
Chapter 1202

Chapter 1202
Hearing that King Yong's special envoy had arrived, Liu Xianchen went out to greet him personally, and invited Hu Yun and Zheng Tongquan to the guest room. Hu Yun proposed to meet Gao Qiu together, and Liu Xianchen immediately sent a boat to invite Gao Qiu over.

The two parties sat down as guests and hosts in the guest room, and Hu Yun introduced Zheng Tongquan to Liu Xianchen. Liu Xianchen smiled and said, "So it's Uncle Zheng Guo, who has been famous for a long time."

Of course Liu Xianchen knew about Zheng Tongquan. Zheng Ping's father, who was in command of the Western Army, had a deep relationship with King Yong. King Yong publicly protected Zheng Tongquan in newspapers, forcing the court to give up the persecution of Zheng's family.

It is said that King Yong's private wealth originated from the Zheng family's property at the earliest.

Zheng Tongquan clasped his fists and said with a smile: "This time I came to visit Liu's house to discuss other matters. I want to open a counter shop in Lin'an to break the monopoly of Baoji counter shop. I want to find some like-minded people to cooperate with."

How old-fashioned Liu Xianchen is, with the word 'like-minded', he immediately realized that this was an opportunity to build a relationship with King Yong.

He hurriedly said: "It can be discussed. My eldest son is responsible for the development of the industry. How about asking Uncle Zheng Guo to discuss with my eldest son in detail how to cooperate."

Zheng Tongquan said happily: "It's absolutely fine, I will discuss it with your son in detail!"

Liu Xianchen immediately asked the eldest son Liu Wei to invite Zheng Tongquan to the inner hall for a detailed discussion. After a while, Gao Qiu was also invited, the two parties met and Liu Xiancheng again served tea.

Hu Yun looked at Gao Qiu carefully, it was really him, when Hu Yun was a student in Bianliang, Tokyo, he saw Gao Qiu who was in power for a while, he did not expect to become an old man now, but after counting Gao Qiu Not yet seventy years old, but with a bad hunchback, he looks very old.

"I'm not trying to provoke the Song Xinghui's internal relations, but with all due respect, Shi Guangping has been holding Qin Hui's thigh for the past two years. It is well known in the civil and military courts. As the leader of the Song Xinghui, his attitude is too clear. I'm afraid it will be detrimental to everyone in the Song Xinghui."

Of course, Hu Yun’s visit to Pingjiang Mansion this time also has a theme. Shi Guangping has already shown his hostility towards Jingzhao. The members of the Song Xinghui can draw a clear line with Shi Guangping and don't be affected by it, and the Liu family is his breakthrough.

Liu Xianchen and Gao Qiu glanced at each other. They knew exactly what Hu Yun meant by being too clear-cut, that is, being hostile to Jingzhao and King Yong. It must be the matter of Baoji Guifang colluding with Qiu Mingsi. In other respects, Shi Guangping It's not obvious.

Liu Xianchen said slowly: "Although everyone paid for the establishment of Baoji Cabinet, the Shi family accounted for [-]% of the shares. The big shopkeeper and the big tent were appointed by Shi's family. We couldn't interfere with Baoji Cabinet five years ago. Shi Guangping basically has the final say on the operation of the workshop, we just wait for the dividends to be distributed every year.

But since the year before last, he has not distributed profits for two consecutive years. As far as we know, he donated all the profits from Baoji Cabinet and Fengle Building to the imperial court in his own name, and thus he was named Duke of Yue. , Taiwei, and Minister of the Ministry of War, we are extremely angry about this incident. I just want to say that although Shi Guangping is the leader of the Song Xinghui, his actions only represent himself, not us! "

Gao Qiu coughed lightly and said in an old voice: "Song Xinghui has actually split. The Cao family and Huyan's family found me a few days ago and made it clear that they will withdraw from Song Xinghui. Not only them, but also me and Liu The Shi family and the Wang family, the sixteen families of our Pingjiang Mansion will withdraw at the annual meeting of the Song Xinghui this fall, and then the Song Xinghui will only be left with the Shi family and his supporters, a total of seven families, Baoji Cabinet Square and Fengle Building We will also withdraw at the same time and draw a clear line with Shi Guangping."

Hu Yun smiled slightly and said, "The Cao family and Hu Yan's family are in Lin'an!"

Gao Qiu also said with a smile: "It doesn't matter where they live, the key is their position. Cao De is the magistrate of Taiyuan now, the Cao family is now very biased towards Jingzhao, and so is the Huyan family, so the two of them took the lead in leaving Song Xinghui, which aroused everyone's concern." response."

Hu Yun nodded and said: "His Royal Highness Yong also asked me to say hello to you. Jingzhao implements a height limit order. Your idea of ​​building Fengle Building in Jingzhao may not be realized. It can only be two ordinary buildings. restaurant."

Liu Xianchen said with a smile: "It is Shi Guangping who is lost, not us, what we wish for, and once we are divided, the two restaurants will not be built as one, and each will be operated by itself."

At this time, after Zheng Tongquan finished talking, Hu Yun stood up and said goodbye. He had to rush back to Lin'an overnight, so he declined the banquet from the Liu family.

Liu Xianchen and Gao Qiu sent them to the boat and watched their boat go away. Liu Xianchen smiled and asked the eldest son Liu Wei next to him, "How is the matter of the cabinet going?"

He asked in front of Gao Qiu, because he was afraid that Gao Qiu would misunderstand that the Liu family wanted to eat alone.

Liu Wei hurriedly said: "Basically, a consensus has been reached. Zheng Tongquan wants half of the members. He hinted to me that the Zheng family actually only has [-]%, and the other [-]% of the Zheng family is just a proxy. The real investor is someone else."

"Did he say for whom to hold it?" Liu Xianchen asked anxiously.

"Hai'er asked specifically. He just said that we all know it well, and there are some things that cannot be revealed."

Liu Xianchen immediately understood that it must be King Yong, and only King Yong can't tell.

At this time, Gao Qiu smiled and said, "The Gao family of the new cabinet shop also needs to be a part of it, no problem!"

Liu Xianchen laughed and said, "Did the Taiwei guess it too?"

Gao Qiu chuckled, "Zheng Tongquan has made it very clear, can't you guess it?"

"Okay! Our two families have one member, and the remaining three members are shared equally by other families."

Gao Qiu nodded, "That's it!"

On the passenger ship, Hu Yun and Zheng Tongquan were also talking about the counter shop. Zheng Tongquan said with a smile: "We all agreed that the main store of the new counter shop will not be located in Lin'an, but in Pingjiang Mansion. Lin'an is just a branch store. The cabinet shop is very interested, maybe they are too disappointed in Bao Kee cabinet shop.”

Hu Yun smiled slightly: "Did you tell them? There will be two members of King Yong in Xinguifang."

Zheng Tongquan shook his head, "I didn't say it explicitly, but I gave them a hint. They are all smart people. I believe they understand what I mean."

"That's right! The cabinet workshop is a very good bond. Bind them with us, and let them exert influence. Nearly half of the old officials in Song Dynasty will turn to support King Yong."

Hu Yun sighed and said: "The key is the timing. This time the imperial court suffered a disastrous defeat. They were actually defeated by the signing army. The entire army of [-] troops was wiped out. How many people have completely lost hope in the imperial court."

Zheng Tongquan pondered for a moment and said, "I can give you a suggestion!"

"Please say!"

"In fact, there is still a chance for the imperial court to revive. If the emperor abandons the past and reuses famous generals such as Li Gang, Zhang Jun, Wu Yi, Liu Ziyu, and Yue Fei, to prevent this from happening, I think the special envoy must take countermeasures."

"Does the proprietor have any good suggestions?" Hu Yun asked after a while.

Zheng Tongquan said indifferently: "Zhao Gou is very suspicious. He dismissed Yue Fei because he suspected that Yue Fei had colluded with King Yong secretly. The same is true for others. The special envoy can make a fuss about it, such as sending someone to send Yue Fei and others Good wine and tea, winter clothes and medicines, Jingzhao local products, etc., the person monitoring Yue Fei will definitely report to the emperor immediately. With the suspicious character of the emperor, he will only demote Yue Fei and others farther and farther, and will never Will use him again."

Hu Yun nodded, "I know what to do."

At this time, Hu Yun suddenly remembered something, and said with a smile: "I almost forgot, I plan to ask you to borrow [-] taels of silver as a working capital to help those wealthy businessmen who want to go to Jingzhao leave."

Zheng Tongquan stroked his beard and smiled happily: "I have the money, I will give it to you when I arrive in Lin'an!"

(End of this chapter)

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