange to monitor Lu Hang!"

The inner guard is directly under Chen Qing, no matter how good the personal relationship between Lu Wei and Wang Hao is, Lu Wei can't arrange what Wang Hao does, he has to go through Chen Qing.

According to the priority of the matter, Chen Qing will issue four gold, silver, copper and iron medals, of which the silver medal is a relatively important event, which also shows that Chen Qing attaches great importance to this matter.

But judging from the current situation, Wanyanchang's operation of trying everything possible to obtain the secret of Tiehuolei has come to an end. Wanyanchang's most important research master, Yang Jingong, has died, and the remaining four people are difficult to provoke. The fence is firmly established, and within at least ten years, Jin Bing will never want to develop the Iron Fire Thunder.

At this time, a bell sounded from afar, 'Dang!when!when! "It's time to get off work. Chen Qing said the word off work countless times, but it still didn't catch on. Everyone still said "going down". get off work.

Chao Qing appeared at the door and asked, "Does Your Highness have anything else to say?"

Chen Qing thought for a while and said, "Cancele tomorrow's tour to Fengtian County, and change it to three days later. I will go to the Bashang Military Camp tomorrow. Everything else will be fine. Everyone, go back!"

"Humble post obeys orders!"

After Chao Qing left, the workers in the room outside began to clear the table and went down. Chen Qing continued to immerse himself in reviewing his memorial, and he would leave half an hour later than his subordinates every time.

At this time, Jiang Yanxian's voice came from outside, "Chao Canjun, is Your Highness still there?"

"Three counselors, Your Highness is here!"

Unexpectedly, three counselors came, Chen Qing said with a smile: "Why do you want me?"

"Today, Lao Zhang treats guests, and His Highness is going to have a drink together."

"Okay!" Chen Qing cleaned up the table, stood up and walked out of the official room, smiling, "Why is Lao Zhang treating guests? Has the land been sold?"

Zhang Miao nodded with a smile, "Exactly, I sold five mu of shop land, and the deal is done today."

"What price was the transaction?" Chen Qing asked again.

"The location of my land is average, and the price per mu is [-] yuan!"

Chen Qing chuckled, "Congratulations! Congratulations! The net income is [-] guan, and it's still a tax holiday. It's time for a treat. Let's go to Taibai Restaurant!"

"Heroes see the same thing. Your Highness also said Taibai Restaurant, you old miser can't escape this time." Except for Zhou Kuan, no one would call Zhang Miao that way.

Zhang Miao nodded, "Alright! Let's go to Taibai Restaurant."

Several counselors surrounded Chen Qing and left, then boarded a carriage and headed for East Street.

After three days of sailing, the fleet of the Western Army arrived at Poyang Lake. Poyang Lake belongs to Jiangnan West Road and is under the complete control of the imperial court. However, the government's control over the water is very weak. There are at most a dozen small boats patrolling the law and order. , but at the level of the navy, the imperial court only has a small navy in the coastal waters of Guangzhou, and the other is that the navy of the Western Army is relatively strong.

Although the water army of the Western Army was invincible in the Yangtze River, it was the first time that the warships of the Western Army entered Poyang Lake. Of course, there was already Poyang County at this time, but it was not called Poyang Lake, but Pengli Lake.

"General, that's Changshan Island, and their warehouse is on the island."

The one who led them was an old boatman. These boatmen were not salt lords, they all had families, so Zhang Cai and his men refused to confess to death, but all eight boatmen confessed and betrayed everything they knew.

"Go to Lion Island first!"

The fleet sailed to Lion Island. Lion Island is located in the north of Changxing Island, only two miles away from Changxing Island.

Thirty warships took cover near Lion Island, and three hundred water ghosts got into the water and swam to Changxing Island two miles away.

They encountered seven or eight patrol boats in a row. The water ghosts killed the patrol soldiers and robbed the patrol boats. Equip the boat and row to Changxing Island.

The water ghosts and soldiers of the Western Army went ashore in a hidden bay, and [-] people, led by deputy commander Deng Jinshan, went to the island.

When they were two hundred steps away from the warehouse, they were discovered by a hidden sentry.

"Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang!" A rapid alarm bell sounded suddenly on the island.

Deng Jinshan shouted, "Kill! Kill them all!"

Five hundred elite soldiers armed with large shields and short spears charged towards the enemy barracks. The water ghosts had already put on their armor and picked up their weapons, turning into elite scouts.

Dozens of crossbowmen at the gate of the barracks couldn't stop the powerful attack of the scouts of the Western Army, and they were all killed. Five hundred soldiers rushed into the barracks.
Zhang Tai, a salt lord, is [-] years old this year. He is from Poyang County. He is tall and strong, with a big nose hanging on his face like an eggplant, which is very distinctive.

Zhang Tai's father was a fishmonger. At the age of sixteen, Zhang Tai followed his father to collect fish along the coast of Poyang Lake, and then sold the fish in places far away from the big lake to earn the difference.

It was very accidental that he got into the road of salt owl. In the summer when he was [-] years old, he collected a batch of fish that could not be sold. He was worried about spoilage, so he bought a lot of private salted fish, and found that the salted fish was very easy to buy. Every time he snatched it up, he soon discovered the truth, what everyone likes is not the fish, but the salt on the fish.

From then on, Zhang Tai began to sell heavy salt fish. Three years later, he was arrested by the Poyang County Government for selling illegal salt. The government accused him of selling heavy salt fish as illegal salt in disguise. cut.

But he was lucky, he met the amnesty one month before the execution, he escaped by chance, and spent [-] guan to bribe the county captain, and he was finally released.

On the third day after his release, he took his family and a hundred men to Changshan Island, took the island as king, and officially embarked on the way of the salt owl.

Having been a salt lord for [-] years, Zhang Tai not only became the largest salt lord in Jiangnan West Road, controlling [-]% of the market, but also marched into Jingnan South Road ten years ago. Based on Changsha County, Zhang Tai sold illegal salt on Jingnan South Road.

At this time, he no longer knows how much money Zhang Tai has. His current goal is no longer money, but to become a separatist force. He recruited five hundred soldiers and equipped hundreds of ships. Changshan Island is the foundation, and once the conditions are ripe, he will occupy Poyang County.

"Father, something serious happened!" Zhang Tai's second son, Zhang Dan, suddenly shouted anxiously outside the house.

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