
Chapter 1190 Seizing the Island

Chapter 1190 Seizing the Island

An army of [-] marched to the foot of Donghai County. Liu Qiong looked at the bright lights above the city and smiled at Tang Qian: "They actually found us here, and they seem to be preparing to fight us at night."

Tang Qian also laughed and said, "This city wall is really dilapidated. I guess a battering ram can directly destroy the city wall!"

Liu Qiong pondered for a moment and said: "Pretend to use a battering ram, use iron fire thunder, and break the city in the west of the city!"

Tang Qian fully agreed, and immediately said: "I will lead [-] troops to the west of the city!"

Tang Qian led [-] troops to evacuate and made a detour to the west of the city. At this time, the western army brought out a huge battering ram, which was made of a hundred-year-old ironwood. Dozens of trees were found in Quanzhou and made into a ram. Thirteen heavy battering rams.

This one is one of them. It is five feet long, three feet in diameter, and weighs ten thousand catties. It takes one hundred and fifty soldiers to lift it.

If you add the shield guards on both sides, it will take a thousand people to form a large siege formation.

The huge battering ram was placed three hundred paces away. The lights of the Western Army were brightly lit, shining like daylight. All the soldiers on the top of the city saw the huge battering ram placed on a high place outside the eastern city. Hu Lin shouted: " Concentrate the crossbowmen on the east side!"

Two thousand soldiers gathered in the east city, all with bows and arrows, ready to shoot the attacking soldiers of the western army.

The attacking soldiers of the Western Army had already appeared. Two groups of soldiers stood on both sides of the battering ram, each with big arms and round waists. There were also [-] soldiers holding large shields, obviously preparing to cover.

Although a thousand siege soldiers are ready, they have not attacked for a long time, as if they are waiting for something?
"General, are they waiting for dawn?" A general asked in a low voice on the top of the city.

Hu Lin shook his head, he didn't know, "Maybe their main force is not ready yet."

At this time, in the west city on the other side, there were only more than [-] defenders on the top of the city, mainly concentrated near the west city gate. They looked out of the city vigilantly. It's a strait, and the Song Army's Wanshi cargo ship can still be faintly seen on the water.

Of course, the west city leads to the wharf, and when you go out from the city gate, it is a spacious and flat avenue. On both sides of the avenue five hundred steps away, three thousand soldiers of the Western Army under the leadership of Tang Qian have been waiting in ambush.

There are piles of rocks on both sides, and the Western Army can only rush into the city along the official road, so the target of Tie Huolei must also be the city gate.

Their use of Iron Fire Thunder was specially approved by Chen Qing, and they were allowed to use it at critical moments in sieges or water battles. The specific right to use it was in the hands of the chief general Liu Qiong, who decided under what circumstances to use it.

Of course, Liu Qiong also knew that Tiehuolei was of great significance, so he would not use it lightly.

It can be used to attack Donghai County, and he is not worried at all that the opponent will transport the invalid Iron Fire Thunder back to Jinan Prefecture.

Behind the pile of rubble, five soldiers have already used the rubble as cover and are gradually approaching the city wall. These five soldiers are firearm soldiers, who are responsible for keeping and using firearms. They have undergone special training and are very experienced.

They carried a big box in their hands, and inside the box was an iron dog, which weighed eighty catties. Of course, it was no match for an iron bull weighing two hundred and forty catties. It was finally a medium-sized iron fire thunder, and it was very suitable for attacking a dilapidated county like Donghai County. However, if it is a strong city like Taiyuan City, iron dogs are not suitable, and iron oxen must be used.

The power of the Iron Fire Thunder is far less exaggerated than the aerial bombs of later generations. After all, it is just a black powder weapon. It is definitely useless against concrete walls, but it is effective against earth or brick walls. But if it is a city wall built with large bluestone , Even using the iron ox has no effect.

The battering ram in the east city successfully attracted the attention of the defenders at the top of the city. Even the defenders at the head of the west city were uneasy. They looked back to the east from time to time. They were worried that the east city gate would fall, but they didn't know that the danger was right under their feet. .

Five firearms soldiers moved quickly towards the city gate against the city wall. At this time, the defenders at the top of the city had to lean down to look down to find them, but the west side was very quiet, and there was nothing unusual, so the soldiers were naturally not special. pay attention to.

The five soldiers finally stuck to the city gate. The city gate was slightly concave, with a protruding eaves above it. As long as they were close to the city gate, the soldiers on the top of the city could not see them.

Five firearms soldiers acted together, using a special hook knife to hook the iron hoop on the city gate. This is an innovative invention of the Firearms Bureau. In the past, a tripod was used to withstand the iron fire mine, but it was easy to be unstable. The Firearms Battalion The craftsmen in China invented different hanging tools according to various types of city gates.

Some have cracks on the door, so a knife is inserted into the crack. There is a hook on the handle of the knife, and each iron fire thunder is designed with an iron ring, which is hung on the hook.

And there is an iron hoop at the gate of Donghai County in front of you, so use a hook shaped like a clothes hook, insert one end into the iron hoop to hook it, and hang the iron ring of Tiehuolei on the hook at the other end.

But eighty catties is still too heavy, so I use two iron rods to support it slightly, so that it will be safe.

A soldier smashed the wooden shell covering the match with an iron-pointed hammer, another soldier ignited a torch, and lit the match with the torch, and the five ran towards the pile of rubble.

"There is a situation below!"

The soldiers above suddenly saw the figure rushing into the pile of rocks and shouted loudly.

Dozens of arrows were shot at the pile of rocks, but it had no effect. These soldiers were lying on the ground, covering their ears with their hands. All three thousand soldiers of the Western Army blocked their ears with their hands.


An earth-shattering explosion sounded, and suddenly thick smoke filled the air, gravel and sawdust flew up, and the soldiers on the top of the city couldn't stand upright and fell to the ground. The violent explosion made them cry out in pain.

The huge impact force also collapsed the suspension bridge and fell heavily on the ground. At this time, all kinds of gravel and sawdust fell from the sky.

The thick smoke dissipated slowly, revealing the dark city gate hole. Most of the city gate was blown away, but the city wall at the city gate was a little stronger, and it did not collapse. side.

Tang Qian jumped up, waved his knife and shouted, "Follow me into the city!"


Three thousand soldiers shouted loudly, stood up bravely, waved their swords and spears, and swarmed towards the bombed city gate.
The huge explosion sound could be heard at least [-] miles away, and the large ships of the Song Army in the strait heard it first, and Han Shizhong was awakened in his sleep.

He quickly put on a robe, walked out of the cabin and asked, "What happened!"

The soldier pointed to Donghai County in the distance, "The sound of the explosion is coming from Donghai County. Commander, please look, there seems to be black smoke rising into the air."

Han Shizhong saw a mushroom-like black smoke lingering in the sky for a long time, and he suddenly realized that it was the iron fire thunder explosion of the Western Army.


Han Shizhong's heart sank suddenly, as if he stepped on the ground and fell into an abyss.

Although Han Shizhong was deceived by the fishermen in the fishing village into thinking that there were [-] troops stationed in the city, he had no intention of attacking the city himself and did not carry siege weapons.

In Han Shizhong's view, the key is Qushan County. If Qushan County is captured, the defenders of Donghai County will fight without a fight. But if Qushan County cannot be captured, then it is meaningless to seize Donghai County.

Now the Western Army has finally attacked, blasting the city with iron fire and thunder, it must have blown down the city wall, and Donghai County will be lost.

Han Shizhong's mind was in a state of confusion at the moment, he couldn't figure it out, what impact would the Western Army's capture of Donghai County have on their attack on Qushan County?
(End of this chapter)

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