
Chapter 1192 Forced Withdrawal

Chapter 1192 Forced Withdrawal
After listening to Wang Fu's report, Liu Qiong smiled instead of anger, and said with a smile to Tang Qian: "This Han Shizhong is really a stubborn donkey, I really don't understand, we have already occupied Donghai Island, and there is still more time for their navy to stay here." What's the point? If you think the waterway is too narrow, just withdraw the troops and go back, but what can they do if they stay in a bay?"

Tang Qian pondered for a while and said, "It is estimated that he will not be able to explain to the emperor when he goes back, nor can he explain to his subordinates. He has to be tough."

Liu Qiong sneered and said, "If it's just that we can't explain it, then we might as well give him an excuse to withdraw!"

"What does the general want to do?"

Liu Qiong said lightly: "Use Iron Fire Thunder to give him a warning!"

Han Shizhong's thirty large ships were moored in the bay, but his five thousand soldiers were stationed on the shore, of course on the land side.

At night, a small boat set off from the pier of Donghai Island. There were ten soldiers in the boat and a special waterproof box. The boat traveled north along Donghai Island. Their goal was to moor at the northernmost ship Wan Stone boat.

This time Tang Qian did not stop Liu Qiong's actions. They had already shown their sincerity and the other party refused to accept it, but they could no longer make concessions. As for Han Shizhong's threat to intercept the Western Army's merchant fleet, they were not worried. If Zhong Zhen dares to do that, it means war.

On the small boat, Tang Qian personally directed the operation. They passed the target one mile away, then turned around again, and slowly approached the big boat.

There are no soldiers on the big ship, but there are hundreds of patrolling soldiers and crew members. They patrol around the big ship. Under the night, they can see two hundred steps away, and they can't see it any further. Moreover, it is not easy to find abnormalities on the dark river. .

On the small boat, three water ghosts went into the water, and the other soldiers put down the big box. This big box was actually a tree trunk hollowed out. Inside was a [-]-jin iron hedgehog, and a military A crossbow, a hammer, and a few guns.

The three water ghosts led the big wooden section to swim towards the big ship. The big wooden section was completely dark, and it was difficult to be found when moving on the sea surface. That's it, all kinds of floating objects can often be seen on the sea.

The tree trunk box leaned against the big ship, and a soldier picked up the military crossbow and shot an arrow at the bed, "Crack!" A short fine iron arrow was deeply inserted into the hull. Hang the iron ring on the iron fire mine so that the iron fire mine can be attached to the ship wall.

The leader of the water ghost gestured to the other two to slow down and be careful. Once Tie Huolei knocked off the matchlock cover, he would not be able to touch the water.

They carefully hung the iron fire mine on the wall of the ship, and the leader water ghost knocked off the wooden shell with a hammer, exposing the matchlock.

The leader took a fire zhezi. This kind of fire zhezi is called a palace fire zhezi. It is a relatively high-grade copper tube. Huozhezi uses the principle of white phosphorus burning in the air. The copper tube is twisted to expose the white phosphorus to the air and burn immediately, igniting the gun cotton inside. The gun cotton can burn for about a quarter of an hour, and then white phosphorus needs to be added again.

This kind of fire zip is commonly used in the imperial palace and dignitaries' mansions, but it is rarely used in the army, mainly because the cost is too high. The army still uses the traditional paper fire zip, which can be ignited by flicking it in the air.

The leader of the water ghost lit the match, and the three immediately dived into the water and swam desperately to the distance
The fire rope was burning, but the patrolling soldiers on the big ship didn't notice it at all. After swimming about a hundred steps, they heard a earth-shattering explosion, "Boom!"

The Wanshi ship swayed violently and was almost capsized. A hole two feet wide was blasted in the ship's wall near the bow, and sea water poured in violently.

The soldiers and crew members on the ship were all shaking and overturned on the deck. When they got up, they found that the ship was beginning to tilt and saw a big hole in the ship's wall. They were so scared that they ran desperately to the stern, where there were life jackets.

The life jacket is very similar to today's life buoy. It is made of sheepskin and filled with air, so it won't sink to the bottom of the sea when it is worn on the body. Besides, they are all sailors and crew members, and they are very good at water, unless the Western Army is on board. Shoot them, or they'll all be able to swim ashore easily, after all, they're less than a mile from the shore.

The explosion alarmed Han Shizhong again, and also alarmed the soldiers in the barracks on the shore. It was still Haishi, and no one fell asleep, and the soldiers ran to the shore one after another.

Han Shizhong also sailed towards the exploding ship in a small boat.

The small boat of the Western Army has long since disappeared. At this time, half an hour has passed since the explosion. All the soldiers and crew members who jumped out of the boat to survive have swum ashore and were rescued. The Wanshi ship sank very slowly. It will not be completely submerged by sea water, but will still show a head on the sea surface.

Surrounding the big boat were small boats of the Song army. More than a dozen water ghosts sneaked into the big boat and salvaged some valuable items, mainly eight thousand coins, which were the salaries of the sailors.

Han Shizhong's face was as gloomy as water, and anger spewed from his eyes. Although it was dark and his face could not be seen clearly, everyone could feel the monstrous anger in his heart.

In fact, Han Shizhong had already guessed that the Western Army would strike, but he never thought that he would use Iron Fire Thunder, a big ship of thousands of stones!It was sunk by a small iron fire thunder.

"Let's go back, Commander! There are no brothers casualties, and we can't fish at night, so we have to come back to salvage after dawn tomorrow."

Han Shizhong panicked and didn't want to read any more, so he nodded, "Go back!"

The boat turned around and returned to the barracks on the shore.

At this time, on the island two miles away, Liu Qiong watched the big ship sinking from a distance. This was a warning to Han Shizhong. If he still insisted on not withdrawing his troops and did not know how to advance or retreat, then a conflict would be inevitable.

At dawn, a group of commanders and deputy commanders gathered in front of Han Shizhong's big tent. Han Shizhong walked out of the big tent and asked in surprise, "What are you doing?"

"Marshal, our ships are hard-won, let's withdraw! Otherwise the ships will be completely destroyed."

Han Shizhong's face sank and he said, "Who said that?"

"Marshal, this is obvious. They could have sunk all [-] large ships, but they only blew up one. This is clearly a warning."

"Marshal, unless we drive out and fight them desperately, there is no point in staying in the bay!"

"Marshal, order the troops to withdraw!"

Everyone chattered and asked for the withdrawal of the troops. Han Shizhong found a step to withdraw the troops, and his attitude was no longer tough, so he nodded and said: "Since everyone is unanimously demanding the withdrawal of the troops, I can't say anything else? Everyone pack up the tents and get on the boat." Bar!"

Seeing that the commander accepted the persuasion, everyone was overjoyed and went back to collect their belongings one after another.

In the afternoon, the Song Army fleet sailed out of the bay, heading south one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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