
Chapter 1147 Cloth Shop

Chapter 1147 Cloth Shop
Walking into Wazi, a noisy and lively atmosphere rushed over.

There are people coming and going in Wazi, shouting and hawking one after another, many of them are traveling with the whole family, spending tens of pennies to find a small restaurant to have a good meal.

The average salary of Jingzhaocheng is around [-] Wen per day, which is the salary for the more capable guys in the restaurant and the smart maids from wealthy families.

A family of three buys vegetables and cooks at home, and it costs about twenty or thirty yuan. Going out to eat, even a cheap restaurant costs fifty or sixty yuan, but it doesn’t matter if you come to have a meal by chance. happy.

Of course Chen Qing likes this kind of bustling and prosperous market, where the people live and work in peace and contentment. Any ruler likes it. No ruler is willing to see the people under his rule living in poverty and selling their sons and daughters.

There are two basic ways to understand people’s livelihood, one is to observe, and the other is to talk. The shop will not do business at a loss, but only earn more and less. The business of the lowest and cheapest small shops is not good, which means that the problem is more serious, and the people have no money in their hands.

The current situation seems to be going well, the crowds are surging, and the business of almost every store is very good.

"Guest officer, come and have a bowl of soup cakes!"

When Chen Qing turned his head, he realized that it was a mobile vendor. This was a vendor without a small shop, and he could be regarded as the lowest-level shop owner.

Seeing that there was no one at the stall, Chen Qing sat down with a smile, "What soup cakes do you have?"

"There are minced meat whistles, sauced mutton, large pieces of meat, and dried vegetable cakes. The shop is best at the minced meat whistle soup cakes. I guarantee that you will want to eat them after eating."

Also a small shop!Chen Qing said with a smile: "Then have a bowl of meat whistle soup cake!"

Soup cakes are noodle slices, sliced ​​noodles, and the hawker hurriedly cooked the noodles. Chen Qingxiao asked, "There are still so many people in Wazi. I thought there would be no one in Wazi after the extravagance restriction was introduced."

"The guest officer was joking, what does tile have to do with luxury?"

"It really doesn't matter?"

The peddler thought for a while and said, "You have no influence! In fact, it really has influence."

"How do you say that?"

"One of my old customers is my neighbor. He is a guy from Chengbei Restaurant. He comes to me every day to eat a bowl of soup cakes, which is considered to take care of my business. But he hasn't come for several days. I met him this morning. He just found out that he was fired from the restaurant, and now he is looking for work everywhere."

"Why were you fired?" Chen Qingxiao asked.

"Isn't that what you said about the extravagance order! There were thirteen waiters and cooks in the restaurant in the north of the city. When the restriction order came, the proprietor said they couldn't make any money, so only seven of them were left, and the other six made their own living. My neighbor was fired, and my shop lost a customer, hey! The rich spend less money, but we ordinary people are unlucky!"

Another vendor next to him also sighed: "You said that we don't have any special skills. We are all shopkeepers, errand runners, and waiters. Don't we just rely on the rich to leak two dollars, and then you earn my money and I earn yours?" If the rich don’t spend money, where does our money come from?”

At this time, Chen Qing saw that the bowls of the stall were still stained with unwashed vegetable leaves, which should have been left by the previous customer. He couldn't help feeling sick, grabbed a handful of money and threw it on the table, "Shopkeeper, I have something to do." , eat again another day!"

"Ouch! How embarrassing, then half the price!"

"no need!"

Chen Qing walked away, took a few steps and looked back, only to see that the peddler invited the family of three to sit down and eat soup cakes, and gave the soup cakes he made to the host, who ate the noodles without paying attention to them vegetable leaves.

Chen Qing shook his head. Although dirty dishes are also a way to be grounded, it is a pity that he is not used to it.

"Selling cloth! The cotton cloth that just arrived, and the cotton tires for winter clothes!"

Chen Qing's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly looked along the shout. There was a shop diagonally opposite, with a big signboard hanging on it. There was a big word 'cloth' on the signboard.

Of course, there are small shops selling necessities of life in Wazili, which are of low grade and cheap, but the cloth shop in Wazili has also started selling cotton cloth, which really surprised Chen Qing.

Chen Qing walked over quickly, and the clerk who was shouting hurriedly came up with a smile, "Winter is coming, guest officer, let's buy some cloth for the family to make winter clothes!"

"How much is a piece of cotton cloth?" Chen Qing asked.

"Three strings of money for one horse!"

This price is not cheap!Chen Qing asked again: "Where is the fine linen?"

"Fine linen costs four hundred cash, and special fine linen costs six hundred cash."

Extra fine linen was actually five times worse than cotton cloth. Chen Qing walked into the shop, and there were three or four customers inside, who should be residents nearby, choosing fabrics.

There are many kinds of fabrics in rolls on the counter, but there are only three categories, fine linen, extra fine linen and wood cotton cloth. The specific varieties are only different in color.

Several guests were holding fine linen cloth, it is estimated that it is a problem of consumption ability and consumption habits, and everyone is not used to using cotton cloth.

After several customers had paid and left, only Chen Qing was left in the store. Seeing that Chen Qing was looking at the cotton cloth, the shopkeeper stepped forward and introduced: "This is the first time the shop sells cotton cloth, and now the price is cheap." Yes, last year it cost ten guan for a piece, but this year it has dropped to three guan. In the past, only the rich could wear it, but now ordinary people can also buy a piece of cloth to make clothes.”

Of course, Chen Qing knows why the price has plummeted this year. The key is that Lingzhou and Hexi produce a large amount of cotton, which can be blended with wood cotton. Filling materials, starting from this year, several major textile workshops in Xianyang County began to weave a large amount of cloth, and the price dropped accordingly.

Moreover, the price of cotton cloth will decrease in the future. The main reason is that linen cloth is hand-woven by households, while cotton cloth is woven by large factories, and the cost difference is huge.

However, the quality of the cotton cloth is average. Chen Qing touched the cloth and found that it was relatively loose. It was completely different from the cotton cloth his wife bought last year.

"Does anyone buy cotton cloth?" Chen Qing asked.

"There are, but very few, mainly because I'm not used to it, and the price is a bit expensive, and the small shop doesn't buy much, only [-] horses in total, and they don't buy them when they are sold out, but winter clothes and cotton tires are selling well. "

The shopkeeper took out a cotton wool winter coat, and Chen Qing couldn't help laughing, isn't it just a cotton jacket?White fine linen is used as the base material, and kapok is sewn inside with dense needles and threads. There are robes and shorts. Depending on your needs, you can directly wear inner cotton at home, but it is estimated that ordinary people will not wear them directly. , because it is not easy to remove and wash if it is dirty, you must wear a piece of clothing outside.

"How much is this cotton tire?"

"The short one is two punctures, the long one is four punctures!"

Chen Qing was taken aback, "So expensive?"

"Expensive? It's still very cheap. A short cotton tire costs at least two catties of wood cotton, and a catty of wood cotton only costs a tael. In the past, wood cotton was sold by tael. I sold it in Xuanhe years, and it cost a tael. The money is [-] times cheaper, and wearing a cotton carcass will keep you warm all winter."

"How much did you pay for the purchase?" Chen Qing asked.

The shopkeeper looked at Chen Qing strangely. This is a secret of the store, how could it be leaked casually, he shook his head, "I'm sorry, this is a secret of the store, and we will not announce it!"

Chen Qing actually knew the cost. They bought it in Quanzhou at fifty Wen a catty, and then removed the seeds to get the cotton, and then transported it to Jingzhao. Jin, ten times the huge profit, of course, you have to use linen as the base material, you have to sew it, and there is still the profit of the merchant, but it is not enough for the cost of a hundred cash, so let's sell it for the same money in the end!
Now Chen Qing really wants to know, how much is the official wholesale price per catty?
(End of this chapter)

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