
Chapter 1263

Chapter 1263
As the day dawned and the battle ended, more than [-] people who escaped from the city were intercepted by Huyanlei's [-] cavalry. The soldiers of the Huaixi Army had no fighting spirit and knelt down and surrendered one after another. However, the more than [-] personal guards led by Li Jiming He resolutely refused to surrender and broke through the encirclement desperately. He was encircled and suppressed by the cavalry of the [-] Western Army, and the entire army was wiped out. Even Zhang Jun's descendants died in the chaos.

Although Li Jiming did not die in battle, after realizing the stupid thing he had done, he couldn't help feeling extremely remorseful, and immediately drew his sword and killed himself, apologizing with death.

Of the seven descendants, only the youngest, a two-year-old grandson, survived when the soldiers stuffed him under the chair of the carriage.

Of all the troops that escaped from the city, only more than [-] people led by Zhang Zongyan escaped, but they disappeared in the end. It is estimated that they could not cross the Yangtze River and fled back to their hometowns.

The Western Army imposed martial law in the city, and no one was allowed to go to the streets. On the street, teams of prisoners of war were escorted out of the city. There was basically no decent fighting broke out last night. The soldiers of the Western Army rushed into the city, and the defenders in the city either Fleeing from Beicheng, the remaining tens of thousands of soldiers all surrendered.

In a night battle, the Huaixi Army suffered more than [-] casualties, and the Western Army also suffered more than [-] casualties. The casualties of the Western Army mainly came from the [-] soldiers who surrounded and suppressed Li Jiming. The [-] soldiers were extremely fierce, although they were all killed. died, but it also caused more than a thousand casualties of the Western Army.

At this moment, Hu Yanlei came galloping on horseback, holding a young child in his arms, Chen Qing asked, "Where is the child?"

"I found it under the seat of a carriage while cleaning the battlefield. I asked the prisoners of war. This child should be the youngest grandson of Zhang Jun. His two sons and several other grandsons died in the rebellion. Only this child survived. .”

Chen Qing nodded, and said to his own soldiers: "Send this child to the palace, give it to Mrs. Zhang Jun, and leave an incense for Zhang Jun!"

The soldier left with the child in his arms, and Fan Li, who joined the army, came forward and reported, "His Royal Highness, the warehouse has been roughly counted. The property includes copper coins, cloth and silk, which are probably consistent with the records in the ledger. It will take at least ten days to complete the detailed inventory. time."

"How many records are there in the ledger?"

"There are [-] million copper coins, [-] million bolts of cloth and silk, [-] million shi of grain, several million catties of copper and iron ingots, and a large number of other materials. No gold or silver has been found. "

Chen Qing nodded. This record is similar to the information they received before. No gold or silver was found because the gold and silver were stored in Zhang Jun's private treasury. As far as he knew, it was about [-] taels of gold and [-] taels of silver. Wan Liang, and a large number of other treasures, Zhang Jun's private treasury was counted by his personal soldiers, and all of them went into the treasury, while the wealth and materials in the official treasury were divided into two, one half went into the treasury of King Yong's mansion, and the other half went into the internal affairs hall This is also the loot distribution practice.

Chen Qing immediately ordered: "You take people to take a good inventory, count all the money, food and materials in the official treasury, compile them into two inventories, give one to me, and send someone to Jingzhao to give to Counselor Zhou. "

"Humble post obeys orders!"

At this moment, a messenger cavalry came rushing from outside the Nancheng. After a while, he rushed to Chen Qing. Annihilate [-] enemy troops!"

"How did you take down the city?" Chen Qing asked.

"Reporting to Your Highness, Liu Dutong only led [-] troops to challenge the enemy, and sent soldiers to insult the ancestors of the chief general Zhang Bao. Zhang Bao couldn't stand the insult, so he led [-] troops out of the city to fight, but was cut off by the [-] Western troops who were in ambush. On the retreat, the [-] troops flanked each other, the Huaixi army was defeated, Zhang Bao was killed by Liu Dutong's arrows, and more than [-] people surrendered."

Chen Qing was overjoyed, Liu Cui's strategy was good, he had figured out Zhang Bao's violent temper, used his character to provoke him out of the city to fight, and then ambushed the army to cut off his retreat.

Chen Qing then came down and gathered all the prisoners of war in Shouchun, leaving Hu Yanlei to lead an army of [-] to guard the prisoners of war. He planned to send these prisoners of war to Huangzhou to mine copper and iron mines.

He led an army of [-] to Yangzhou, preparing to cross the river from Yangzhou and wipe out Zhang Jun's army.

As for Yang Yuanqing's navy, Chen Qing is not worried at all. Zhang Jun's navy is completely different from the Western Army's navy. It can be said that it will crush the opponent. The only uncertainty is whether the opponent's warship will slip through the net. .

On Xishan Island in Taihu Lake, there is a special fleet of Zhang Jun moored here, consisting of [-] large ships and [-] soldiers. The leader is a commander named Wang Jiong. Raiders, ready to attack the food and logistics supplies of the Song army.

At this time, the confrontation battlefield between the two sides was located in Wuxi County in the south of Changzhou. Although Zhang Jun's [-] vanguard army entered Pingjiang Mansion, Wu Yu's army in Jinling County still dragged the Huaixi Army back. Without Zhang Jun's [-] soldiers If the army were to fight, then the [-] Huaixi army could directly enter Lin'an Mansion and approach the city, and Wu Ling's [-] troops would not be a worry.

But the imperial court sent Zhang Jun to lead an army of [-] to fight, so the battlefield should not be too southward, and Wu Ling's army would cut off the Huaixi Army's logistics and food fleet. will lose without a fight.

So Zhang Jun finally decided to put the main force in the south of Changzhou, which can not only monitor Wu Lin's army, but also fight against the main force of the Song army.It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

At night, Wang Jiong led [-] vehicles and boats to leave Xishan Island and set off. They went south to Jiaxing Mansion, preparing to intercept and destroy the Song Army's grain transport fleet.

Unexpectedly, not long after they set off, Wang Jiong suddenly heard commotion behind him. He stood on the side of the ship and looked back, and couldn't help being stunned. Suddenly, there were many more ships behind him, not only thirty, but at least sixty or seventy. They are all vehicles and boats, mixed with his boats, it is impossible to tell who is who?

How is this going?Wang Jiong was at a loss, where did the extra ships come from?

At this moment, a big boat approached his boat, and dozens of black figures jumped out of the big boat in an instant, moving skillfully, as if they were walking on the water.

"Who is it?" Wang Jiong asked sharply.

A burly black figure sneered, and a big stick swept towards him. Wang Jiong was taken aback, and hurriedly retreated, taking a few steps back, but this was a ship after all, not flat ground. Wang Jiong's center of gravity was unstable, and he staggered. Seeing that he was about to fall, suddenly there was a sharp pain in his legs, and he heard a click, and his legs were broken.

Wang Jiong screamed and fell on the boat. Several black shadows rushed forward, pushed Wang Jiong down and tied him up.

Soon, Wang Jiong's subordinates were either dead or injured, and they were all under control. Although their martial arts skills were good, they were no match at all on the choppy water surface. The battle was over in less than a quarter of an hour.

The fleet sailed back to Xishan Island again, but pulled over without going ashore. Wang Jiong was lifted onto the big boat by two strong men. Both his legs were broken and he couldn't walk, so he was taken directly into the cabin.

The cabin was brightly lit, and there were several soldiers standing inside. A burly general was sitting on a wide chair, with a snub nose and tiger eyes, and a dignified appearance. Ten catties.

Wang Jiong immediately realized that it was this person who broke his leg.

"Who are you?" Wang Jiong asked in a low voice.

The other party sneered, "We are the Jiaolong Battalion of the Yellow River Navy, have you heard of it?"

Wang Jiong had never heard of the Jiaolong Camp, but the Yellow River Navy made him realize that his eyes widened, "Are you the Western Army?"

"That's right!"

The general smiled slightly and said, "Let me introduce myself first. In Xiaruan De, I am the commander of the Jiaolong Battalion of the Yellow River Navy."

(End of this chapter)

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