
Chapter 1122: Court Discussion

Chapter 1122: Court Discussion

"This is my house. Your father died in my house. How can I rent out the house? You are still setting up a coffin in my yard for the funeral. Have you got my consent? No! Move out for me immediately, Move them all away!"

The man's tone was very angry. It should be the landlord, who rushed over after hearing the news.

"My father passed away. It wasn't an accident. What's the matter? You don't allow funerals to be held in the yard. We can put them outside, but we can only move them when it's dark. This is the rule."

Wu Jie's two sons, Wu Xiaoping and Wu Xiaofan, were trying to argue, but they couldn't convince the landlord, and the landlord became even more angry.

The landlord said viciously: "I want you to pay compensation. You can either buy the house or lose money."

"How much is your house worth? I bought it!" Zheng Tongquan was rich and powerful, and took over the storm as soon as he entered the door.

When the Wu brothers saw Hu Yun coming, they hurried forward to salute. Hu Yun introduced Zheng Tongquan to them, and told them that Zheng Tongquan had an ice boat to take their father's body back home for burial.

The two brothers were immediately overjoyed. If they hadn't had to, they certainly hoped that their father would be buried in peace. They had no choice but to cremate his father's body. They were very grateful and hurried forward to salute.

The landlord was more anxious than them, and rushed forward and said: "But you said it yourself, everyone heard it, you want to buy this yard."

Zheng Tongquan bowed to the two brothers, and then said coldly to the landlord: "That's right! I said it, please quote a price!"

"This is a one-acre house with a good location. It's worth at least [-] yuan!"


Wu Xiaoping couldn't help scolding angrily: "The price of [-] per mu is the price only for a house with more than five acres. Your yard only has one mu of land, and the location is not good. At most, it is a thousand guan. What shame do you have to ask for [-] guan?" ?”

The landlord sneered and said, "I have the final say on how much to sell, so what does it have to do with you?"

At this moment, Hu Yun put his palms together and asked the monk, "May I ask which monastery the master came from?"

"We are monks from Ciyun Temple."

"Can you transfer your spirit to perform deeds in your temple?"

"Amitabha, of course, but there is no ice in our temple."

"We'll prepare the ice, you just need to protect the spirit along the way."

Hu Yun has experience. He participated in many funerals, many of which were held in temples. Since the landlord disliked them, he moved to the temple to hold his coffins.

Turning back to Zheng Tongquan, he said, "There's no need to buy his house, let's arrange it and send it to Ciyun Temple."

The landlord was furious, and stepped forward to grab Hu Yun's lapel, "What kind of bird are you, trying to ruin my good business!"

Without waiting for him to approach, the guard behind Hu Yun stepped forward, grabbed his wrist, and pushed back. The landlord couldn't stand still, "Push!"pedal!pedal!pedal! 'Take a dozen steps back and sit down on the ground.

"You wait, I'm going to report to the police!"

Seeing that there were two strong men behind Hu Yun, a head taller than him, with extremely strong physique, and he was like a chicken in front of them, he felt timid, yelled a few words, and left resentfully.

Wu Jie's wife and two sons came forward to thank Hu Yun for his help. They were not afraid of the landlord, but the landlord's nonsense would startle the soul, and that was what they were worried about.

Hu Yun laughed and said, "Pack up your things! We invite monks from Ciyun Temple to protect the spirit and go to the temple. In fact, it is better to go to the temple. After seven days, we will leave for Jingzhao, and then transfer to Pingliang County from Jingzhao."

The Wu family discussed it and agreed to move to the monastery. An hour later, several ox carts transported Wu Jie’s coffin and spiritual tablets, etc., and a dozen monks guarded both sides of the ox cart, chanting scriptures and walking. Wu Jie's wife was also sitting on the ox cart with the items packed up at home.

Along the way, people kept setting up incense cases for road sacrifices. Although the court was ungrateful, in the hearts of most people, Wu Jie was the siege of defending the country. These achievements are engraved in the hearts of the people.

At noon of the next day, the "Beijing News" published the news of "The Fall of the Stars" on the front page. For a while, there was a wave of thousands of stones in Lin'an, and there was an endless stream of people going to Ciyun Temple to pay their respects, which made the emperor Zhao Gou feel uncomfortable. Yes, a thousand coins was specially approved for the funeral of the Wu family.

In the Ziwei Hall, hundreds of officials of the fifth rank and above gathered in one hall to participate in special military and political discussions. This is different from the routine court meeting. Usually, special military and political discussions are held only after major events have occurred, and the resolutions passed in the meeting , there is no need for further deliberation by the Political Affairs Hall, but must be implemented immediately.

All the ministers participating in the meeting were notified of the contents of the discussion two days ago to discuss whether to re-organize the water army.

This kind of special discussion encourages ministers to speak, severely criticizes, and personal attacks are also normal. As long as they are not attacking the emperor, the speaker is basically innocent, and this is also a rare opportunity to perform in front of the emperor. Hopeful.

Before the emperor came, the ministers were all talking in low voices, and Liu Qiren, the military supervisor, said to Zhu Shengfei worriedly: "Mr. Zhu, why did the officials think of forming a naval army? Is it because we have a lot of money?"

Zhu Shengfei was in charge of finance. He snorted and said, "When was the financial surplus? The military salary has not been paid for two months. The officials asked me to raise money as soon as possible, two million yuan! Where do I go to raise money?"

"Since this is the case, why do the officials want to form a naval army? Building a military ship is an invincible hole! Hundreds of thousands of pennies are simply drizzle, at least a few million pennies, and it will take a long time. Mr. Zhu, it is very unfortunate In reality, the humble official is ready to oppose, please support Mr. Zhu."

Liu Qiren's objection was of course related to his immediate interests. The imperial court's finances were already very tight, and investing money in shipbuilding would definitely reduce the expenditure of the Military Weapons Supervision. Tens of thousands of craftsmen in the Military Weapons Supervision were waiting for him. Take money to eat!
On the other hand, Han Shizhong was also talking to Xu Xiantu about the water army and the establishment of the water army. Han Shizhong was the most active promoter. The Yue Family Army is slightly inferior, but it is also an elite army second only to the Yue Family Army in the Great Song Dynasty.

But in front of Chen Qing's elite cavalry, he couldn't even last an hour, which made him see a huge gap. Regardless of training, equipment, morale, strategy and experience, his army was far inferior to the opponent's.

Similarly, his army was no match for Wanyan Wushu's Iron Buddha cavalry, even his army, not to mention the other Song army, the Song army was completely at the bottom.

The only way is to develop strengths and avoid weaknesses, and vigorously develop the navy. Southerners are good at water, and southerners are good at boats. The southern river network is densely covered. Only by vigorously developing the navy can we fight against the Western Army and the Jurchen Army.

"Actually, I also know that the development of the navy consumes money, but you can't give up your own advantages just because of the money. I think it is possible to reduce part of the army and use the saved military salary to build warships. Does Xu Xianggong think it is feasible? "

Xu Xiantu sighed and said, "It's not impossible to disarm the army. The emperor has long wanted to disarm a certain army, but it's not easy!"

Han Shizhong lowered his voice and asked, "Xu Xianggong refers to Zhang Jun's army?"

Xu Xiantu smiled, neither admitting nor denying it.

At this time, the guard shouted at the side door, "Your Majesty is here!"

The ministers stopped talking at once, and each took their positions, only to see the emperor Zhao Gou walking quickly surrounded by eunuchs and court ladies.

He sat down on his dragon couch, and all the officials saluted together, "See Your Majesty!"

Zhao Gou waved his hand, "Everyone is welcome!"

When everyone stood up, Zhao Gou said slowly: "Today, you are called to discuss military and state affairs. I think everyone knows that it is to discuss the establishment of a navy. More than ten years ago, we originally had a navy, but we have always It failed to play a role, and gradually became abandoned. Chen Qing's peek at Jinghu South Road and Jinghu North Road made me suddenly realize that without a strong navy, we could not stop Chen Qing's eastward expansion, so rebuilding the water The military has become urgent, today is just a discussion, please speak freely, whether you agree or disagree, I just want to listen to the truth, and I don’t want to listen to those meaningless clichés, let’s ask Taifu Han to speak first!"

Zhao Gou asked Han Shizhong to make a statement first.

[I didn't sleep well last night, I'm a little tired today, there are only two chapters, sorry! 】

(End of this chapter)

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