
Chapter 1194 Fighter

Chapter 1194 Fighter

The Song Army rushed towards Qushan County like a tide, and thousands of arrows were fired from the top of the city, shooting down the city overwhelmingly. The arrows were like a storm, and groups of Song Army soldiers fell in the rain of arrows.

However, the soldiers of the Song Army continued to rush forward bravely carrying the siege ladder.

Just as the siege ladders were on the top of the city, thousands of barrels of kerosene were suddenly poured on the top of the city. Dozens of torches were thrown down, and the kerosene was ignited. In the sea of ​​flames, countless soldiers ran out screaming.

On the top of the wall, Li Cheng shouted sharply, "Shoot!"

Thousands of arrows were fired from the top of the city again, and the arrows shot at the soldiers of the Song Army like a storm.

Many soldiers had just escaped the fire, but because they had no shields to resist, they gave their backs to the enemy in the city, and the dense arrow rain shot through their backs and legs.

Many soldiers were shot down to the ground, and just climbed two steps, but were nailed to the ground by dense arrows.

Liu Kai sighed, "Retreat!"

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

The bell for the withdrawal of troops rang, and the surviving soldiers ran away desperately. A tragic battle ended in less than an hour.

[-] soldiers attacked the city, but fewer than [-] survived.

It has been almost a month since the Song army besieged Qushan County, and launched more than a dozen siege battles, all of which ended in failure.

The key is the continuous depletion of troops, the accumulation of small numbers, plus today's disastrous defeat, the Song army has killed and injured more than [-] people. It is only the luck of the soldiers to survive the injuries, but it is the same thing for the army. Losing a soldier who can fight .

Both Yang Yizhong and Wang Jian couldn't bear it anymore and found the main general Liu Kai.

Walking into the big tent, I saw Liu Qi propping his forehead with one hand, sitting exhausted and haggard in front of the table. Yang Yizhong and Wang Jian looked at each other, and Yang Yizhong couldn't help but said: "Liu Dutong, is it okay to fight like this?" If there is no way, our entire army will be wiped out!"

Liu Kai sighed, and tapped a copy of the Emperor's Handbook on the table with his fingers, Yang Yizhong was startled, and asked, "Did it just arrive?"

Liu Qi nodded, "Look at it!"

Yang Yizhong picked up the handwriting and recognized at a glance that it was the emperor's handwriting, and it was actually written by him himself.

'If you abandon Haizhou and go north, you will be cut off by Haizhou Jinbing's logistics and retreat. Therefore, Haizhou must not be abandoned, and Haizhou must be captured at all costs. '

It is added below, "The winner of the husband has morale, and morale can not be weakened. Instead of winning the city in ten battles, it is better to win the city in one battle to boost morale." '

"What does this mean, Your Majesty?" Wang Jian was at a loss.

Yang Yizhong smiled wryly and said, "Your Majesty just told us that he has decided to give up the second plan, that we are not allowed to retreat, and that we must concentrate our forces to capture Qushan County at all costs."

Wang Jian was stunned, "But... we went up a lot and burned a lot to death. Who can bear this kind of loss?"

Liu Kai sighed and said: "This should be a suggestion from a certain gentleman, a typical paper talk, as if we can take the city at all costs, what I am afraid of now is not not being able to take the city, but whether we can escape the entire army The fate of destruction."

"The general is also aware of this crisis?"

"How could I not realize it? After [-] people were killed, in less than an hour, only [-] people came back alive, and all the others were burned to ashes. All the soldiers watched this tragic scene helplessly. What will they think, and their morale will be high? Do you think Li Cheng will not see this?"

Yang Yizhong pondered for a while and asked: "The key is how many troops are there in the city? Is it only [-] people?"

Liu Kai sighed, "Our initial information showed that Haizhou had [-] troops, and later it was said that Donghai Island had [-] troops, and Yizhou had [-] troops, so there should be only two soldiers in the city. Thousands of people, now I am worried that these two pieces of information are wrong, if the information is wrong, the problem will be serious."

Wang Jian frowned, "If you look into it, I'm afraid there is something wrong!"

Liu Kai and Yang Yizhong looked at him together, "What do you say?"

"Just say that there are [-] people on Donghai Island. Han Shizhong told us, but he didn't go to the island, and he didn't attack the city. How did he know that there were [-] people? He must have listened to the fishermen on the island, but which fisherman How many troops will they say? This is obviously arranged by someone. Secondly, the Western Army captured Donghai County. It is said that they captured the city overnight. There are really [-] people. Is it so easy to capture?

More importantly, Han Shizhong said that the navy of the Western Army only had a little more than [-] people, and [-] people captured a city of [-] people in one night, and occupied the county without any effort. Thousands of people, Han Shizhong himself fell into the trap. "

Yang Yizhong nodded, "If the information on Donghai Island is false, then the information on Yizhou may not be true either."

Liu Qi's face suddenly became very pale, and Yang Yizhong and Wang Jian also felt heavy. All three of them realized that the problem was serious.

If this is a trap, they have already fallen into the trap, and I am afraid it will be difficult to get out.

"We must withdraw our troops as soon as possible!"

Yang Yizhong said in a deep voice: "If there is a responsibility, the three of us will bear it together!"

"I agree to withdraw the troops!" Wang Jian immediately expressed his opinion.

Liu Kai pondered for a moment, although they violated the holy will, they had no choice but to withdraw their troops. There was still a chance of survival. If they continued to fight, the entire army might be wiped out.

Liu Kai nodded, "Then withdraw the troops!"

The three discussed for a while, and decided to set up a suspicious formation, and then the whole army retreated in the middle of the night.

The number of casualties of the signing army in the city was far lower than that of the Song army, with less than [-] casualties. This was also due to the signing army's sufficient reserves of kerosene and bows and arrows, with more than [-] barrels of kerosene and more than a million arrows.

Of course, there is also a formidable general. Li Cheng can be called the number one general of the puppet Qi army, and now he is also called the number one general of the Han Dynasty by Wanyan Wushu. He is very experienced in combat and has rich experience. Taking advantage of the tallness and solidity of Qushan County, they killed and wounded the Song army in large numbers, destroyed the morale and fighting spirit of the Song army, and then waited for an opportunity to counterattack.

For this reason, he continued to concoct false information and false news, successfully making the Song army think that there were only [-] troops in his city. In fact, he had [-] troops in his city. army.

Li Cheng has been holding back, waiting for an opportunity, but today, more than [-] soldiers of the Song Army died under his arrow rain and fire oil, Li Cheng also realized that the time to counterattack was ripe.

As night fell, more than a dozen spies dropped ropes from the top of the city, and ran towards the three Song army camps under the cover of night.
Li Cheng watched the outside of the city. He noticed the abnormality of the Song army. After each siege, the Song army would send people to pick up the bodies of the fallen soldiers. They would wait for half a day at most, but they didn't come today. Now night has fallen , Still did not see Song Jun sending someone to clean up the corpse.

This is very abnormal. Could it be that the Song army has already retreated?
Thinking of the word 'retreat', Li Cheng's heart tightened. He also thought that the Song Army would withdraw soon. Any army would lose its morale when the casualties were close to half. He had been waiting for this moment. If the Song Army could escape , is what makes him regret it.

He looked carefully at the Song Army camp again. The Song Army camp three miles away was brightly lit, as usual. Since it was the same as usual, why didn't they leave the corpses under the city?
The more Li Cheng thought about it, the more something went wrong. At this moment, he made up his mind.

Li Cheng immediately ordered: "Order the whole army to assemble!"

Li Cheng had already decided that no matter whether the Song army retreated or not, he was going to attack.

[-] elite troops assembled quickly, and Li Cheng left [-] militia regiments to guard the city, and he wanted to chase and kill the Song army all the way.

At this time, the spies sent him a news that surprised him. Just half an hour ago, the Song army in the three barracks had all withdrawn to the south.

Almost falling short, Li Cheng shouted: "Open the city gate, the whole army pursues!"

(End of this chapter)

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