
Chapter 1153 Conflict

Chapter 1153 Conflict

The recruits from Changshe County occupied the best camp area, but recruits from several counties also camped here. The recruits from Changshe County took advantage of their large numbers and drove away the recruits from several counties one after another. They couldn't move the recruits from Yuchi County, and in anger, the two sides even fought, but was stopped by Sima of the recruit battalion who came over after hearing the news.

In this way, not only did the recruits from Changshe County not take advantage of it, but several of them were beaten up with bruised noses and swollen faces. The recruits from Changshe County harbored a grudge because of this. Know nothing.

Registration is just the first step. If you want to become a general of the Western Army without meritorious service, it is not easy even for a low-level general.
True ability includes two parts, one is the innate advantage, burly physique, and extraordinary strength, and the second is the acquired advantage, precise arrow technique and high martial arts.

So after the registration is over, you have to go to the martial arts field to take the test. There are three tests, weightlifting, archery and weapons.

If you become the head of the capital through various connections and fail the test, you will either be demoted to a soldier, or you will leave the barracks, or you have a bit of literary talent, can write and read, and can be a military assistant at the rank of Marquis of Yu, Ten Generals, etc. A leader like Dutou will definitely not work.

Ruan De came to the Martial Arts Arena, where three big tents were set up. Before each big tent, a test was conducted. The first was body shape.

Ruan De has no problem with his physique. He is the tallest and most majestic of all the generals. He didn't need to be measured at all, and he went directly to the first big tent.

Several generals were sitting in front of the big tent. Ruan De clasped his fists in salute, and came to the heavy object. The heavy object was three stone locks, one hundred and eighty catties each. It was qualified to lift it over the head three times, and one was two hundred and fifty catties. , three times over the head is good, a [-] Jin, three times over the head is excellent.

The test records will be recorded in the file, which is related to everyone's future. At this time, no one will be humble and will try their best to use their best skills, but there are only two chances, so they should not overestimate themselves.

Ruan De walked to the [-]-jin stone lock in the middle, several generals exchanged in low voices, and a commander shook his head and said, "It's a pity that such a strong man only uses medium stone locks."

Another commander laughed and said, "Maybe he wants to be steady! It's understandable."

Ruan De grabbed the stone lock with his left hand, lifted it up easily, walked to the [-]-jin stone lock, grabbed the handle of the stone lock, and picked it up again.

Everyone's 'ah! With a cry, several generals stood up in shock. It turned out that this guy thought the stone locks were too light. Ruan De easily lifted the two stone locks over his head at the same time, three times in a row, effortlessly.

The leader looked at Ruan De's bronze medal, and couldn't help asking: "No. [-], how much can you lift at most?"

Ruan De thought for a while and said, "I'm a blacksmith. Once when I was delivering an iron plow to someone, the cart broke down on the way, so I carried four iron plows weighing [-] jins for twenty miles. This is mine. Limit it!"

"Okay! Let's say you lift five hundred catties, which is the best. Please go to the archery shed!"

Ruan De saluted and went to the arrow shed again. Several generals were talking in low voices. They were all experts. It was so easy to lift three hundred and twenty catties with one arm, but at least one thousand catties could be lifted with two arms. They found a strong general!

Basically, most people can pass the archery. What is required to be qualified is the Eight Dou bow, at least seven out of ten shots from [-] paces. The key points of the wooden target are the head and chest.

Excellence is a stone bow that hits nine out of ten shots from a hundred paces away, and five arrows must hit the vital point.

Archery requires precision and low strength, so there are only two kinds of bows and arrows, the eight-dou bow and the stone bow. Ruan De uses a stone bow and shoots ten times out of a hundred steps, and the arrow hits the chest. This is the best of the best. At present, only three people have done it, but if counting strength, he can unleash a crossbow with a stone waist, then no one can compare with him.

The school grounds were filled with thousands of recruits, and there were constant voices of applause, cheering and cheering for the generals undergoing tests. Two hundred recruits from Yuchi County were also outside the court, looking at their heads worriedly.

Ruan De has reached the third largest account, this is the last test, a test of martial arts, and he controls Li Fuxing as the chief judge.

The third round of the test is relatively slow, and many generals to be tested need to prepare, and the length of time varies, so it is not in order, whoever is ready will go.

Ruan De did not find his weapon, and he handed it to a sergeant when he came in.

He stepped forward and asked a sergeant, "Excuse me, where are our weapons?"

"It's all there!" The soldier pointed to the big tent.

There was a weapon rack over there, and all kinds of weapons were piled up in a mess on it. Ruan De hurried forward, searched around but didn't see his iron rod.

"Is this fire stick yours?" Someone behind asked with a smile.

When Ruan De turned his head, he saw his iron rod being stepped on by a general, with a look of disdain.

Ruan De was furious. This iron rod was made by his father himself. Although it was not very good, it was the only souvenir of his father. After the flood, everything left by his father was gone, only this iron rod was left. stick.

A rush of blood rushed to Ruan De's head. He strode forward, pushed the general away, and picked up his iron rod.

This general was Li Yaoqing. His subordinates were beaten black and blue by more than a dozen recruits from Yuchi County. It was impossible to take revenge.

Changshe County, one of the five major counties on Henan Road, was humiliated by a small county in Kaifeng Prefecture. Li Yaoqing couldn't swallow the bad breath in his heart.

Li Yaoqing was born as a general of the Puppet Qi Army. He has a lot of ruffian in him, and he will take revenge, and he will never let go of the big and small things. It is a bit bad for his reputation to attack the soldiers of Yuchi County. Germany.

When the opponent pushed, Li Yaoqing was caught off guard, kick!Pedal! Pedal! Pedal! Back a dozen steps, almost sitting on the ground.

Li Yaoqing's face suddenly turned purple, and he was furious in his heart. He raised his sword and rushed towards Ruan De, slashing up and down, left and right several times, and the surrounding soldiers exclaimed.

Ruan De dodged again and again, but did not fight back. He saw that the opponent was slashing at his vitals, trying to kill him, and the anger in his heart also burned.

At this moment, Li Fuxing yelled, "What are you two doing?"

Li Yaoqing put away the big knife, Li Fuxing stepped forward and angrily said: "I said before, you are not allowed to fight in private, if you have any grievances to be settled in public, since you two want you to die, then go up and fight!"

Murderous intent burst out in Li Yaoqing's heart, he gritted his teeth and said, "Little brat, do you dare to go up and compete with grandpa?"

Ruan De said coldly: "If I beat you to death with heavy hands, I can't bear the responsibility."

"If you sign the life and death certificate, you can go up to the competition. Life and death are in the sky, and neither party has any responsibility. This is stipulated by His Royal Highness King Yong."

The one who spoke was the general Yang Zaixing. He had just been approached by the general, and he also knew why Li Yaoqing provoked the trouble, to take revenge on the other party for fighting over the tent.

Yang Zaixing didn't have a good impression of Li Yaoqing. He had read Li Yaoqing's registration just now. He was the commander of the Puppet Qi Army and had led troops to station in Puzhou area for a long time. One day, the hungry people in Puzhou rioted and were brutally suppressed by the garrison. More than [-] innocent people were killed, thousands of women were raped and humiliated by soldiers, and thousands of people died.

The puppet Qi was abolished in the second year, Wanyan Wushu took power in Henan Road, and began to abolish half of the puppet Qi army. The first army to be abolished was the [-] puppet Qi army stationed in Puzhou. Wanyan Wushu also knew this army The reputation is too bad.

Yang Zaixing stepped forward and said coldly to Li Yaoqing: "If you have the ability, sign a life-and-death certificate and fight. If you kill each other, I won't hold you accountable. If you don't have the guts, just keep your tail between your legs."

Li Yaoqing's blood surged with Yang Zaixing's provocative method, and he immediately clasped his fists and said, "I am willing to sign the certificate of life and death!"

Yang Zaixing glanced at Ruan De again, "What about you? Do you have the guts?"

Ruan De nodded silently, and calmly said: "Since he must fight, I can accompany him!"

(End of this chapter)

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