
Chapter 1068

Chapter 1068
At noon the next day, an official ship sailed across the Yangtze River as usual, and stopped in front of the pier on the opposite bank. On the opposite bank of the Yangtze River was a small town called Xiangbei Town, which was also under the jurisdiction of Yuezhou.

This Xiangbei town is an important hub for crossing the river. On the other side is Baling County and Dongting Lake. lively.

There are more than a dozen warehouses not far from the pier, five of which are a little more remote, and the gates are usually locked. No one knows what is in the warehouse?
The official ship was admitted to the pier, a little further away from the several ferries. Immediately, more than a dozen people rushed towards the pier pushing their wheelbarrows. Each wheelbarrow contained three or four bags of salt, and they only needed to make three or four trips to fill the boat.

This is a typical way for ants to move houses. They move one hundred fifty or sixty rock salt at a time, five or six times a day.

The first round of [-] bags of salt was loaded onto the boat, and the wheelbarrows went back again. Not long after, they were pushed back full of salt, and began to carry the second batch of salt to the boat, also more than [-] bags.

The person in charge of escorting the boat was Lu Jing, a confidant of Sima Hugong, and he anxiously urged the porter, "Hurry up! Hurry up!"

At this moment, the subordinates shouted behind him: "Lu Zhubo, there is a boat!"

As soon as Lu Jing turned his head, he was scared out of his wits and saw three warships encircling him from three directions, dozens of steps away from the official ships, and then there was a change on the shore, dozens of soldiers rushed over, holding The crossbow shouted: "Don't move at all, or shoot with the crossbow!"

All the salt transporters were stupefied with fright and did not dare to move. The soldiers stepped forward and pushed them down and tied them up behind their backs. The three warships boarded the official ship. Zhong Huan boarded the ship with several soldiers and said with a sneer: "Can't you just wait a few more days? Are you starting to ship private salt in such a hurry?"

When Lu Jing saw Zhong Huan, he knew it was over. This guy didn't leave at all, he forced himself to be calm and said: "General Zhong misunderstood, this is not private salt, this is official salt, I have official salt, he took it Yanyin was passed to Zhong Huan, who took a look at the Yanyin, and snorted disdainfully, "This is the Yanyin from half a year ago, it has been invalidated long ago, and there are twenty stones of salt on it, how many do you have on board, hundreds of Stone it!How to explain the extra eighty stones?Besides, the warehouse of the Yantie Division is in Jiangling, so what is it for you to go to Jiangbei Town to collect salt? "

Chong Huan waved his hand, "Search for me!"

Two soldiers came forward and held Lu Jing down for a body search. Lu Jing shouted, "I am Bo, the Ninth Rank Master of the State Yamen, you can't do this to me!"

"As an official, smuggling salt will result in the whole family being executed, don't you know?"

Hearing the words 'slash all the doors', Lu Jing's face turned pale in an instant.

"I found it!"

The soldiers found a piece of paper from him. It was a delivery note. It said that the Four Seas Trading Company sent salt for one hundred and forty shi, and there were two people signed and marked on it. One of them was Lu Jing. The Four Seas Trading Company was opened by Zhang Jun's army. The business, it can be said that the evidence is conclusive.

Lu Jing collapsed to the ground all of a sudden, beheading all over the house!His two ten-year-old and nine-year-old sons, his young daughter, and his gray-haired old mother were shedding tears of remorse. At this moment, Zhong Huan stepped forward and whispered something in his ear, Lu Jing's eyes lit up, "Really?"

Zhong Huan said coldly, "Believe it or not!"

Lu Jing yelled like a chicken blood: "I confess, I reported it, it was Hu Gong who did it, and the governor Wang Kuang was also involved!" "

"Take him to record a statement!"

The soldiers took him into the ship to write a statement. At this time, a scout led dozens of soldiers and escorted several stewards and guards from the warehouse. Obviously there had been a fight, and the two guards were still carrying hurt.

The scouts stepped forward and saluted: "Report to the commander, all three stewards were arrested, and we killed six of the ten guards and captured four."

"How much salt is there?"

"About seven or eight thousand stones!"

At this time, the chief officer said: "General Zhong, we are the envoys of Zhang Xuanfu. I'm afraid it will be difficult to explain why you detain us!"

Chong Huan sneered and said: "This has nothing to do with me. King Yong will talk to your envoy Xuan Fu, but he actually sold his private salt to Jinghu South Road. Do you think envoy Zhang Xuan Fu will admit it? It must be you. People did it without permission, he is a dignified court official, how could he sell private salt?"

The faces of several stewards became extremely ugly, Zhong Huan's words hit the nail on the head, Zhang Jun would never admit that he was selling private salt.

"Take them down to record statements, and then lock them up!"

Dutou led more than [-] people and took all the prisoners away.
When it was noon, Yang Yuanqing personally led [-] troops and [-] large ships to the north bank of Yuezhou. Zhong Huan sighed, and the formation scared away all the salt dealers.

Helpless, he had no choice but to take people on board, and the big ship sailed mightily towards Baling County.

Hu Gongshen ran towards the state government with one foot shallow and one foot shallow, and when he entered the door, he cried out in a crying voice: "Zhizhou, something is wrong!"

Sitting at the table drinking tea, Wang Kuang was terribly calm, "What are you talking about?"

"Lu Jing was arrested. Hundreds of warships are heading towards the county to arrest us."

"What happened to Lu Jing and why was he arrested?" Wang Kuang asked calmly.

Hu Gong was stunned for a moment, his eyes widened and he said, "We sell private salt together, don't you want to admit it?"


Wang Kuang slammed the table and said angrily, "Who sold you illegal salt? My majestic governor of a state sells illegal salt? You dare to spit on me, come on! Throw him out."

Hu Gong was so angry that he trembled all over, pointed at Wang Kuang and said, "Okay, you don't admit it now, do you think I have no evidence?"

Several subordinates rushed up and carried Hu Gong to the outside, Hu Gong shouted: "I have your evidence, your son is also a private salt dealer, do you think I don't know?"

"Call me out!"

Hu Gong was taken out, Wang Kuang was upset for a while, and he immediately ordered: "Go back to the mansion!"

Wang Kuang's official residence is just behind the state government office, and he can go back directly from the state government office. He hurried back to the rear residence with a few entourages, met the housekeeper, and asked anxiously, "Where did Erlang go?"

"It seems that I went to Ezhou to deliver the goods early this morning!"


Wang Kuang stomped his feet anxiously, the housekeeper was stunned and said, "Master, what's the matter?"

Wang Kuang quickly said to the housekeeper, "You take a hundred taels of silver and go to Ezhou. You must find Erlang. If you find him, take him to Lin'an. Don't come back. The army is here to inspect the illegal salt, and there may be serious troubles."

"I see, I'm going!"

The butler left in a hurry.

Wang Kuang had two sons. The eldest son was studying at Lin'an Taixue, and the second son was taken by his side. I don't know when, his second son also participated in the sale of private salt, and became the largest private salt dealer in Yuezhou.

Wang Kuang himself has no evidence, but his son will implicate him. As long as he sends his son away, no matter how much Hu Gong testifies, he can deny everything.

Five thousand troops quickly took control of Baling County. According to Lu Jing's confession, Zhong Huan began to arrest people in the city, mainly the small officials of the state government and private salt dealers.

There is also Sima Hugong and Zhizhou Wang Kuang. The evidence of Hu Gong is conclusive. The private salt documents searched have his signature and signature, but Wang Kuang only testifies and has no conclusive evidence. However, his son participated in the sale of private salt. Based on this, Wang Kuang's black hat couldn't be worn anymore.

But after searching the city for a long time, no sign of Hu Gong was found.

From the messy suitcases and a few pieces of silver left in his house, it was known that Hu Gong had absconded.

On the pier, Qin Kuangming and a few internal guards were monitoring a group of people on board.

Qin Kuangming suddenly saw something strange about a short and fat woman in a red dress. Other women try to stay away from men as much as possible, but this short and fat woman is on the contrary. Where there are many men, she will squeeze there. Confused, the key point is that the package she was carrying was very heavy, and she seemed a little unable to carry it.

Qin Kuangming stepped forward, took her big package with a smile and said, "Sister, let me carry it for you!"

Unexpectedly, when the hand sank, the package fell to the ground. It was too heavy, weighing at least dozens of kilograms, "Dang bang! 'There was a metallic sound, looking through the gap, it was full of white silver ingots.

The woman was caught off guard, and the package was carried over at once. She panicked and turned to run, but Qin Kuangming grabbed her arm and pulled off her scarf, her face was immediately exposed.

The people around burst into laughter. This woman was covered in rouge and powder, her mouth was blood red, but her eyebrows and eyes were clearly that of a man, and her beard hadn't been shaved off in time.

"Let me go!" The pseudo-girl struggled desperately, but unfortunately his voice was also a man's.

Qin Kuangming said coldly, "Don't Hu Sima dress up like this, don't you think it's inappropriate?"

(End of this chapter)

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