
Chapter 1265 Desperate

Chapter 1265 Desperate
It was getting brighter, and the fire on the canal was gradually extinguished. It was not extinguished by the soldiers, but the ships were all burned and sunk. Only [-] shi was saved from the [-] shi of grain, less than [-]%, and all the [-] dan of fodder were burned. Be clean.

Zhang Jun was so angry that he demanded to investigate the person who started the fire. Deputy General Xiao Wanqiu rushed to the big tent. Inside the big tent, Zhang Jun was asking Yang Shi for advice.

"My lord, the main reason is that we have the cancer of Jinling County behind us. Wu Ling still has [-] troops under his command. He can send troops to cut off our food road at any time. We are very passive. This time the food ship was burned, it is probably Wu Because of Wu Ling's actions, the humble official suggested that we retreat to the north of Jinling County, so that Wu Ling's men would not be able to attack us from behind.

"This is fine, but there is too little food to last for a few days. I want to use Zhenjiang County as a logistics base, and then take every step of the way to conquer Jinling County."

At this time, the personal soldiers reported at the door, "Xiao Dutong is begging to see you!"

"Let him in!"

Lieutenant General Xiao Wanqiu walked in quickly, saluted Zhang Jun, and said, "The perpetrator has been identified. It is the Commander Wang Jiong. The patrol chief Wu Asi saw him with his own eyes last night. He led thirty ships into the camp. Kill the navy and control Wu Shouzhi."


Zhang Jun couldn't believe his ears, what did Wang Jiong do?I sent him to attack the grain ship of the Song army, but he even attacked his own grain ship and killed his boss. Wu Shouzhi died, what about the naval warship?
"Mr. Yang, what's going on? It's incredible!"

Yang Shi knew very well that the Western Army must have started to act. At this time, he also began to show his foresight. He pondered for a long time and said, "It is indeed strange, but when such a strange thing happens, there must be external forces involved. I am now I am very worried about the situation of the warship, will Wu Ling return to the carbine and return to Zhenjiang Mansion?"

"Impossible! I have arranged a large number of scouts to monitor Jinling. If his army leaves the city and goes north, I will definitely know."

Xiao Wanqiu whispered: "Wang Jiong was bribed by the court? I promise him a high official and generous salary!"

Yang Shi shook his head, "It's unlikely. The main reason is that the imperial court didn't even know about Wang Jiong's existence. Wang Jiong led a warship to lurk in Taihu Lake. It was very concealed, and the imperial court could not find him."

"Could it be the Western Army?" Zhang Jun finally expressed his biggest worry.

Yang Shi's face became very serious, and he said slowly: "If it is really the Western Army, it will be a big trouble, my lord, first retreat to Zhenjiang Mansion, and then wait and see the situation!"

Zhang Jun nodded, and said to Xiao Wanqiu: "Immediately send someone to inform Zhang Ziqi, and order them to retreat to Jiangnan West Road immediately, and the army packs up their tents and heads north!"

"Follow the order!"

Xiao Wanqiu hurried to make arrangements, and Zhang Jun said worriedly: "Sir, if Chen Qing turns his back on him, what should we do?"

Yang Shi pondered for a moment and said: "In any case, strength is the confidence to speak. The prince should try his best to preserve his strength. Even if he has no chance to attack Lin'an, he can retreat to separate Jianghuai."

"Sir, you are right. Strength is king. I was a bit eager for success in attacking Lin'an. I didn't see through Chen Qing. This was my biggest mistake in decision-making. I hope there is a chance to make up for it!"

Yang Shi suddenly felt sorry for this confused prince, and wanted to make up for it!If Chen Qing turns his face.The first is to sweep the Jianghuai River. I am afraid that Zhang Jun's lair is completely finished now, so there will be changes in Taihu Lake.

The news of Zhang Jun's army retreating to the north soon reached the ears of the Song army leader Zhang Jun. Of course, Zhang Jun also got the news that Zhang Jun's hundreds of grain ships were on fire, and he got the news from the spies. The fleet sailed into Taihu Lake from the Wangyu River in the south of Wuxi County.

Zhang Jun immediately guessed the clue. It should be Chen Qing who made a move. The Western Army ambushed a surprise soldier in Taihu Lake.

Zhang Jun sighed in his heart, and said to Liu Kai, the governor of the capital, "The key is His Majesty's compromise. If the officials refuse to compromise for a long time, this Taihu strange army will definitely attack our grain ship. Chen Qing should be prepared."

Liu Qi nodded, "Xuanfu envoy is right. In fact, Chen Qing has already prepared the layout. He must station troops on Jingxiang and Jiangnan West Road. He will either support Zhang Jun in conquering Lin'an, or sweep Jianghuai and Jiangnan West Road. Now that the Huaixi army is withdrawing northward, I guess they won't be able to return to Jiangbei."

"It should be like this. If we fight in Taihu Lake, the battle of destroying ships on the Yangtze River must be over first."

At this time, the governor Wang Jian and Yang Yizhong walked into the big tent quickly, bowed and said: "See Xuanfu envoy!"

Zhang Jun slowly said to the three people: "I asked the three of you to come here to clarify some principled matters. The extermination of Zhang Jun is not our business. It is the responsibility of the Western Army. Our responsibility is to protect the land and the people. At the same time preserve the troops, do you understand?"

The three looked at each other in dismay. They were gearing up to fight Zhang Jun's rebels, but the coach refused to give them a chance.

Liu Qi said anxiously: "Xuanfu envoy, our army can go north to defend the front line of Changzhou. If the Huaixi army is defeated by the western army and withdraws to the south, can we attack?"

Zhang Jun said indifferently: "If that's the case, of course we can, but I believe that the Western Army will not give us this chance. The Western Army will definitely force the Huaixi Army to retreat westward."

Wang Jian also said: "Anyway, let's go north first! Join Wu Dutong's army, and then move according to the situation."

"That's what I mean too. Order the army to pack up the camp and go north to Jinling County."

When Zhang Jun's army first entered Zhenjiang Mansion, they received the unfortunate news from the defenders of Zhenjiang County. The ships on the Yangtze River were swept away by the Western Army, not even a small sampan was left for them.

This news was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue to Zhang Jun. What he was most afraid of finally happened. Chen Qing reached a compromise with the court, so Chen Qing sent troops.

Needless to say, the fleet that attacked his rations must have been done by the Western Army, and it was very likely that Wang Jiong had betrayed him and lured wolves into his house.

Zhang Jun was very anxious. What he was most worried about was Jianghuai. Could the [-] troops he left in Jianghuai be able to stop the sweep of the Western Army?He thought of Jiangnan West Road again. The eldest son led an army to attack Lin'an Mansion from the southwest. Jiangnan West Road was empty. Would Chen Qing take the opportunity to send troops to fill the void?

All kinds of possibilities are not good for him, and Zhang Jun fell into great despair for a while.

Yang Shi found Li Yecheng and asked him anxiously: "Now the prince doesn't trust me very much, what should I do?"

Li Yecheng said slowly: "You'd better hide in Zhenjiang County and find an excuse, such as counting the food. It's too dangerous to stay outside."

Yang Shi was taken aback, "Has the Western Army already crossed the river?"

Li Yecheng nodded slowly, "I guess there will be a war tonight, so you must enter the city immediately!"

"I see, I'm going to count the food now!"

At this time, a soldier outside the tent said: "Mr. Yang, the prince has an invitation!"

"I see, come right away!"

Yang Shi immediately turned to Li Yecheng for help, and Li Yecheng lowered his voice and said, "You can tell him to withdraw immediately to Jiangnan West Road and join Zhang Ziqi's army."

Yang Shi nodded, and then hurried to the handsome tent.

(End of this chapter)

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